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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> glad I'm not starting out
Message Subject: glad I'm not starting out
Posted 6/12/2022 5:03 PM (#1006931)
Subject: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 1281

Location: Stevens Point, Wi.
Was cleaning out a stack of magazines and came across a stack of R@H catalogs from 1995 to present. From 50 black and white pages to 147 full color pages today.
I made a list of a handfull of entry level pieces of equipment made then and still available today with prices from 1995-2000-2010-2022.

Abu 6500C3 79.99-79.99-99.99-149.99
St Croix Premier 7'6" 94.99-129.99-179.99-224.99
Buchertail 700 9.99-10.49-11.49-18.99
Suick 9" 9.99-10.79-17.99-26.99
Bucher Depth Raider 12.99-13.99-14.49-21.99
Hawg Wobbler 10.99-14.49-19.99-24.99
Grandma 9" crank 11.99-?NA-18.99-22.99
Slammer 8" crank 10.99-11.99-13.99-17.99
Posted 6/13/2022 7:46 AM (#1006937 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
A boat such as a Crestliner 1750 was 11.grand, the 1650 tiller 8. Then there's electronics. No cool wind shirts or buffs. You made do with what's in your closet. Used to have to drive uphill to and from the lake....:-)
Posted 6/13/2022 9:37 AM (#1006940 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 167

Location: Alexandria, MN
"You see this quarter? It used to be a nickel" - Joe McGrath
North of 8
Posted 6/13/2022 9:40 AM (#1006941 - in reply to #1006940)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

I guess the one thing I would say that is positive today is that with more guys musky fishing or at least giving it a try and places like FB Marketplace you can find good used equipment much easier than you could 25 years ago.
Solitario Lupo
Posted 6/13/2022 10:58 AM (#1006944 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Location: PA Angler
Stuff is pretty expensive. Most of my lures I get have all been on good sales. Can’t stand losing one. Went to making some of them on my own. So their not to expensive to make or replace.
Posted 6/13/2022 11:01 AM (#1006946 - in reply to #1006944)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 8797

It does seen extreme. But then looking back to 1995, gas was $1.50, you could buy a nice house for $200,000, and a new truck was $15,000. Everything basically doubles in price every about every 20 years. Funny though--- My dad drove a truck. He retired in 1990. His job today pays exactly what he was making back then.
Posted 6/13/2022 12:07 PM (#1006952 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 539

Location: NW WI
Some of that $ hike I'd bet is also due to improvement in materials.
North of 8
Posted 6/13/2022 2:02 PM (#1006960 - in reply to #1006952)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

7.62xJay - 6/13/2022 12:07 PM

Some of that $ hike I'd bet is also due to improvement in materials.

Quite possibly. Autos/Trucks have so many more standard features than they did 25 years ago. I bought a new 3/4 ton, four wheel drive Chevy pickup in 1993. I ordered from a dealer and used a check off sheet I bought from Consumer Report that listed all options, what the dealer cost was. Ran several pages. Rough estimate is that almost half of what were options back then are standard now plus things like lane control, adaptive cruise control, automatic windshield wipers, air conditioned leather seats, warnings for vehicles approaching from the side when you back up, etc. that were not even available back then. So much more technology that comes on vehicles today and it all comes at a cost.
Posted 6/13/2022 3:24 PM (#1006961 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 1463

Location: Brighton CO.
I was just thinking the other day that 28 years ago (1994) I was living with my parents and between jobs so the day after my mom's birthday I hooked up my boat and headed to Eagle River Wis. to stay with my grandma. Loaded my 1990 Ford Ranger 4X4 with topper and my 12 foot row boat with a 4 horse Johnson and trolling motor left the foothills of Denver and headed east. I had a reservation at the Super 8 in Story City Iowa next to the old Happy Chef. (or crappy Chef as we would call it) As I was heading north up HWY 35 got in some real bad weather (heavy rain Tornado watch large hail in the area ECT) stopped at a rest area and let the rain let up and looked at a map and I was only four miles from my stop, Took off got in heaver rain got soaked at my stop. The next morning there was foot of water in my boat. (plug was still in boat) made to Rollie & Helens and yes back then Rollie & Helen still worked there then to Eagle River. Fished a couple weeks and got a some smaller sized Muskies. It was early June got sun burned took a day off from fishing and drove around went to Bond Falls in the U.P. stopped in Land O Lakes found Delores Ott Lapp Hybrid in a video store in town and asked if I would be safe in a 12 foot boat on Lac Vieux Desert and the answer was yes but watch the wind. Then I headed down to Sayner and stopped at the old fishing store by the public pier on Plum Lake and Pat Dewitt was working there. (years later she was in the old Masters Muskie video) also ate at the Sayner Pub when the Worthen's still own it. The next day I went back up and fished "The Dessert" for the first time and some guy some by and asked how I was doing? My replied that I had four follows.
Your doing better then me and watch the wind in that little boat! (I was wearing my life jacket) then he said "if the wind comes up you'll need two life jackets". A year later Dad an I took a trip it was the last trip grandma was alive in fact she fell the night we got there and we put her in the hospital she died the next June at our house in Colorado.
Posted 6/13/2022 6:17 PM (#1006966 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 1144

Location: Minnesota.
Went over to my local musky shop this morning after admittedly not having been there in nearly 7 yrs.

I'm full up, not much need but I went looking for a few items, buck tails, muskie flies etc. Looked around for 10 mins muttered something close to "J.C." shrugged and drove home!

I'll use what I have in my 4 tackle boxes...
Posted 6/14/2022 8:37 AM (#1006973 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
This one hits harder for me because there's no increase in income to offset high prices. Luckily I have all the muskie gear I can use.
Posted 6/14/2022 9:28 AM (#1006976 - in reply to #1006931)
Subject: Re: glad I'm not starting out

Posts: 1463

Location: Brighton CO.
Eight years ago I fell and hit my head at work and had to retire early. Last couple years all my rods and reels have been up graded and I make my own bucktails and leaders. I have all the lures I need. I no longer have a boat. My mom just turned 88 and is starting to show her age so I only leave her for short periods. One of my sisters lives with us part time and will be back in a week and a half. My other sister has made arrangements for me to go on camping/fishing trip with my brother in law when my sister is back. (gives me a brake in the home care plus my sister does not need her husband camping by himself at age 75)
Driving to Wisconsin from Colorado is not going to happen this year. I'd be set if gas was still a buck something gallon and my grandparents still had the house on the lake.
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