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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION
Message Subject: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION
Posted 3/5/2020 10:17 AM (#955436)
Subject: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin

New legislation requested to stop muskie stocking in Western MN. Follow the link in the article to the Muskie Alliance page to take immediate action! Need your help, please.


Muskie Allianace Page HERE .

 Article and video, click HERE.

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Posted 3/5/2020 1:54 PM (#955451 - in reply to #955436)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 1516

Sent an email to my rep.
North of 8
Posted 3/5/2020 4:15 PM (#955457 - in reply to #955451)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

While I know some walleye fishermen in WI claim the walleye population is hurt by muskies (even in lakes where musky have always been present), not aware of any organized efforts here to stop musky stocking. Am I missing something or is this much more of an issue in MN than other states?
Posted 3/5/2020 4:30 PM (#955459 - in reply to #955457)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
It's an effort to get anglers off 'their' water, plain and simple, and send all fisheries management decisions to the legislature, because they didn't get the response they wanted from the MNDNR. Same deal every year for several years now. Mostly uninformed chrome and glass types, one of which was arrested for blasting geese in his yard because they were pooping on his grass.
Brian Hoffies
Posted 3/5/2020 6:04 PM (#955463 - in reply to #955436)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 1767

This year is different because Walz and his cronies are in power. So sad that you need to put up with this crap year after year.
Posted 3/5/2020 6:10 PM (#955464 - in reply to #955457)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 8797

This is an issue in all sorts of places. Why? Because when the great unwashed public starts damaging the resource by harvesting and eating everything they catch they will go go any length to blame someone or something else for the decline in their favorite table fare.

Combine that with a bunch of people with too much money who really just feel entitled to having "their" lake to themselves, and won't openly admit that they hate other people fishing there, and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Throw in a few good stories of kids getting their feet eaten by muskies, and the power of stupid becomes obvious.

Posted 3/5/2020 6:13 PM (#955465 - in reply to #955436)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 1329

Doesn't stand a chance of getting out of the finance committee. The real danger is getting stuffed into an omnibus bill like last time. Dayton vetoed that bill. No telling if we could be that fortunate again.
North of 8
Posted 3/5/2020 6:25 PM (#955466 - in reply to #955464)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

esoxaddict - 3/5/2020 6:10 PM

This is an issue in all sorts of places. Why? Because when the great unwashed public starts damaging the resource by harvesting and eating everything they catch they will go go any length to blame someone or something else for the decline in their favorite table fare.

Combine that with a bunch of people with too much money who really just feel entitled to having "their" lake to themselves, and won't openly admit that they hate other people fishing there, and you've got a recipe for disaster.

Throw in a few good stories of kids getting their feet eaten by muskies, and the power of stupid becomes obvious.

Yes, saw what happened on Green Lake in WI. Has become some of the most valuable real estate in WI. One guy building a multi million dollar "summer home" back about 15 years ago had a number of large trees cut down in what was at the time called the 'riparian zone'. You won't supposed to cut the trees in that area except for a narrow view window The contractor told him it would cost him thousands in fines, and he laughed. Compared to the home cost it was peanuts. Also ran his lawn right to the water's edge. Lots of folks there did that and guess what? They now have a problem with high levels of phosphorus, in large part due to fertilizer run off from those lawns. But, boy oh boy, do those mansions have nice lawns. I have been impressed with how the lake association for the chain I live on has tried to get folks to understand how important it is to water quality to leave the area on along the lake undisturbed, with trees, plants, tall grasses, etc. Important for water quality and for the critters that make their homes along lake edges like loons.
Posted 3/5/2020 6:28 PM (#955467 - in reply to #955459)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 8797

sworrall - 3/5/2020 4:30 PM

It's an effort to get anglers off 'their' water, plain and simple, and send all fisheries management decisions to the legislature, because they didn't get the response they wanted from the MNDNR. Same deal every year for several years now.

. Mostly uninformed chrome and glass types, one of which was arrested for blasting geese in his year because they were pooping on his grass.

I won't make excuses for the rest, but can 'ya blame the goose guy? Speaking of Idiots: Our village just hired a firm to trap and euthanize all of the coyotes in the neighborhood, due to increasing complaints from residents who afraid for the safety of their little dogs...

In the five years we've lived here, we've had:

1 mouse in the boat/garage
1 bunny eating our garden

Posted 3/6/2020 11:55 AM (#955482 - in reply to #955467)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
esoxaddict - 3/5/2020 6:28 PM

sworrall - 3/5/2020 4:30 PM

It's an effort to get anglers off 'their' water, plain and simple, and send all fisheries management decisions to the legislature, because they didn't get the response they wanted from the MNDNR. Same deal every year for several years now.

. Mostly uninformed chrome and glass types, one of which was arrested for blasting geese in his year because they were pooping on his grass.

I won't make excuses for the rest, but can 'ya blame the goose guy? Speaking of Idiots: Our village just hired a firm to trap and euthanize all of the coyotes in the neighborhood, due to increasing complaints from residents who afraid for the safety of their little dogs...

In the five years we've lived here, we've had:

1 mouse in the boat/garage
1 bunny eating our garden

Expect this to go up substantially in the coming years...

I'll do my part on the Minnesota bill. Hopefully will get killed as it goes through. I do feel our governor is smarter than the people pushing this bill.


North of 8
Posted 3/6/2020 12:13 PM (#955483 - in reply to #955482)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

As to the geese on the lawn, I would bet the guy has lawn right to the water's edge. The chain where I live, both the ordinances and the lake association push maintaining a natural riparian zone between any lawn and the water. Natural habitat of brush, native plants, tall grass, etc. for approx. 30 feet. As I fish the chain in the summer there only a handful of properties where you see geese or ducks on the lawns and each of them is a place where the lawn goes to the water. In that scenario, the ducks and geese just walk out of the water and onto the grass where they feed. I have had ducks nest in the tall grass next to the water by my place, but have never in 17 years had them on the lawn.
Posted 3/6/2020 12:51 PM (#955484 - in reply to #955483)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 1516

Back on topic. I heard back from my Rep. they wanted my address I guess to make sure I live in his district
Brandyn Shepherd
Posted 3/6/2020 1:45 PM (#955487 - in reply to #955436)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 13

Location: Illinois
May I ask if anyone understands why they feel the study is going to be relevant if they stop stocking the lakes? Please, pardon my ignorance.

Edited by Brandyn Shepherd 3/6/2020 1:49 PM
Posted 3/6/2020 1:57 PM (#955488 - in reply to #955487)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 8797

Self serving I believe. The "muskie crowd" does not fish exclusively for muskies. Without the pressure on those lakes the fishing for other species will likely improve over time, further validating the notion that muskies are bad for the fisheries.

Posted 3/6/2020 4:57 PM (#955494 - in reply to #955436)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 1329

Heard there may be a bill, not sure if it has been introduced yet, but would be essentially the same, without the study language, which then would be able to bypass the finance committee(where we have allies) since it wouldn't be asking for any money. This is why it is important for all reps. to be contacted, as it may not just come down to reps. on natural resources committees.
Posted 3/6/2020 7:19 PM (#955498 - in reply to #955436)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 651

Location: Duluth
This aggression will not stand, man.

I've already talked to my state house rep, she's good.
Posted 3/7/2020 7:26 AM (#955514 - in reply to #955457)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 1209

North of 8 - 3/5/2020 4:15 PM

While I know some walleye fishermen in WI claim the walleye population is hurt by muskies (even in lakes where musky have always been present), not aware of any organized efforts here to stop musky stocking. Am I missing something or is this much more of an issue in MN than other states?

The deal is if it get through it will set a precedent that others will use to push through other regions
Posted 3/7/2020 9:15 AM (#955521 - in reply to #955463)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 1760

Location: new richmond, wi. & isle, mn
Brian Hoffies - 3/5/2020 6:04 PM

This year is different because Walz and his cronies are in power. So sad that you need to put up with this crap year after year.
Didn't see any Walz's DFLer's names on the Bill. This Bill was authored by three well to do Republican lake owning Reps.

This has nothing to do with political party. Like Steve stated, has everything to do with who's on "their lakes".
Kirby Budrow
Posted 3/7/2020 1:43 PM (#955524 - in reply to #955521)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
There are sensible people on both parties that are allies. Send your emails to the ones that wrote the bill but more importantly send them to your representatives with your address. They all need to be informed of the BS that’s going on.
Posted 3/10/2020 8:12 AM (#955644 - in reply to #955436)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 172

As a non-resident just south of you that has thoroughly enjoyed fishing Minnesota lakes for most of my 60 years, mostly muskies the last 20, what can I do to help?
Kirby Budrow
Posted 3/10/2020 8:50 AM (#955647 - in reply to #955644)
Subject: Re: They are at it again in MN HELP STOP THIS LEGISLATION

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
Here is a list of all the MN Representatives that I compiled. Hopefully you can copy and past all of these into an email and tell them all how you feel about restricting the DNR's amazing stocking program and that you oppose the study of socioeconomics of muskies. I would include HF 4005 Do not support in the subject of the email. Just be respectful.

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