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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Favorite hooks and split rings???
Message Subject: Favorite hooks and split rings???
Posted 4/16/2015 10:33 AM (#765132)
Subject: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 126

Location: Culloden, WV
What are your favorites I'm new to lure building and went with VMC cone cut and wolverine rings
kyle smoker tackle
Posted 4/16/2015 12:20 PM (#765148 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: RE: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Wolverine rings
Eagle Claw # 774
Posted 4/17/2015 5:47 AM (#765215 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I like the wolverine rings for bucktails. Very strong. One thing to consider when using them for body baits is eyelet size.the rings can impede hook swing and lure action if not done correctly. I won't mention the lure name but they put these rings on their baits, good baits but I put the Bucher style rings on the bait and got it to have the same action at half the speed.
Posted 4/26/2015 12:44 PM (#766719 - in reply to #765215)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 295

I really like Spro split rings, and spro power swivels. Mustads.
Posted 4/27/2015 11:41 AM (#766825 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 1144

Location: Minnesota.
Not sure about split rings as I'm not a bait-maker but on 99% of my baits I switch out the hooks for Gamakatsu' trebles.

Unless I find anything "stickier" I'm staying with those.
Posted 4/27/2015 4:34 PM (#766882 - in reply to #766825)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 859

Location: MN
Eagle claw 774 and some short shank mustads 3556 or something like that.
Chico R
Posted 4/28/2015 12:43 AM (#766946 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Location: North Metro, MN
I gotta go with those VMC cone cuts too..especially the black nickel. Tried piles of hooks but for the price, sharpness & performance these are usually my first pick. For 7/0's I like the Mustads but found some VMC's in that size I gotta try.
Like Todd mentioned, I did actually feel like those Bucher rings were better for "touchy" baits that need tuning and swimmability. For everything else I use the 3 ring ones
Ray Fuller
Posted 4/28/2015 1:09 AM (#766947 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 340

Location: Lake County Illinois
Gamakatsu and VMC cone cut hooks and bucher split rings.
Posted 4/28/2015 8:11 AM (#766968 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA
Rasco heavy duty SS rings....VMC 9626BZ 3x strong
Posted 5/5/2015 3:36 PM (#767851 - in reply to #766947)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River

Ray Fuller - 4/28/2015 2:09 AM Gamakatsu and VMC cone cut hooks and bucher split rings.


Same here.



Posted 5/14/2015 6:55 PM (#768826 - in reply to #767851)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 802

What Kyle said!
Posted 5/15/2015 8:19 AM (#768887 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: RE: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 351

I quit using Wolverines because they rusted easily.
Posted 5/15/2015 7:21 PM (#768976 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 910

Location: Hastings, mn, 55033
I mostly use the VMC 9650 or Mustad 35656
Posted 5/16/2015 9:00 AM (#769007 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 910

Location: Hastings, mn, 55033
The VMC 9651 short strong round bend treble was the BEST hooks for topwater baits made IMO, unfortunately VMC discontinued them in the larger sizes, now #2 is the biggest available
Tackle Industries
Posted 5/17/2015 12:04 PM (#769104 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
Worth rings and the new Chaos musky hooks. Those Chaos musky hooks are nicer than Gamakatsu IMO. Only saw them at the musky shows but I am sure some retailers are carrying them now.
Posted 5/17/2015 5:10 PM (#769126 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 1530

depends on the lure your using.
Posted 5/18/2015 8:56 PM (#769297 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 47

Location: Québec, Canada
or can I buy chaos trebble hooks?
Posted 5/23/2015 10:36 PM (#769914 - in reply to #765132)
Subject: Re: Favorite hooks and split rings???

Posts: 86

VMC 4651BN They are the best short shanks I've used. Dont think they make them anymore.
I have had two prongs of one hook penetrate both top and bottom jaw and pinned the muskies jaws shut on numerous occasions. Nothing to do put pull out the knipex when that happens. I really like the old Buchertail super rings, the greenish colored ones. Again, not available anymore. Spro's are what I use nowadays.
Why do company's make Great products, then discontinue them? (I know why with bucher super rings, but now Joe owns it again why not bring them back?!
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