| http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/arizona-muskie-fishing Please sign and comment.
Thank you for your time. |
Posts: 696
Location: Northern Illinois | Would muskies do well in that temperature? Just looked at the current weather and its 101 degrees. I find it hard to believe that a fish could be released safely back after being caught. I'd be all for helping sign a petition if I knew that the fish would be safe and could sustain a healthy population. |
| A closed season would be a good idea. These are surface temps for that lake in recent past. It has a healthy Shad and Striped Bass population. If the Striped Bass live, no reason the Muskies wouldn't live as well.
Edited by Anonymous 5/30/2014 3:18 PM
(Lake Pleasant Water Temperatures.jpg)
Attachments ---------------- Lake Pleasant Water Temperatures.jpg (176KB - 352 downloads)
| Here is a photo of the lake. It is roughly 7,500 acres in size.
Attachments ---------------- Lake Pleasant.jpg (193KB - 362 downloads)
Posts: 409
Location: Almond, WI | Water temp is really not too different from lakes like Kincaid, Shelbyville, etc. and clearly muskies survive there. Closed season is a good idea though. |