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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?
If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?
Monday3 Votes - [5%]
Tuesday14 Votes - [23.33%]
Wednesday20 Votes - [33.33%]
Thursday18 Votes - [30%]
Friday2 Votes - [3.33%]
Saturday1 Votes - [1.67%]
Sunday2 Votes - [3.33%]

Message Subject: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?
Posted 3/12/2005 8:20 AM (#138619)
Subject: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 561

Location: Monee, Illinois
Just thought I would pick your brains. What day of the week do you think is the best day of the week to fish? Vote and please put why. I feel Thursdays. I have had the most luck on Thursdays and since the water I fish has a lot of weekend boat traffic. Its like the fish know the busy weekend is coming and they start to eat for the weekend. Does this make sense, I do not know. Just seems that way.

What is your day of the week......

Posted 3/12/2005 8:28 AM (#138620 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 1887

Location: syracuse indiana
well bob i say monday couse when all the weekenders are gone i can get to business. at least when i can get on the water. couse mondays are a bummer day couse it means back to work time and everybody is bummed out. so after work i get out and chase them and it makes my gloomy monday bettter...bill
The Handyman
Posted 3/12/2005 8:59 AM (#138622 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 1046

Tue,Wed,or Thur! But as I look back into my log tuesday has been by far my most for numbers and big fish! Quiet on monday ready to rock(bite on tuesday?????????????? ) I really don`t know!
Posted 3/12/2005 9:02 AM (#138623 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 1335

Location: Chicago, Beverly
Wednesday as it has given the fish a few days to recover after the weekend and is before the weekend starts again..
Rockin' SV
Posted 3/12/2005 9:41 AM (#138626 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 425

Location: Elkhart, IN
Agree with Kevin.
Posted 3/12/2005 10:43 AM (#138630 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
thursday because it happens to be the day i can get away from work, and dont have to pick up the kids! less pressure on the water...and i get to see you bob!!
Posted 3/12/2005 1:02 PM (#138635 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

I historically have my best luck on Thursdays, but any weekday on pressured waters is good. You have to fish whenever you can!
Posted 3/12/2005 5:14 PM (#138654 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

this year it'll be tuesdays because i've managed to tweak my work schedule to get tuesdays off!
anybody else going to have tuesdays free in the south-central WI area???

Edited by lambeau 3/12/2005 5:14 PM
Posted 3/12/2005 5:32 PM (#138664 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 906

Location: Warroad, Mn
I'm the one who voted for Sunday (although Saturday is just as good). The reason is, I fish the LOTWs. Most of the pressure is during the week, as most folks who come here on vacation will come on a Saturday or Sunday and leave on a Saturday or Sunday depending on the distance they have to travel. There are almost no locals (in the Angle area) who fish muskies to any extent, so almost all fishing pressure is from folks who are on vacation. Saturdays and Sundays are transition days (people coming and going) and those days usually have the least fishing pressure. Usually the worst days are Mondays and Fridays (the first day of the trip and the last day of the trip).

Believe me you can really tell the differance.

Doug Johnson
Posted 3/12/2005 5:46 PM (#138665 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

If I only had one day to fish....................

sorry..... can't only fish one day
Posted 3/12/2005 6:46 PM (#138669 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
i'd have to say wednesday .... same reason as stated earlier. weekend pressure is off and they gotta eat sometime ... also, wednesday night would be best.
Posted 3/12/2005 7:44 PM (#138675 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
no karakoe on wed nites jonny???
Posted 3/12/2005 10:06 PM (#138700 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I guess it depends on where you fish. Where I fish, the pressure is mostly on the weekends, so I picked thursday. It gives the max amount of recovery time from the weekend, hit it just before the pressure picks back up.
Posted 3/13/2005 8:48 AM (#138726 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 1536

Location: God's Country......USA..... Western Wisconsin
Actually as a young friend of mine so recently reminded me, and I quote, "The best day to go fishing is any day that ends in Y" unquote.
Posted 3/13/2005 9:59 AM (#138735 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 2427

Location: Ft. Wayne Indiana
Sorry, didn't mean to upset anybody.

My vote is for when ever you can.

Edited by MikeHulbert 3/14/2005 8:58 PM
Posted 3/13/2005 11:12 AM (#138742 - in reply to #138735)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

I would ALWAYS pick a day that ended in Y.
Posted 3/13/2005 12:33 PM (#138749 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
I love to fish on TUESDAYS!!!! We have our Rhinelander area tuesday nite musky league and it is a blast going out every week through the summer and fishing with some really awesome people and the competition is as stiff as ANY tournament anywhere. If you live in the area and do not fish this league you are missing out!!! Dave Jonesi
Red Man
Posted 3/13/2005 1:24 PM (#138755 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 152

I seldom fish on the weekend becouse I don't work. Thursday would be my pick becouse that is the day I see the least numbers of fishermen on Kinkaid.
Posted 3/13/2005 8:25 PM (#138813 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 71

Location: Lake St. Clair
I would fish on Friday. Catch some pigs and show the pictures to everyone and WIND them up for the weekend !! LOL
Posted 3/13/2005 10:05 PM (#138832 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 1137

Location: Holly, MI
When ever I can!!.
If I had my choice it would be on days with a quickly falling barometer, dark skies, and the rain would hold off until I was leaving the ramp..tired and happy.

Just yesterday we were looking at old photos and my 10 yr old asked.."dad, how come it always seems to rain when we go muskie fishing?"
Posted 3/14/2005 9:58 AM (#138910 - in reply to #138832)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 1996

Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain
I have to agree with DR on this one. Its not so much trying to figure out when the fish will be least pressured or any of that jazz, we just plain old have a ton of fun in our Tuesday league up in the Rhinelander area.

Lots of good friends and very good sticks you are up against, and if you win that week, its a whole week of bragging to your buddies!!!
Posted 3/14/2005 10:41 AM (#138920 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 89

I like Thursdays, someone already mentioned changeover day at resorts, that day is Saturday on the lake were on.

Sometimes Mondays and tuesdays can be packed on community spots from resort goers.

Thursdays are the best for me
Posted 3/14/2005 8:18 PM (#139004 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
Tuesdays for me. Live in Rhinelander, but do not fish the league. I just like the day, have had good luck on Tuesdays.

As was stated though, any day on the water is a great day.

Musky Dr Dave, count me OUT for the league this year. No league and only one tournament for me this year. The rest of the time is going to be spent else where, and not where you think. It pays off big to do homework during the winter!!

Norm, no subbing for me this year either. Like stated above, time will be spent else where.

Kristy will still work with the league, but I will not be fishing it at all.

Posted 3/14/2005 9:28 PM (#139008 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Tuesday why because I don't fish many
Posted 3/15/2005 6:37 PM (#139158 - in reply to #138619)
Subject: RE: If you had one day a week to fish which day would it be? And Why?

Posts: 90

Location: Florence, Wisconsin
Probably Tuesday because of lack of pressure and maybe fish driven deep by weekend pleasure boaters are up and on the feed.

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