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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> The things we will do...
Message Subject: The things we will do...
Posted 7/24/2013 5:44 PM (#653414)
Subject: The things we will do...

Posts: 180

What's the craziest thing you have done to get a bait back? My brother bought a huge medusa for 30 bucks and threw it in the drink 3 casts later lol. He went back to the bait shop owner an bought goggles which was embarrassing and we did a little scuba diving in about 12 feet of water to find it. Gotta admit it was really cool seeing some giant smallmouth down there.
Posted 7/24/2013 6:24 PM (#653418 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: RE: The things we will do...

Posts: 812

Watched my father try to retrieve a Gene's Wyde Glyde from a tree (wasn't his or mine, just wanted it!) proceeded to watch the lure retriever snap, land on his reel (dislodged it from the mount,) and lost his lure retriever as well...never got that bait! Also lost a bait on a backlash only to be talking to some guys a week later who had it in the bottom of their boat after finding it, got that one back.
Posted 7/24/2013 6:25 PM (#653419 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

Posts: 311

Location: Lake St.Clair
I was bass fishing off a pier few years ago.. just got a brand new bait and wam 2 cast in went flying into space. Seen were it hit the water emptied my pockets and swam a good 75 yards and grabbed it. Looked like a complete idiot but hey 30 $ is 30 $ people polar plunge for free so hey lol
Posted 7/24/2013 6:29 PM (#653421 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

Posts: 164

Location: Bloomington,MN
we were camping a few years back and I was fishing from shore, launched a weagle about 75 yards. BTW this is mid october. Stripped down to boxers and swam out and got it. Sure was a cold walk back to the campsite
Posted 7/24/2013 6:36 PM (#653422 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

Posts: 1516

Got a weagle tangled in the branch of tree. Broke the line trying to pull it free. The next day I went back with my extending tree trimmer and did a little tree trimming to the branch. Got the bait back

Edited by Pepper 7/24/2013 6:38 PM
Posted 7/24/2013 6:44 PM (#653425 - in reply to #653422)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

Posts: 240

Location: Oconomowc, WI
Pepper - 7/24/2013 6:36 PM

Got a weagle tangled in the branch of tree. Broke the line trying to pull it free. The next day I went back with my extending tree trimmer and did a little tree trimming to the branch. Got the bait back

ha, +1!
Posted 7/24/2013 7:48 PM (#653434 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

I bought a gopro hero 3 and used it twice while I was standing there my head strap broke and it fell into the water and I dropped to my knees to try and grab it but I reached to far in and ended up falling in the water ruining my phone and didn't get the camera. Ended the day with a pike bass and perch all on musky lures. Bad day. But I did get gopro to replace the camera for free.
Posted 7/24/2013 8:45 PM (#653445 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

Posts: 13

Location: OP. Kansas
Around 30 years ago, while bass fishing,I lent a buddy a top water to throw. He tossed it on shore, and broke the mono trying to get it back. I pulled up close and told him to jump in and get it. He didn't want to ruin his shoes and said "I'll just give you $5.00", a first for him. I anchored my boat and jumped in, landing on a underwater hedge apple limb with a big thorn. When I got to shore I yanked the branch off my foot, and grabbed the lure. I broke off the tip of the thorn in my heel, and had to have it dug out. With copay I bet that $5.00 lure cost me $90.00.
Posted 7/25/2013 4:03 PM (#653597 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

Posts: 386

This may not exactly fit the bill in terms of saving a lure, but rather saving a musky. I was fishing for panfish (way too hot for muskies) and unintentionally hooked into a 40" on my #2 Mepps. Didn't even take it out of the water, got her unhooked and she sunk to the bottom like a rock and laid there belly up an motionless. It was in about 12' of very clear water. I looked in shock at my partner who said "sometimes, they just die -- nothing you can do about it." Without thinking, I dove in headfirst, grabbed the fish by the tail and brought it back up. Held it upright as deep as I could reach to keep it in cooler water and after a few minutes, she slowly but surely swam away. My partner just shook his head at me when it was all over and I shrugged my shoulders with no words exchanged.

Edited by gopackgo 7/25/2013 4:06 PM
Posted 7/25/2013 9:04 PM (#653647 - in reply to #653414)
Subject: Re: The things we will do...

Posts: 3876

Just about swamping the boat over and over while dropping a leaded lure retriever to get my bait back from a tree top in 30' foot of water with 3-4' waves hitting a 14' boat. At night and by myself. Got the bait back.
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