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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> Hook size for custom lures
Message Subject: Hook size for custom lures
Posted 2/12/2014 9:16 PM (#691281)
Subject: Hook size for custom lures

Wondering what factors go into determining what hook size you should use on a lure. I have been making a 6" crankbait and have been using 2/0 hooks. Thinking about increasing the size? Your thoughts?
Posted 2/12/2014 9:39 PM (#691286 - in reply to #691281)
Subject: Re: Hook size for custom lures

Posts: 791

Location: WI
I go with the biggest hook I can that doesn't effect the action of the bait.
Posted 2/13/2014 6:57 AM (#691313 - in reply to #691281)
Subject: Re: Hook size for custom lures

Posts: 1202

Location: Money, PA
I think hook size is typically determined by the number of trebles you have on the bait vs. how well space is covered up by hooks. If you're currently using a 2/0 on a 6" bait, I'd think you have 3 sets of trebles? In that case, you could almost double your size and eliminate one of the trebles.
Posted 2/13/2014 7:14 AM (#691317 - in reply to #691281)
Subject: Re: Hook size for custom lures

Posts: 177

Location: ON
One of my favourite baits in a 6" Leo Jerk. I believe it has 2, 5/0 hooks. Great hooking percentage.

Now yours being a crank, you would have to test and tune. Look at other 6" cranks with 2 trebles and see hook sizes.
Posted 2/13/2014 12:15 PM (#691390 - in reply to #691281)
Subject: RE: Hook size for custom lures

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
If you lay the belly hook on the belly, you will want the points out past the body. I always look at a 6/0 -7/0 as a std hook. I know I can get ahold with one of those. But you have to put the bait in the water and watch the action and dial it in. I have a few sporting 10/0's but very few lures can handle them without losing action and roll.
Posted 2/13/2014 3:47 PM (#691451 - in reply to #691281)
Subject: Re: Hook size for custom lures

Thank you all for the info so far.
Posted 2/17/2014 11:09 AM (#692060 - in reply to #691281)
Subject: RE: Hook size for custom lures

Posts: 345

Location: Poynette WI.
I agree you need to find out how a hook size effects the action of the lure. I like to use a hook that when laying back against the bait, the hooks will stick just outside of the lure body or slightly wider than the body. Some times i can bend two of the hooks on a treble hook to make it wider or i add a bigger hook. I also upsize/downsize hooks sometimes to add/subtract weight. I dont think there is a certian size for each lure, it depends on what effect each lure has on a paticular bait, which I usually find out from experimenting.

Edited by FISHFINDER101 2/17/2014 11:11 AM
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