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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Lead pouring
Message Subject: Lead pouring
Posted 1/23/2014 8:15 PM (#686898)
Subject: Lead pouring

Posts: 283

What kind of setups do you guys have for melting/pouring lead for gliders, cranks and spinnerbaits?

I'm looking to switch from using random junk sinkers and making a mold to pour weights specific to the shape of the lures I'm making. I'm not sure if I should go with a lee pot, do-it molds, etc. I also would like to hear about safety precautions you guys take while melting/pouring....

Thanks in advance!
Posted 1/23/2014 8:30 PM (#686904 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 403

Location: Lakeville, MN
Lee production iv. Refined lead is best from what I hear.. wheel weights and stuff like that is really dirty and will clog the pour spout. Do it in a well ventilated area or outside. You can make molds with 2 pieces of aluminum and drill whatever size you desire.. There's a lot of info online how to do it all. Flux is suppose to help a lot with cleaner lead.

Edited by genesisperformance 1/23/2014 8:31 PM
Posted 1/23/2014 8:41 PM (#686909 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 141

I use a Lee production pot and it works great. It makes dealing with lead a breeze. Make sure there is no moisture in the holes you are filling with lead though. I've had a lead hole pop molten lead back out at me because there was a little pool of still drying wood sealer at the bottom. I try to have long sleeves on when I pour lead too.
Posted 1/23/2014 8:50 PM (#686911 - in reply to #686904)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 364

Location: Central Wisconsin
genesisperformance - 1/23/2014 8:30 PM

Lee production iv. Refined lead is best from what I hear.. wheel weights and stuff like that is really dirty and will clog the pour spout. Do it in a well ventilated area or outside. You can make molds with 2 pieces of aluminum and drill whatever size you desire.. There's a lot of info online how to do it all. Flux is suppose to help a lot with cleaner lead.

He is right on about the wheel weights. It works after scraping the crap from the top of the pot for a while, however I have found its not a clean pour.. I have used do it molds. They're pretty slick. Gives you 3 size options and have worked well for me.

Edited by chadw18 1/23/2014 8:52 PM
Posted 1/23/2014 9:06 PM (#686912 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 62

Just got a lee pot last week and its awesome, i had some old lead from pipes laying around i melted, a little dirty but scooped the impurities off the top and seems to be working well so far. Im just pouring directly into the bait
Posted 1/23/2014 9:08 PM (#686914 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 62

Just got a lee pot last week and its awesome, i had some old lead from pipes laying around i melted, a little dirty but scooped the impurities off the top and seems to be working well so far. Im just pouring directly into the bait
Posted 1/23/2014 10:33 PM (#686929 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: RE: Lead pouring

Posts: 469

Location: MN

Palmer Hot-Pot 2 -




Posted 1/24/2014 4:57 PM (#687105 - in reply to #686929)
Subject: RE: Lead pouring

Posts: 2284

Location: SE, WI.

Been pouring lead for a lot of years.Pour outside or in a well ventilated area, as stated. Always wear eye protection, gloves, long sleeves. I Try to pour once a year, and get everything done in extra quantities, so you won't have to pour anymore than you have to. Even a respirator will help keep lead from spattering into your face. Safety is job one when dealing with lead. 

 Only pour clean lead.


Posted 1/25/2014 9:04 AM (#687204 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 1530

my guy I paint for runs the large lee pots. he pours 20.000 pcs a season. I tell them even with ventilation to get blood tests.
Posted 1/25/2014 9:02 PM (#687334 - in reply to #686929)
Subject: RE: Lead pouring

psv - 1/23/2014 10:33 PM

Palmer Hot-Pot 2 -




how much ?
Posted 1/25/2014 9:36 PM (#687340 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 469

Location: MN
38.95 $ at LPO
Posted 1/28/2014 12:12 AM (#687779 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

psv ty a lot
can you tell me if the thing they use to balance the tire is good stuff ?
Posted 1/28/2014 5:32 AM (#687786 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 469

Location: MN
Wheel weights are definitely usable (cleaned and fluxed). The lead they are made from is hard and it's a good practice to mix it with soft lead.
Posted 1/28/2014 7:11 AM (#687792 - in reply to #686898)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 283

What about a lead ingot like this?

Price seems good, should we be looking for as close to 100% pure lead as we can get?
If we get a big ingot like that do you just use a hacksaw to cut it to fit in your melting pot?

Thanks guys!

Posted 1/31/2014 6:36 PM (#688625 - in reply to #687792)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Tigerhunter - 1/28/2014 7:11 AM

What about a lead ingot like this?

Price seems good, should we be looking for as close to 100% pure lead as we can get?
If we get a big ingot like that do you just use a hacksaw to cut it to fit in your melting pot?

Thanks guys!

i guess shipping will be higher than the box
Posted 2/2/2014 10:07 PM (#689113 - in reply to #687792)
Subject: Re: Lead pouring

Posts: 1405

Location: Detroit River

Tigerhunter - 1/28/2014 8:11 AM What about a lead ingot like this? Price seems good, should we be looking for as close to 100% pure lead as we can get? If we get a big ingot like that do you just use a hacksaw to cut it to fit in your melting pot? Thanks guys!


That's expensive IMO. I buy 1 Lb. ingots from a local bait shop for $1.50 a pound. Its clean lead not made from wheel weights. Wheel weights contain around 30% tin, which is lighter & harder than lead. I can get lead from a scrap yard for around $.85 to $1.00 Lb. but it’s not too clean & it comes in larger chunks.


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