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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Which Rod? - TranX
Message Subject: Which Rod? - TranX
Posted 1/14/2012 11:28 PM (#532937)
Subject: Which Rod? - TranX

For those that plan on purchasing a TranX this Spring, what rod do you plan to match it with?
Posted 1/15/2012 1:29 AM (#532947 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: RE: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 181

Location: St.John, Indiana
I have an extra St.Croix legend sling blade 9' 3-8 oz. That is waiting to be matched up.
Posted 1/15/2012 10:09 AM (#532978 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: RE: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 716

I tried one on my 9'3 Predator xh and a 9' xh and they were a great fit. My Primary blade rod is a 9-6 Predator H and that will wear one as well.

Balance wise you will likey want a 9 footer or longer in an xh or heavier ....the baits this reel excells with generally require something in this catagory so all around a good fit.

Keep in mind it is not a do everything reel, it isn't designed just for simply fills a nitch in the Shimano line up that coincides nicely (perfectly ? ) with some of the things we do...biggest blades, biggest rubber, biggest twitch baits etc.

Matching the reel to the rod is critical to get optimim performance out of any difference here.
Posted 1/15/2012 10:59 AM (#532988 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 743

One goes on my 9'6" Predator Heavy with 2" trimmed. But which speed to get? I had thought it might be too big but after holding it on the rod in the Shimano booth it fits perfectly in my palm.

Edited by KSauers 1/15/2012 11:02 AM
Posted 1/15/2012 11:51 AM (#532999 - in reply to #532988)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Location: Ontario, Canada
This is an interesting topic.

Really good point about balance I never really thought of. Although I know balance is important, I think I've been too focused on the reel and what baits to use it with.

I'm going to put the TranX (PG) on a Tackle Ind, 9' XH.

Also, If I can afford it I'll put the TranX (HG) on Mike Hulbert's newer model 9' Hvy, Signature series rod.

I'll just mix the PG and HG reels between the above rods and my LT Slingblade till I find what I like while using big rubber/blades/cranks, and I'm really interested in running the faster TranX with topwaters to see how that goes.

Posted 1/15/2012 1:48 PM (#533016 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: RE: Which Rod? - TranX

imo every rod is better by adding rod balancers.. so one doesn't really need a 9' or longer imo but 8'6 or longer would be ideal...but that is more from a figure 8 and ease of use than balance.....i use the bass pro brand...also, imho a sling blade for a reel like the Tranx is way too soft at the'll be fighting the tip rather than getting all the benefits from the power of the reel...I'd go with something at least as heavy at the tip as the Big Nasty...or stiffer..I will pair mine with an 8'9" custom Diamond Back that is fairly stiff at the tip...about like a big nasty...
Posted 1/15/2012 1:52 PM (#533018 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 18

Is the tip on the new LT Big Nasty stiffer than the previous model?
Posted 1/15/2012 4:13 PM (#533043 - in reply to #533016)
Subject: RE: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 181

Location: St.John, Indiana
I have a Big Nasty also and will try it with the Tranx, But for blades I thought it didn't load up as good. Especially with lighter tails or unweighted Dbl 10's./13's The older Sling Blade @2-6oz was a bit soft but the newer 3-8oz was much better.
Posted 1/15/2012 5:32 PM (#533058 - in reply to #533043)
Subject: RE: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 51

I tried my friends First Gen. Big Nasty and it felt amazing with blades, both casting and bringing them back.

Makes sure its a split grip, that longer handle makes a difference.
Posted 1/16/2012 5:41 AM (#533147 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 424

Tackle Industries XH or XXH

Posted 1/16/2012 7:39 PM (#533322 - in reply to #533147)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 1184

Location: Iowa Great Lakes
esoxone - 1/16/2012 5:41 AM

Tackle Industries XH or XXH


Same here....
Flo Meister
Posted 1/16/2012 7:46 PM (#533327 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 180

Location: Elgin, IL
I'm thinking of trying on either my TI 9XH or my new Migizi 8'6XH. A little stiffer tip on 8'6XH but sure it'll handle 10's and 13's
Posted 2/12/2012 9:51 PM (#538332 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 18

Has anybody tried the new LT big dawg? im debating between that or the big nasty. primarily a blade rod.
Posted 2/12/2012 10:17 PM (#538335 - in reply to #538332)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 315

I was thinking about one of those 7 foot Gander Mountain Advantage rods...
Posted 2/13/2012 9:26 AM (#538400 - in reply to #538332)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 910

Location: South-Central VA
mjzman9065 - 2/12/2012 10:51 PM

Has anybody tried the new LT big dawg? im debating between that or the big nasty. primarily a blade rod.

I would use the Big Nasty for blades. The Big Dawg is just too stiff for me to throw blades...but it makes a killer big jerkbait rod!

crazy cooter
Posted 2/13/2012 10:13 AM (#538419 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: RE: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 93

9' XH Predator
Posted 2/13/2012 12:57 PM (#538460 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 18

thank you jeremy for the info.
Posted 2/13/2012 1:02 PM (#538461 - in reply to #538335)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

lookin4_big_gurls - 2/12/2012 11:17 PM

I was thinking about one of those 7 foot Gander Mountain Advantage rods...

That was a joke, right? It seems like it's a joke, but no one is really responding.
Posted 2/13/2012 6:18 PM (#538533 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 380

Location: Michigan
If I could get a lefty, it would be on a Big Nasty Built by Franks Custom Rods with a 16" butt!
Posted 2/13/2012 6:40 PM (#538540 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 1638

Location: Minnesota
9'8 xxhevy predator going to be throughing the 2 pounders
Posted 2/13/2012 9:50 PM (#538583 - in reply to #538540)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

Posts: 315

Joke 4 shore! LT Big Nasty for reel!
Posted 2/13/2012 10:27 PM (#538590 - in reply to #532937)
Subject: Re: Which Rod? - TranX

I thought so. I was worried someone was actually going to put a $500 reel on a $40 pool stick.
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