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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Weekend Reports?
Message Subject: Weekend Reports?
Posted 10/2/2006 12:22 AM (#211966)
Subject: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
How'd the muskies treat you this weekend? I worked all day Saturday, and got a load of firewood with Sue. Met a real estate agent to sell my 120 acres today, and got out with Merckid for a few on Pelican, he moved a couple and I moved nada.

How did they treat you?
dedicated angler
Posted 10/2/2006 8:58 AM (#212003 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Moved one on the Croix 63 degree water temp

Gliders- Love to hate them. Saw and felt the fish hit but it was gone just as quick as it appeared. Anyway Now I know where she lives and I can visit again.
Posted 10/2/2006 9:03 AM (#212004 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 2037

Location: lansing, il
couchfishing sucked!!!!

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TJ DeVoe
Posted 10/2/2006 9:09 AM (#212007 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI
That is too funny, but unfortunately we all will be doing that in oh such a short time!
Posted 10/2/2006 9:11 AM (#212008 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Got a fat 40"er on a Ty Sennet Stillwater on Tonka. That's a noisy little lure.
Posted 10/2/2006 9:14 AM (#212009 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Sunday I got up at 4 am and went out duck hunting and shot nothing. From there headed straight to the river. Worked a suick for a while but then I got sick of that so I hooked on a Manta. Not long after I hooked what felt like a nice fish, but it tossed my bait before I got a good look at it. Maybe 30 casts later I hooked another one.....this one I landed. Unfortunately I didnt have a camera but a guy on the shore had his camera phone with him. So he is supposed to call me and send me the pictures. We'll see if that happens. Later on in the day I went out again to the same spot with a buddy and he got a very thick 39. We also saw a guy get a 44. Hope to get back out again soon!

Posted 10/2/2006 9:38 AM (#212015 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 185

Location: Pound, WI
Lots of action Saturday right around moonrise. My buddy caught a 36', a 34', and a 32' between 4 and 6PM. We found 5-6 more active fish, but couldn't get them to convert. We were pulling creepers and prop type topwaters through the reeds and bucktails in the lilypads. All three fish caught were in the pads. Lots of topwater action, but I couldn't get the pins in'em.
All in all, an active weekend.
Posted 10/2/2006 10:14 AM (#212019 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 2024

Didn't really get a chance to fish muskies on the Mad Chain this weekend. My partner managed to boat a 32" and our club pres boated a 40" (Carolina rigged Senko... lol). We were, though, able to win the Big 10 Classic by five pounds
Posted 10/2/2006 10:21 AM (#212023 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 2378

PK and I had a Most Excellent Adventure in the Brainerd/Baxter area.

Had two shorties TRY to eat, PK got 3 pike, and I stuck a 19" Smallie.

I need a jon boat.

Edited by BALDY 10/2/2006 10:22 AM
Posted 10/2/2006 11:33 AM (#212040 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Location: Contrarian Island
had a pretty good solo I ended up boating 8 fish, (45.5, 41, 39, 39 tiger, 34.5 tiger, 30.5 and 2 sub 30)...6 yesterday alone! lost 1, (38ish) and had 3 more that didn't get hooks in well as raised some fatties that didn't get fooled by my is the biggest at 45.5 gator head Northern WI musky, and one of the tigers..they are just cool to take pics of!!! much for muskies being shallow ...most of my fish came off deep rock....fall colors are in full swing, if you can get up there do it!!

Edited by MSKY HNR 10/2/2006 12:52 PM

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(fall scene.JPG)

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Posted 10/2/2006 11:58 AM (#212044 - in reply to #212040)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

msky hntr

Nice report. I love that picture. things are just thinking about turning here in Maryland
TJ DeVoe
Posted 10/2/2006 12:35 PM (#212049 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI
Nice pic Msky HNR, hopefully my 45 will show up as nice as your pic!
Big Perc
Posted 10/2/2006 12:42 PM (#212050 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
Congrat on this fish...gotta love when those leaves start changing color...I think we still have a while yet here in Iowa especially with temps in the high 80's today...sure doesn't seem like October 2 down here...

Big Perc
Reef Hawg
Posted 10/2/2006 1:16 PM (#212059 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 3518

Location: north central wisconsin
We also had all of our action from 4-6 PM. Got a mid 40's and a high 30's and lost 3. Nothing before or after.
Medford Fisher
Posted 10/2/2006 1:22 PM (#212060 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 1060

Location: Medford, WI
It sure is being nice outdoors in Central/Northern Wisconsin right now regardless of the fishing! I wish it always looked this nice...on to the fishing...
Saturday, I went out by myself and managed a whole lot of nothing in 4 hours of fishing. Sunday, my dad and I headed up towards Hayward and I moved a mid to upper 30"er on a Cowgirl two times but no interest in any eating. About half an hour later my dad got a FAT 44" musky on a depthraider, with the fight including the best "picture in my mind" of a fish-fight ever. Coming about 7-8 feet away from the boat, the fish jumped about 2 feet completely out off the water just-a head-shaking. Managed to keep it on and land it. All-in-all a great time on the water!
Posted 10/2/2006 1:34 PM (#212063 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 327

Got to play net man for MuskieMike on sunday , he stuck a nice fish trolling a baby depth raider on the Fox chain . Got the fish in 15' of water just off the weed break at about 8:30 am . After that , nothing but power boats and jet-ski's !! It was a nice day to be outside that's for sure !! Pics are on the way !!

Edited by RUMBLEFISH 10/2/2006 1:36 PM
Posted 10/2/2006 1:53 PM (#212066 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Location: Athens, Ohio
I moved a two hundred pounder from Minneapolis back to West Virginia! Mauser and I roamed around MPLS. for an hour looking for a Mal-Wart so he could get a new tire for his car on Saturday, then it was 15 hours of hard driving to get back to my place. We arrived safe and worn out, that couch felt good Sunday. What a great week, though! m
Posted 10/3/2006 7:40 PM (#212399 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

This 50 1/2' fish graced my net on Saturday on LCO Sawyer County. Double Cowgirl off a steep weed edge, right place right time!

Sorry....need help to post photos!

Help is on the soon!

Edited by FYGR8 10/4/2006 5:11 AM

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Posted 10/3/2006 7:54 PM (#212403 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 814

Figure 8 please post fish from couderay...would love to see it!
Posted 10/4/2006 8:47 AM (#212503 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

I figured out how to post one pic....sorry for the blk/white.....maybe someone that I sent pics to can post good color shots.
Posted 10/4/2006 9:41 AM (#212515 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

cool pic...I like that b/w! i gotta try that on my camera...

great fish too!

Posted 10/4/2006 10:09 AM (#212527 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 734

Location: Watertown, MN

Congrats on the big girl from LCO, there are still a few out there, how has fising been out there this year.

Posted 10/4/2006 3:47 PM (#212645 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Posts: 814

Here is Todd's fish from LCO! A great fish I might add...nice fish Todd!

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Posted 10/4/2006 8:49 PM (#212720 - in reply to #211966)
Subject: RE: Weekend Reports?

Thanks mskyhntr for the photo help.....I popped a 45 1/2" tonight but the pics don't compare.

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