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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> PRESENT ARMS!!!!!
Message Subject: PRESENT ARMS!!!!!
Posted 4/25/2022 12:25 PM (#1004820)
Subject: PRESENT ARMS!!!!!

Posts: 123

That is the command given for troops to render a salute. It is also what Musky Mission Complete would like to do to all of those who donated items/guide trips for our annual auction. We would like to do the same for all of those who bid on items whether you won or not. All proceeds go directly to our main event to support our selected Veterans at our Main Event on Leech Lake. Just a reminder, we take twelve combat Veterans for a three-day all expenses paid musky fishing trip. We could not do this without all of your support.

We would like to individually recognize our donators here. If you see any of these individuals or companies, thank them for their support and think about using their products or service. We would especially like to thank Steve Worrall. Every year he helps us with this auction and allows us to use this site. Thank you Steve!

Thank you so much to this year's guides who donated trips. They include: Todd Forcier, Ryan Crosby, Zach Stadler, Noah Binsfeld and Steve Scepaniak. Companies that donated lures include: Llungenn Lures, Reeds Sporting goods, and Gary Schwartz with Gringo Loco baits.

God bless our troops and see you on the water!
Musky Mission Complete

Edited by MuskyMissionComplete 4/25/2022 12:39 PM
Posted 4/25/2022 6:28 PM (#1004831 - in reply to #1004820)
Subject: Re: PRESENT ARMS!!!!!

Posts: 3876

Good work!!!! Pats on backs all around!
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