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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> How much line is enough line?
Message Subject: How much line is enough line?
Posted 3/4/2014 6:58 PM (#696229)
Subject: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 22

Location: Monticello Illinois
How much 80lb Power Pro will it take to fill my Revo NACL 60? How much to fill the 50? Thanks guys!

Posted 3/4/2014 7:01 PM (#696231 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 1638

Location: Minnesota
put backing line on first top it off with 100 yards you will be good to go
Posted 3/4/2014 7:10 PM (#696238 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 423

Location: MN
I use the converter below to figure it out:
Posted 3/4/2014 7:41 PM (#696264 - in reply to #696238)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 216

On my 61s, I usually pack a whole 150yard spool on plus my backing which is just alittle too after 2-3 backlashes because theres to much on there I cut off a few yards and I'm good to go.
Posted 3/4/2014 8:31 PM (#696290 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: RE: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 51

I use to buy my fishing line for musky reels in 300 yard spools. I would put on some mono backing and then install about 75 yards of line on the reel. I've never been able to even cast close to 75 yards on any given cast. Muskies tend to fight their fight close in to the boat, at least for the most part. This approach allowed me to maximize the number of reels fitted with line from a single spool.

The part that I didn't figure on was fishing rocks. On occasion, I got my lure hung up on some rock reefs in NW Ontario. I wouldn't take the boat into these rocks in view of rough water and danger to the boat and occupants. Thus, I ended up cutting off some line, leader and the lure. This invariably meant that my reel was outfitted with too little line to be useable for the remainder of the trip.

I continue to buy my line in 300 yard spools. Now, I install 100 yards on each reel and haven't yet had a problem doing it this way.

Good fishing!!
Posted 3/5/2014 4:28 AM (#696343 - in reply to #696290)
Subject: RE: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 410

Location: With my son on the water
I second the 75 yds and haven't had a problem yet. I always buy 150 yd spools and split them. Then I reverse themin the off season.

But the 300/100 yd comments make sense.

Have a good day
Posted 3/5/2014 7:48 AM (#696359 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 1084

Location: Aurora
If feasible for you, most musky shops do it cheaper per reel than buying it yourself unless you're buying in bulk or splitting a 150yd spool between 2 reels.
However, at check out it can end up costing much more depending on how much shopping you do while they're being spooled though.
Posted 3/5/2014 8:32 AM (#696373 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 309

Location: Elgin IL
When you get caught up in rocks don't cut your line....rap around boat clete and use the trolling motor to break off
Sometimes you get the lure back or the line may break closer to the lure so you don't lose all that line.
Posted 3/5/2014 8:39 AM (#696375 - in reply to #696373)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 1731

Location: Mt. Zion, IL
I fill mine with a few wraps of mono and fill the rest with braid. I do this so there is less waste. If you only put 75 yards of line on your reels, that is about 12 days on the water with how I fish before I am casting to the knot. If I fill the spool, I am not throwing away 50 yards of line because I hit the knot on the cast. When I do have to add line, I add mono and turn the braid around.
Boots Electric
Posted 3/5/2014 5:40 PM (#696533 - in reply to #696373)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 45

msky3 - 3/5/2014 8:32 AM

When you get caught up in rocks don't cut your line....rap around boat clete and use the trolling motor to break off
Sometimes you get the lure back or the line may break closer to the lure so you don't lose all that line.

Not only that but if cutting it, the remainder floats, waiting for the next rolling motor/outboard through.
Posted 3/5/2014 11:00 PM (#696618 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 791

Location: WI
Agree with sidekick. Get your local shop to spool it up for you. Sold by foot and filled perfect every time.
Posted 3/6/2014 7:38 AM (#696647 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Question for those using backing. Which is more important, approximating the breaking strength of the main line, or approximating the diameter of the main line?

For example, if I'm using 80 lb. Suffix 832, it's diameter is about that of 20 lb. mono. Do you back with 20 lb. mono, or beef it up to 80 lb. mono?

Posted 3/6/2014 7:51 AM (#696651 - in reply to #696647)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 177

Location: ON
PJV - 3/6/2014 8:38 AM

Question for those using backing. Which is more important, approximating the breaking strength of the main line, or approximating the diameter of the main line?

For example, if I'm using 80 lb. Suffix 832, it's diameter is about that of 20 lb. mono. Do you back with 20 lb. mono, or beef it up to 80 lb. mono?

20 because its cheaper, really doesn't matter. I put electrical tape on my spool, could use a bunch of stuff. I will re do it with mono this year because it lays out smoother to the corners.
If you run a casting reel to the backing you've got problems. No musky is going to spool 100 yards on a "casting" reel, with the heavy gear we use.
Posted 3/6/2014 10:03 PM (#696899 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 307

^ This. I use whatever I have around. 8,10,15,20. Doesn't matter this isn't fly fishing you should never ever be into mono backing on a Muskie reel.
Posted 3/6/2014 10:20 PM (#696903 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 1084

Location: Aurora
Big mono makes for big union knots.
If you run 75 - 100 yards of braid over yer backing, you'll see/feel the big union knot on bomb casts.
Something to consider if it bothers you.
Posted 3/7/2014 4:45 AM (#696917 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 209

I put a small amoung of backing say 10 yards then add 150 of a 300 yd spool, it will be eaten by backlashes sooner or later.

Posted 3/7/2014 6:33 AM (#696924 - in reply to #696647)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 410

Location: Wakefield, MI
PJV - 3/6/2014 7:38 AM

Question for those using backing. Which is more important, approximating the breaking strength of the main line, or approximating the diameter of the main line?

For example, if I'm using 80 lb. Suffix 832, it's diameter is about that of 20 lb. mono. Do you back with 20 lb. mono, or beef it up to 80 lb. mono?

I try to match diameter. My blood knot seems to cinch better.
Posted 3/7/2014 12:28 PM (#697033 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 8797

I just use whatever I have laying around, usually 20#. As for how much braid? I started out with 50 yards figuring I could do three reels with a 150 yd spool. By mid season a long cast puts me pretty close to the backing. The good news is now when I re-spool, I just have to pull off a few yards of mono, fill the spool the rest of the way with braid, and I should be good.

I've never found any reason to change the backing.
Posted 3/7/2014 12:52 PM (#697043 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: RE: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 251

I will match the line diameters closely, that usually means about 20lb mono. I usually then just put at least one layer across the entire spool so that no metal is showing and the line is laying fairly smooth. Then I do a uni-to-uni knot to my braid and fill'er up. Works for me. I have gone to buying the line in large spools so I do not end up with a chunk that is too short to be used and waste a good portion of line with each spool.
Posted 3/7/2014 1:02 PM (#697044 - in reply to #696229)
Subject: Re: How much line is enough line?

Posts: 163

Location: NoDak has 80# power pro in the 1500 yard spools for a measly $130 I don't use any backing on my 50nacl's I use about 3 inches of electrical tape that I cut in half and stretch tight over the lines not, figure I'm getting 135-145 yards on it a tad over full
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