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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake
Message Subject: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake
Posted 7/12/2005 7:42 AM (#153243)
Subject: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
Was up staying at Herbies last week on Eagle Lake and had a ball. Fishing was tough the first 3-4 days due to weather but as the sun came out the fish started to heat up. Wife ended up catching her personal best on my lucky bucktail (scored a 52 on it last year) a very solid 46 incher. The fish hit and started to barrel roll....I didn't get nervous till she had a crack in her voice saying "don't loose it!"....then I couldn't stop shaking as the fish went nuts and all I could think was the line cutting in its gills. One very proud moment for me when we got the sucker in the net. She lost a ~46-47 incher last she was due.

I ended up getting a 44.5 that Lisa raised and then the fish camped out under the boat. I brought in my bucktail and did a blind figure 8 deep and brought the fish out and got her to eat high and fast in the corner. Also got a 34 on the same move. Got a 38 on a weagle and blew one about 45 or so on a weagle.

The sad moment was when I had a big fish follow in my bucktail and got her tripped in the fig 8, high and outside goes nuts and clears the water. Kept her pinned, but as my wife attempted to net the big girl the fish started thrashing.....2/3rds in the net...and the rest out....She tried her best to try and leverage the hoop up to bring the back of the fish in the net....but as it thrashed and tossed the bucktail....out it went.....a very solid 48 incher. She felt so bad she cried for 45 minutes....I kept telling her it happens.....Told her I had rather her be there with me to experience the awesome hook up and fight and loose the fish then to have not had her there and caught it....that made her feel better.

We spent a ton of time walleye fishing too...which was a switch for me but was pretty fun. Overall a wonderful week up north in God's country.

Here are a couple of my favorite pics from the trip.

Cory Painter

Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image
(lisa 46 incher 7 05.jpg)

Zoom - | Zoom 100% | Zoom + | Expand / Contract | Open New window
Click to expand / contract the width of this image
(lisa at sunset.jpg)

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(44 and half 7 05.jpg)

Attachments lisa 46 incher 7 05.jpg (29KB - 102 downloads)
Attachments lisa at sunset.jpg (14KB - 84 downloads)
Attachments 44 and half 7 05.jpg (14KB - 95 downloads)
Posted 7/12/2005 7:44 AM (#153244 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
Congrats to you and your Bride, Nice fish
Posted 7/12/2005 7:48 AM (#153245 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Congrats to your wife and you on some great Eagle lake fish, can't wait till Oct 06. Might have to try and sneek up this fall.

Posted 7/12/2005 7:58 AM (#153249 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 3242

Location: Racine, Wi
Great job Cory! Awesome stories as well. Just tell her that next time you loose a fish like that, she has to say, "well, if you would have pinned that fish up, we wouldn't have lost it." LOL

Posted 7/12/2005 8:15 AM (#153250 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 743

Cory...come on...your wife can catch them on Eagle?? she's making some of us look bad!
Wow...i'd assume Lisa has not caught 50 muskies yet..but man..she looks like a PRO with that hold and picture. that's really impressive for the Mrs. to pick the fish up like that for a pic...honestly. great story, great pic..great trip. Keep up the good work Lisa!! congrats on your personal best. that's a nice one surely.
(cory, you spent a lot of time walleye fishing???????????? come one dude!)
Congraduations Lisa on the big one on the bucktail. WAY COOL!
Steve Van Lieshout
Posted 7/12/2005 8:53 AM (#153254 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1916

Location: Greenfield, WI
Great Company, great pictures, great setting......It doesn't get any better!
Posted 7/12/2005 8:53 AM (#153255 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Location: The Yahara Chain
Sounds like you guys had a great time.

Cory did you quit leading(or pulling the fish) as Lisa was netting it? I have learned the hard way that once the fish is tired and you are leading it into the net, do not quit pulling it, the fish will thrash everytime because she no longer has water flowing over her gills. So maybe the netter had nothing to do with the fish being lost. Lisa will feel better if you take the blame.

The losing of the big fish is just part of this thing we love so much. I have tried to learn from my lost big fish expierences and their have been quit a few of them.

Posted 7/12/2005 9:04 AM (#153256 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 13688

Location: minocqua, wi.
nice pics .... impressive, you've got a good thing!
Big Perc
Posted 7/12/2005 9:37 AM (#153259 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
Congrats on the fish...I love Eagle Lake...

Big Perc
Posted 7/12/2005 10:49 AM (#153262 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Cory and Lisa, congratulations on some nice fish! I really need to get up there sometime.

Cory PM me about stocking when you get a chance
Posted 7/12/2005 11:17 AM (#153267 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Cory --- Man you are really lucky. That sunset pic of your lady is off the charts cooool ! We all love these crazy fish and to be able to share that with your spouse is great. My wife fishes 2-3 hours a day tops during our "family week" at our camp in canada. She has got a 41 incher. only trolling however still has'nt hooked up casting. Congrats ManitouDan
Posted 7/12/2005 12:09 PM (#153272 - in reply to #153267)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1996

Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain
Couple of nice fish Cory, and I agree, that sunset picture is awesome!!! Eagle has been very kind to you two, keep it up!
Posted 7/12/2005 12:23 PM (#153274 - in reply to #153272)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Great shots and very nice fish! Sue and I were on Wabigoon, wish I knew you were up, that's only a few minutes away from Herbies. We ended up with two mid forties fish like yours, and did LOTS of walleye fishing as well. Congratulations to your wife, and to you, sir!
Posted 7/12/2005 2:45 PM (#153293 - in reply to #153274)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
Thanks guys for the kind words, Lisa thanks you too.

The sunset picture is actually taken at "sunset" off the eastern end of the island for those familar with "fishing sunset at sunset".

Troy- I hear ya on not continue to move the fish. Wasn't the case here...we were really trying to get her in the net before she got off...The one thing I wish I would have done in hind sight was drop my rod and leaned over and grabbed the hoop to leverage the fish into the net.

Forgot to mention I almost pushed Lisa in the lake while she was fighting the 46. I saw it coming right for the trolling motor and yelled to "Get the rod OUT!" to get it out and around the trolling motor. I grabbed her and pushed her forward and she almost fell in....but in doing so her rod went way out allowing the line to clear the trolling it worked...but I don't think she would have been too happy if she had gone in the drink.

Eagle Lake has been very good to us....however, it can be humbling as well...I fished it back in 02 for 7 days and came home without a fish...netted a 50 and 51 for my boat partner in one day....lost a few...but they don't come easy up there that is for sure!

Steve- Didn't realize you were going up a week earlier then most folks!! Could have hooked up for a cold one or something!

Posted 7/12/2005 8:48 PM (#153320 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
Dude, that is awesome. Building some great memories. I will say this. Having what happened with the fish can be great leverage for when you get off the water!
Posted 7/12/2005 10:21 PM (#153326 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 921

Location: Apollo, PA
Congrats to you both on a great trip!! By the way Cory, can you tell me what kinda rig that your fishing from (i think its a Tuffy) and how well do you like it.
Not looking for an advertisement, I know theyre good boats. I hear Eagle can get very rough and dangerous. Just want your opinion on your rig, and if you would do anything different if you were buying again.
thanks, Pikiespawn
Posted 7/13/2005 7:42 AM (#153345 - in reply to #153326)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
The boat is a Tuffy Esox Deep V 17' 6". I have had it now for, I think 3 years?? Love it. It is one of the best running hulls I have been in for its size. I have been in some BIG waves in this boat and it handles them well (Had the boat out on Lake Michigan after trout). I have a tiller which gives you more room then you can imagine. The whole boat is basically one big casting deck all the way around, nice and wide sides to cast from so your not doing the balancing act. I have fished 4 out of this boat with little trouble and three is very comfortable.

Tuffy has redesigned the new Esox Deep V's. Maded the front deck deeper and put the rod locker right down the middle of the front deck, to me is a huge improvement. I can still get my 9 ft rod in my box, but would prefer the newer model. Lisa saw the new model and keeps saying she wants a new boat and I keep telling her this one is fine. Yeah I know, big problem having to argue with your wife NOT to get a new boat!!!

I live in Madison where we have 2000-5000 acre lakes....and so I deal with some big waves more then just the annual trip to Eagle.

Posted 7/13/2005 8:11 AM (#153352 - in reply to #153345)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1996

Location: Pelican Lake/Three Lakes Chain
You may be the first guy I have ever heard say "no honey, my boat right now is fine, I don't need a new one."

If my wife ever heard about this!!!!
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/13/2005 8:24 AM (#153356 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
Congrats to you guys Cory.....she holds fish well too! Still working on my fiance's first. She has a habit of tossing the rod when she gets something on! HAHAHAHAHAHA
Mikes Extreme
Posted 7/13/2005 2:29 PM (#153412 - in reply to #153267)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 2691

Location: Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Cory and Lisa,

Keep up the good pictures and storys.

Good sticks always manage to get there fish. Lisa is learning from one of the good ones.

Happy days Cory and Lisa.
Posted 7/13/2005 3:12 PM (#153418 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 921

Location: Apollo, PA
Thanks Cory for the info on the boat. Its great you and your wife both enjoy the sport. Have a great year!!!!!!! PS
Posted 7/14/2005 12:42 PM (#153513 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 724

Location: Southern W.Va.
Nice fish and one of the best sunset pics I've ever seen! Enjoy!!!!

Posted 7/14/2005 1:26 PM (#153521 - in reply to #153243)
Subject: RE: Wifes personal best from Eagle Lake

Posts: 1023

Location: Lafayette, IN
Your pictures are awesome, Cory. Quality fish as usual. Great stories too. 8 More days until Vermilion for me and my family. Hopfully we'll have a few big fish pictures to post after that.
Give me a call if you head down this way. The offer still stands.

Edited by stephendawg 7/14/2005 7:30 PM
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