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Muskie Fishing -> Fishing Reports and Destinations -> Mantrap Lake Mn
Posted 8/7/2006 1:52 PM (#204031)
Subject: Mantrap Lake Mn

Posts: 21

Here's the report. We spent all day saturday aug 5th on mantrap. Very clear water conditions. Water was quite warm. We caught three small northerns and a couple bass. The only muskie we saw was in a no wake channel between basins. Nice fat fish tall 40's. She swam ahead of the boat like a dolphin through the entire shallow no wake zone, then dove off into the deep water on the other side. Stangest thing i've ever seen. The three anglers in my boat mostly tossed hair all day. We tried some trolling with jakes for an hour. I fished a weighted suick most of the day. We even tried fishing some of the shallow lilly pad slop with magnum toads. Lots of competition out there saturday. At least 12 other boats targeting muskies. We never saw a fish on or boated. If you were out there, Let me know how you did. I was a red lund fisherman full windshield, merc engine, older blue and silver chev four door dually diesel.

P.S. Watch the public access carefully if you are going there. About twenty-five feet out there are some big very shallow rocks. We watched three people ding or fold over props between coming in and going out. Both sides of the access are equally as shallow and rocky.

good to get the lines wet again!
Good luck,
Posted 8/10/2006 2:38 PM (#204486 - in reply to #204031)
Subject: RE: Mantrap Lake Mn

Posts: 80

Was out on Mantrap on Saturday the 5th from about 1:00 PM until we got chased off the lake by ligtning.
By far the one of the worst days on Mantrap in the 6+ years I have been fishing this lake. Didn't see a muskie and didn't even catch a pike. I rarely make a trip to this lake and not even have a follow to show for it.

Even worse, every year I have fished this lake, I have come across at least one dead musky, saturday was no exception...

One dead musky may not seem like a big deal, but when you figure I make it over to Mantrap on average 5 times over the course of a year, a total of 35+/- trips over the past 6 years, and I have come across 6 dead muskies, that number of dead fish is alarming to me.

I found a magnificent fish floating in the bullrushes along the SW corner of the main basin, it was between 48 and 50 inches long... If I were to guess I would say it had been dead for less than a week, more than likely it was caught by someone fishing during the sweltering heat last weekend, and died from the stress, mishandling or a combination of the two. That is a 60 inch measuring stick next to the fish.

Surface temps on Saturday were 76 in the main basin...

Edited by JWB475 8/10/2006 3:47 PM

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Posted 8/10/2006 4:35 PM (#204494 - in reply to #204486)
Subject: RE: Mantrap Lake Mn

Posts: 785

Wow, thats too bad to see a big fish floating, I've seen 36-40's that I can just shrug my shoulders at and go about my bussiness but that is a nice one. Thanks for posting the pics, it good to be informed.
MN Jackpot
Posted 8/20/2006 3:03 PM (#205786 - in reply to #204031)
Subject: RE: Mantrap Lake Mn

Posts: 89

Hey Guys,

I was out on Mantrap on Wed,Fri,Sat. I spent thursday fishing with Kevin Cochran we got two fish a 49 and a 42 all on topwater on Bemidji Area Lake we saw probably 20 to 25 fish in about 12 hours of fishing. Meanwhile back to Mantrap overall fishing was slow I saw some fish. ON Friday I fished all day during the rain and saw two fish One blew up on a Orange Pacemaker and one fallowed. Emagine that Marine 1 and Lambeau are right the fish like orange. As for Saturday I had no follows and saw big Muskie in 3 ft of water on main lake hump about 48 to 50 inch range threw stuff at it and it wouldn't follow It was a big fish and fat.

P.S. Anybody who wants to fish in the Bemidji area and looking for guide talk to Kevin Cachran.
MN Jackpot
Posted 8/28/2006 4:37 PM (#206959 - in reply to #205786)
Subject: RE: Mantrap Lake Mn

Posts: 89

Hey Guys,

I went to Mantrap this weekend and fishing was slow only had one follow on a Pacemaker
and she missed.
Posted 8/28/2006 4:43 PM (#206961 - in reply to #204031)
Subject: RE: Mantrap Lake Mn

i'm coming back up from Sept 16-24th, you going to be around?
MN Jackpot
Posted 8/28/2006 4:53 PM (#206963 - in reply to #204031)
Subject: RE: Mantrap Lake Mn

Posts: 89

HeY Lambeau,
Hows it going man. It depends on my work schedule I may get a day off during the week we'll see. I know Sept 16 Bowhunting begins we'll see.
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