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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> Rice was Nice.....
Message Subject: Rice was Nice.....
Posted 9/22/2006 6:17 PM (#210510)
Subject: Rice was Nice.....

Posts: 764

Just got back from a weeks worth of fishing on Rice lake, the lake named after the city Rice Lake, Wi. The week started off slow with water temps in the mid 60's. Was working manta's and shallow invaders with followers but no takers. Then I went back to the lure I basically grew up on, the silver and black Mepps Giant Killer, and it paid off big time. At 4:45 PM, on 9-15, I took a cast and connected with a 46" inch beauty, with the incredible girth probably weighed near 30lbs. My father took the measurement and after a quick cell phone picture, the fish was then released. The fish was taken off a weedy point area near the dam that drops off into 15 feet of water. Also lost one about 40 inches on a Magnum Musky Killer on the Stump lake flats. Bucktails were the ticket. I'll be returning to Rice on the 3rd week in October. Kdawg
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