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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> double clevis ?
Message Subject: double clevis ?
Posted 1/28/2011 2:33 PM (#478366)
Subject: double clevis ?

Noticed in one of the on line parts sites that they have a double clevis out now. Wondering if any one has tried these and if so what are the results. They are a one piece clevis in an s shape for double blades. Thought I would ask before trying them in case someone has some experience with them.

Thanks,  Mike


Posted 1/28/2011 2:35 PM (#478367 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 2378

what site?
Posted 1/28/2011 2:43 PM (#478369 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 431

From what I understand, they are brand new. I saw the clevises at Chicago on Musky Safari tails.
Posted 1/28/2011 4:39 PM (#478385 - in reply to #478367)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

This is the site that I saw them on.


5th lake Brad
Posted 1/28/2011 5:05 PM (#478393 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: RE: double clevis ?

Posts: 537

Location: Gilberts IL/Rhinelander WI
Anyone know if these work better than two regular ones. I could see it help both blades to spin better together, or make it worse???
Posted 1/28/2011 5:32 PM (#478396 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: RE: double clevis ?

I saw those too just the other day when I was ordering some parts. Ingenious idea. I certainly think they would work well but I only build hardbaits so did not order any. It will be interesting to hear the results. However, the way tails are made now with 2 single clevises, they are inside of each other so the blades spin together tighter. Not sure how that will effect the lure.

Will Schultz
Posted 1/28/2011 9:27 PM (#478425 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
Cool idea.

Here's the direct link:
Posted 1/28/2011 11:20 PM (#478441 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: RE: double clevis ?

Posts: 210

Without seeing the double clevises, I presume the blade angles are sort of "pre-set" with the double clevis? I like (don't really know what the muskies think) the randomness of two blades playing off each other on seperate clevii, sometimes blossoming, sometimes fighting to determine which one will lead the spin effort.
Posted 1/28/2011 11:47 PM (#478444 - in reply to #478396)
Subject: RE: double clevis ?

Guest - 1/28/2011 5:32 PM

I saw those too just the other day when I was ordering some parts. Ingenious idea. I certainly think they would work well but I only build hardbaits so did not order any. It will be interesting to hear the results. However, the way tails are made now with 2 single clevises, they are inside of each other so the blades spin together tighter. Not sure how that will effect the lure.

I think the clevises being discussed will make double bladed spinners pull easier which IMO is not good. The harder they pull the more water they are displacing. I think many would agree that this displacement is what makes double bladed baits so effective. With a double bladed bait with the original double clevis design " () " the blades are equally sharing "fresh" (non-turbulent) water. With this new "$" shaped clevis the second blade will experience a little bit of turbulence from the first blade through since it's not at the same position as the first blade front to back. It's basically like drafting in Nascar. It takes more horsepower for two cars to drive side by side at 200 mph at Daytona then it would take for two cars to drive in-line, or in a draft at 200 mph. Horsepower/wind resistance can be directly compared to pull/water displacement.

I'd be surprised though if the difference in drag would even be noticeable to us reeling in a bucktail much less to a fish???
Big Perc
Posted 1/29/2011 9:05 AM (#478459 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 1185

Location: Iowa
I just started using them, they seem to work great...
Posted 2/13/2012 12:00 AM (#538351 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 39

I talked with Scott (the maker of Musky Safari baits) today at the Milwaukee Musky Expo and he told me about the advantages of the double-clevis. According to Scott, the clevis allows the blades to start up easier and also it prevents them from stalling when changing direction in the figure eight. He also puts a good amount of weight in the bait so you can cast even the smaller models a long distance. The workmanship is top quality and if you are in the market for some quality bucktails (and topwaters) you may want to check them out. I also liked the fact that he sometimes uses blades that are colored holographic material on one side metal on the other. Disclaimer: I have not tried these lures yet but I am looking fwd to test driving them up at Eagle Lake ON this summer!
Posted 2/13/2012 5:15 AM (#538357 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 360

They work good until they bend then they are worthless. Very hard to get straight again.I will be sticking with the regular C clevis
Posted 2/13/2012 6:53 AM (#538362 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 1141

Location: NorthCentral WI
These clevises were out last year and there were bad reviews on them in general.

I got two of the Musky Safari bucktails for christmas and re-shafted them already with regular clevises. I didn't even want to try that single one after hearing the way people talked about them. clevis&highlightmode=1#M528537
musky slut
Posted 2/13/2012 8:02 AM (#538371 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 496

Posted 2/13/2012 9:25 AM (#538398 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 1169

Location: New Hope MN
I wonder if they could make a parallel clevis, like an oval instead of an "S". I bet that would work the best.
Posted 2/13/2012 9:32 AM (#538404 - in reply to #478366)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 1091

Location: Hayward, WI
Made some double 10 & 9s with them last year. Had a couple breake withing first couple of hours of using the baits and quickly cut up the baits and redid with standard clevis. Both broke next to the center whole in the clevis and lost a blade on both occasions.
Posted 2/13/2012 10:45 AM (#538433 - in reply to #538404)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 802

That was my exact thought... That'd work awesome!
Posted 2/14/2012 9:41 AM (#538655 - in reply to #538433)
Subject: Re: double clevis ?

Posts: 299

Location: Not where I want to be!
Not good!!  The three holes have to be perfectly inline to work correctly.  Hit a rock/pier and they will/can bend.  Out of the "package", if you spin them on a straight shaft a number will not spin well.  Don't try to re-invent the wheel!
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