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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> XH Rod Recommendation
Message Subject: XH Rod Recommendation
Posted 2/11/2007 11:16 AM (#238054)
Subject: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 619

Location: Verona, WI
Last year I fell on my St. Croix 6'9" Premier Jerkbait rod and have been searching for a replacement. Ideally I would like something with similar power/action but a little closer to 7'. Any recommendations? The closest I have come have been a GLoomis 6'10" Heavy, a Lamiglas 7' Extra Heavy, and a St. Croix Triumph 7'0 Heavy. Anyone with any experience with any of these rods or any other recommendations?

Posted 2/11/2007 11:17 AM (#238055 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Location: Northern Wisconsin
shimano compre has some nice xh rods in lots of lengths.
Posted 2/11/2007 11:33 AM (#238058 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 551

Location: Columbus, Georgia
ESOX makes a 6'9" rod (heavy) that I really enjoy using.

Posted 2/11/2007 11:33 AM (#238059 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 126

I'll second the Shimano Extra Heavies. I have an 8 footer that I throw mag dawgs on and it's great. Good rod for the money.
Posted 2/12/2007 2:25 PM (#238282 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Tica 8'6" ex heavy....

Or Pro Edge rod from Keith....

I picked up a 9' Custom Diamond back from him this weekend and can't wait to get it musky approved....
Professional Edge
Posted 2/12/2007 2:42 PM (#238287 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 401

I have not seen a better blank then the XXXH St Croix. In speaking with St Croix, they really designed a stick that will be the best big bait blank on the market. It is loaded with power and has a good tip on it.

This stick has a good price on it also...$189 or so retail and I am custom building it for $220.

Think the video of what Baldy did to this blank shows just how good it is. Notice the bend in the stick when it was loaded with all that weight. Do not be fooled by the 20 ounce rating the stick shows. Baldy lifted over 20 pounds on that stick. We were going to load more but that stick was sold and the guy that bought it was nice enough to let us experiment with it.

[email protected]
Posted 2/12/2007 4:09 PM (#238318 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 27

I like the St Croix xxx-heavy. I used this rod all fall for jerkbaits and pound bulldogs. It made throwing pound dogs all day alot easier. It also made figure-8 easier.
kevin cochran
Posted 2/12/2007 7:08 PM (#238370 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 374

Location: Bemidji
The Professional Edge Pounder rod is the best rod available for throwing BIG plastics, huge gliders, and other baits up to 20 ounces. It can even be extended out to 9 feet which is perfect for figure eighting in 2 or 3 footers.
Pete Stoltman
Posted 2/12/2007 8:44 PM (#238395 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 663

Guys, he's asking for a rod with a similar action to a St. Croix PM69XHF rod but in a 7 foot length. A lot of the rods mentioned are very good rods but not anything like what he's asking for. The closest to that rod that I've seen would be the Tica model MHSA70XH1. That is a seven footer with the extra heavy action similar to the Croix. Shimano has nice rods in that size range but if you feel the two rods they are nothing at all like the St. Croix action. Also he's going from a 6'9" rod to a 7' not to some of the longer rods you're suggesting.
Professional Edge
Posted 2/13/2007 8:09 AM (#238459 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 401

You are right Pete but that blank can be built to the 7-0 feet just like he is asking. The longest that blank can be built to is 9 feet. All I had at the show was the 8-6 and 9 footer so I am sure that is what they are referring to.

The XXXH is the best graphite blank I have seen for any big bait application. In speaking with some reps and people that used this blank last year, they said it could be used for larger in-line spinners like the XXX. This stick is not the traditional pool cue.

Hope that helps.
Pete Stoltman
Posted 2/14/2007 12:52 PM (#238768 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 663

Keith, I understand what you're saying and agree with your assessment of the new XXXH rod/blank. My question is this. Isn't the XXXH blank considerably different than the blank used for the Premier 6'9" XHF? If it's not, then why did they build a new blank or is it just the same thing with the XXX to make us think it's heavier. I have only seen finished rods so far. Is the wall thickness different between a XH and the XXXH? Anything else different about this blank as far as how it's made etc.?
Professional Edge
Posted 2/14/2007 1:15 PM (#238781 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 401

There is a big change in this stick compared to the Premier. They beefed up the walls of the blank but most importantly the increase is run all the way to the tip. This stick has a size 13.5 tip top with a fairly soft action for a stick that has that heavy of a lure rating. I was told by someone that used it last year they threw big double 10 in line spinners with theirs and it performed well. I can believe that. Look at the video of the big man lifting that bucket of water and you can see it loading up.

The 6-9 XHF is a pool cue. I appears that this stick just had the tip cut off of a regular premier to give it the strength. Rods without any action have a hard time breaking because the blank is not going flat during a cast. The new XXXH blank almost acts like glass but it it still has more tip bend. Just a great blank for what it is meant to do and this is cast heavy baits.

Hope that makes sense.
Posted 2/14/2007 1:17 PM (#238782 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

How long can you build the new xxx blank out to again?
Professional Edge
Posted 2/14/2007 1:20 PM (#238783 - in reply to #238782)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 401

I built a 9 footer with 18 inch handle. 15 inch handle can be built to 8-9. The stick that picked up the bucket was 8-6.
Posted 2/14/2007 3:09 PM (#238810 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 71

I can't believe I left without swinging around a XXXH. I may need one towrd the end of the season.

randy t
Posted 2/14/2007 3:55 PM (#238823 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Keith What are the limiting factors on how far you can streach a blank? thanks
Professional Edge
Posted 2/14/2007 4:34 PM (#238835 - in reply to #238054)
Subject: RE: XH Rod Recommendation

Posts: 401

It is totally up to the builder on what they feel comfortable with. I will extend 12 inches in most cases.

I do not want to get broken rods back. I have not had any extension failures. Knock on wood.

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