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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Time to fish
Message Subject: Time to fish
Posted 2/20/2014 7:58 AM (#692739)
Subject: Time to fish

Posts: 260

Location: Almost Heaven
Do any of you master craftsmen/basement bait builders ever have time to fish? If you make and design and put such fantastic finishes on that many baits, when do you have time to fish? I know it takes hours for me to get one bait done, so I can't imagine where you guys get any time to do anything else.
Posted 2/20/2014 8:01 AM (#692741 - in reply to #692739)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 1224

Location: Okoboji
build in the winter, fish in the summer and fall.

but some guys like building baits and rods more than fishing. i like to do both, but i can get burnt out on doing baits that is why i try to limit my time doing it. winter is usually the time i spend the most effort in the shop. our muskie season does not start until june so besides some early walleye fishing and later on when bass opens up i will be doing some baits and fishing.
Posted 2/20/2014 9:29 AM (#692763 - in reply to #692739)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA
Great Topic!

When springtime rolls around, I switch gears...lure orders tend to drop drastically once the season is underway anyhow Thank God! However, I just tell people at that time of year, an order will take longer than normal cuz I fish too and I fish hard.

Edited by ShutUpNFish 2/20/2014 9:31 AM
Posted 2/20/2014 4:45 PM (#692873 - in reply to #692763)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 278

Location: WV
I am definitely not a master but my fishing has dropped drastically.
Posted 2/20/2014 5:59 PM (#692887 - in reply to #692873)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 260

Location: Almost Heaven
wvhillbillyjlm - 2/20/2014 5:45 PM

I am definitely not a master but my fishing has dropped drastically.

How could a guy that goes by "Picasso" not be a master??
Posted 2/20/2014 6:54 PM (#692905 - in reply to #692887)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 278

Location: WV
Turkeyt - 2/20/2014 6:59 PM

wvhillbillyjlm - 2/20/2014 5:45 PM

I am definitely not a master but my fishing has dropped drastically.

How could a guy that goes by "Picasso" not be a master??

LOL, That's a name only you call me!!
Posted 2/20/2014 9:30 PM (#692948 - in reply to #692739)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 791

Location: WI
My building doesn't really start till the end I season. Some custom painting and tinkering with new stuff before ice up. Fish til the very end which here in wisconsin is end of November. Then the building and painting in the winter months. Right now I'm in the middle of a mad dash of custom baits. Seems like this time of year is always hectic. Also trying to finish up a new crank bait for the new season so I can get it out to some guides and buddies for testing this season. Test all season and start popping them out over next winter.

For me building and painting helps me get my musky fix during winter. You can only sharpen the hooks on your baits so many times.
Posted 2/21/2014 8:09 AM (#692994 - in reply to #692739)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 1224

Location: Okoboji
i will however build some special baits for me and my buddies if we are going to a destination or we have developed a pattern during the season.
Posted 2/21/2014 8:46 AM (#693004 - in reply to #692739)
Subject: RE: Time to fish

Posts: 1348

Location: Pewaukee, WI
As others have said, "build in winter and fish the summer and fall." Building baits for me is a great release during the non-fishing periods. I like to test new stuff out during spring when the waters open up and to make sure it runs properly.
Posted 2/21/2014 12:40 PM (#693046 - in reply to #692739)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 219

Location: Ohio
I build a little in the warmer months , but more in winter. I try to at least get a bunch of the cutting, routering, and sanding done when its warm out because I use my equipment in my garage and driveway.
Posted 2/21/2014 4:43 PM (#693097 - in reply to #692739)
Subject: Re: Time to fish

Posts: 1530

less sleep long hours. after having guides show up on your porch at,,,or midnite. taking wet lures outa the shop,outa trash pails ive seen a little lol.
secret is just drop everything and go.
or ya never will.
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