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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> home field advantage
Message Subject: home field advantage
Posted 7/17/2005 10:47 PM (#153807)
Subject: home field advantage

Posts: 1764

Location: Ogden, Ut
After a wonderful week at the Goon, roasting in the heat and watching others catch muskies...I went home to lick my wounds. Don't get me wrong - I had a fantastic time and I highly encourage anyone interested in fishing muskies to experience the Goon, it's a fascinating place. Albiet quite humbling...
Anyway, I had to go to my home water to see if it was again possible to catch a fish - yes, I was seriously doubting my abilities for more than a few moments. Pike were plentiful yet muskies eluded me there.
Went out for about 4 hours this evening and popped a 38 inch tiger - my faith is restored. I'm now making plans to host a Utah outing - tiger hunts.

(my apologies for the water spots on the lens - that fish was nuts)

Edited by sorenson 7/17/2005 10:51 PM

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Posted 7/17/2005 11:30 PM (#153809 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Posts: 207

Location: Mpls, MN
Beautiful fish. Tigers have such great markings. Sorry to see the MN DNR won't be stocking them anymore or so I hear. Sure are cool looking.
Posted 7/17/2005 11:32 PM (#153810 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage


Congrats - but what's up with the blurred out items
Posted 7/17/2005 11:39 PM (#153812 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Great looking tiger, I love to catch them! Must do a Spring Ski/Ski event next year?
Posted 7/18/2005 12:29 AM (#153814 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Beautiful fish, sir, hope to see you this October!
big gun
Posted 7/18/2005 7:54 AM (#153832 - in reply to #153814)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Nice job Sorno, great to see you catch a fish. We will have to talk about that Utah outing. WH
Posted 7/18/2005 8:19 AM (#153837 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Posts: 2378

nice fish bud!!

You're right back on track.
Posted 7/18/2005 8:32 AM (#153840 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Posts: 699

Location: Hugo, MN
the blurred out parts appear to be water marks on the camera lens.
Big Perc
Posted 7/18/2005 9:26 AM (#153855 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
Congrats on the tiger...I know the whole doubt thing quite well by this point...3 years without a muskie for me...just got back from Mille Lacs too...congrats again...

Big Perc
Posted 7/18/2005 2:43 PM (#153906 - in reply to #153855)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
October hybrids as active as the summer fish, sir? I'm beginning to see a trip get put together that laaows mwe a couple days over there.
Posted 7/18/2005 2:53 PM (#153908 - in reply to #153807)
Subject: RE: home field advantage

Posts: 1764

Location: Ogden, Ut
I haven't done as well in the fall the last couple of years, but that may have been due to the drought conditions and the overall lack of water left in the reservoir (down nearly 60 feet from full pool). I also didn't fish as much - the seasonal demand of my job dictate that fall is often spent at work. This year we've had tremendous water - last night the reservoir was only down about 2 1/2 feet below full pool - it hadn't even gotten that full at all the last 2 years. This fall could be really good. It would truly be a pleasure to show you some of my 'hog pens' and 'slabs' and 'clay banks'
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