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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky
Message Subject: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky
Posted 1/4/2020 7:59 PM (#951969)
Subject: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 42

Location: Lakeville, MN
So I took my wife out sucker fishing to try to get her first musky, fall of 2018, her first time musky fishing. She popped a 50.5", which is 0.25" longer than my PB and I've been at it over 10 years:( She sees no reason to go musky fishing again now that she's in the fifty club, ha ha.

Anyway, it was a cool looking fish, with half of its upper jaw yellow. I wanted a replica of her special first musky, and decided to go with Joe Fittante given his legendary reputation. He did not disappoint! He also did a replica of the sucker, which I attached the actual home made sucker rig to.

I was able to go to his shop in Antigo and meet him when I picked it up, what a nice and genuine person he is. He did a great job matching the markings on this fish, a true artist. He also worked with me to have it available as a Christmas present surprise. I highly recommend Fittante for your special fish!


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Posted 1/4/2020 8:18 PM (#951970 - in reply to #951969)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 1760

Location: new richmond, wi. & isle, mn
Unique and truly a replica!
Kirby Budrow
Posted 1/4/2020 9:42 PM (#951972 - in reply to #951970)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
Nice one! My wife’s diet was a 47 on a sucker 4 years ago. She joined the 50 inch club casting this summer with a 50.5 as well. Still considering a replica.
Posted 1/5/2020 2:08 PM (#951992 - in reply to #951972)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 42

Location: Lakeville, MN
Kirby Budrow - 1/4/2020 10:42 PM

Nice one! My wife’s diet was a 47 on a sucker 4 years ago. She joined the 50 inch club casting this summer with a 50.5 as well. Still considering a replica.

Great job being a successful guide for your wife, definitely creates lifelong memories and very satisfying I'm sure! My wife was shaking and even emotional after landing this musky, and it was the best fight I've ever seen - she fell over twice during the battle (I had the drag on lock down and forgot to loosen it a bit), the fish made a run for the trolling motor and then the big motor, it was insane. She asked me to take the rod once but I refused. It's my favorite fish so far, I had to get a replica. An added bonus is now she "gets it"... I don't get much grief anymore when I buy more musky lures or rods or take weekend trips, she understands!
Posted 1/6/2020 7:42 AM (#952009 - in reply to #951969)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 651

Location: Duluth
Awesome fish and replica. Maybe this is how I get the lady off my back
Kirby Budrow
Posted 1/6/2020 8:32 AM (#952013 - in reply to #951992)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 2349

Location: Chisholm, MN
pnkocher - 1/5/2020 2:08 PM

Kirby Budrow - 1/4/2020 10:42 PM

Nice one! My wife’s diet was a 47 on a sucker 4 years ago. She joined the 50 inch club casting this summer with a 50.5 as well. Still considering a replica.

Great job being a successful guide for your wife, definitely creates lifelong memories and very satisfying I'm sure! My wife was shaking and even emotional after landing this musky, and it was the best fight I've ever seen - she fell over twice during the battle (I had the drag on lock down and forgot to loosen it a bit), the fish made a run for the trolling motor and then the big motor, it was insane. She asked me to take the rod once but I refused. It's my favorite fish so far, I had to get a replica. An added bonus is now she "gets it"... I don't get much grief anymore when I buy more musky lures or rods or take weekend trips, she understands!

It's funny you say that. I can't take the wife to the Musky Expo or she will blow all our money! They like pretty colors...

Mine has 14 total fish now I think. About half are from trolling and suckers and the other half casting. I like to have her pick out some baits and pick some spots to try. Or explore another lake that she hasn't seen. It just keeps her interested and enthusiastic. Last summer she caught 7 fish and started to really enjoy muskies. She had a 3 fish day casting even.
Posted 1/6/2020 8:43 AM (#952014 - in reply to #951969)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 264

Gorgeous fish (and replica) and great story.
Posted 1/6/2020 9:16 AM (#952016 - in reply to #951969)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 1035

Gorgeous replica. Joe is the best!
Posted 1/6/2020 9:12 PM (#952049 - in reply to #951969)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 73

That is cool! He's doing mine. Takes about a year but worth it!!!!
Jeff Hanson
Posted 1/7/2020 4:37 PM (#952107 - in reply to #952049)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 954

Cool fish and awesome replica. Good choice picking Joe. He does a great job and you couldn't ask for a nicer guy. I've used him many times.
Jeff Hanson
Posted 1/7/2020 8:46 PM (#952128 - in reply to #951969)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 42

Location: Lakeville, MN
Thanks everyone for the comments, it’s great we can share each other’s success stories - mine are few and far between so I’ll take it! And so glad I went with Joe Fittante.
Kirby great ideas on keeping your wife engaged, it’s not my strength so I appreciate you sharing!

Posted 1/8/2020 5:56 AM (#952141 - in reply to #951969)
Subject: Re: Joe Fittante/ wife's first musky

Posts: 162

Location: Chicago, IL
Great story and excellent work again by Joe. Thanks for sharing. Congrats to you and your wife.
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