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Muskie Fishing -> Muskie Boats and Motors -> O.k...bought the boat....
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Message Subject: O.k...bought the boat....
Posted 1/19/2018 7:13 PM (#890139)
Subject: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
Hi Everyone,

Finally bit the bullet and purchased a new (to me) rig. After many years of contemplating, I have finally decided to go glass from Aluminum. I found a 2003 ranger 617 dual console w/bubbles pushed by a 2011 Etec 150. Overall the rig is in good condition and I will be making improvements to it to bring it hopefully back to an almost new condition for the most part. I don't take delivery on it until early april as I need to get my old boat sold. It will be going up for sale mid-late february when I bring it home from storage. to start planning. The boat comes with a Humminbird 899 that is currently on the helm with the transducer off the back exterior as it has side scan capabilities. The TM is a Terrova 80lb I pilot and am wondering....would I be better served overall with the hummingbird at the bow where I can use some of the combined features of it with the motor? I am completely unfamiliar with Humminbird, but I know with I pilot, I believe there is an ability to set the motor to follow a depth contour and go? I'm clueless and just looking for some insight from those who know... Any information at this point on how this combination would work is much appreciated!!

I have an HDS 7 Gen2 that I really like the interface of and am thinking to put that on the helm and potentially glass in the transducer. I'd have a couple of holes to seal in the rear, though, but I'm thinking that shouldn't be too hard I hope... Any insight with that aspect as well would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for any insight you all have out there. I've got quite a bit to learn if I go Hummingbird...

Thanks everyone!!

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Brian Hoffies
Posted 1/19/2018 8:01 PM (#890145 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 1766

Nice looking boat! I hope it serves you well for many years to come.
Posted 1/19/2018 8:08 PM (#890146 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 493

Location: Northern Illinois
Congrats! Nice looking rig! About the "follow-the-contour", it's only available on the iPilot Link. If you have that and a compatible HB, you are good to go. You can check the website to find out if your unit is compatible. (There is more than one type of 899.)
If not, the 899 is still a great unit to run from the bow, especially if you have universal sonar.
Posted 1/19/2018 8:39 PM (#890150 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
The terrova says i pilot...that is the extent I know right now, so I don't know if it has the link capabilities as of yet....

If it does not have the capabilities to run with the bird to do contour trolling etc, what will the Ipilot do for me?


Brian Hoffies
Posted 1/19/2018 9:21 PM (#890151 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 1766

Spot Lock.
Posted 1/19/2018 9:21 PM (#890152 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 493

Location: Northern Illinois
Ipilot uses GPS to maintain heading and speed, although it offers the option of using magnetic north as well. Depending on the vintage, it can also lock you on a spot, create and retrace a path, and return to a spot. The advantage of iPilot over the old copilot is that it is less affected by wind, current, etc. The newer version of iPilot (last year or so) is reportedly much more accurate. I have one from 2012 and its accuracy is adequate but I plan on upgrading in the future due to the accuracy issue.
Posted 1/19/2018 9:27 PM (#890153 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 3491

Location: Elk River, Minnesota
I'm guessing this one is a tad older than that as the motor was an upgrade a few years ago, and am suspecting that the trolling motor and hummingbird were upgraded at that same time..

I can't wait to get acquainted with the new rig..

Posted 1/19/2018 10:07 PM (#890156 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 493

Location: Northern Illinois
I got my new-to-me Ranger last year and still having fun "retuning" it to my wants/needs.
Posted 1/20/2018 6:47 AM (#890165 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 483

beautiful boat ,congrats have fun with it!
Posted 1/20/2018 8:52 AM (#890172 - in reply to #890139)
Subject: Re: O.k...bought the boat....

Posts: 1209

The terrova would say ipilot link, so it doesn't, it's a strand alone unit. I would try it how it is, I had hds9 with si and 999 side by side for months and I sold the hds and it's si ducer because the bird was much better and easier. With that terrova and a little knowledge/ ability you can drop the si cord in the channel of the shaft and have almost a 360 side image if you are good. Search YouTube for something like "side image transducer on terrova "

Boat looks great!
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