Posts: 46
Location: Plymouth, MN | The other day I spent a good 3-4 hours on top of baitfish going crazy jumping out of the water in all directions. I was throwing rubber, diving jerks, bucktails, topwater, you name it at different depths and speeds and didn't even get a follow. I thought for sure I would see at least a little bit of action. Something was feeding on these fish. I guess could have been just bass and pike.
This is my first year fishing open water and I have been perplexed so far. I have searched and read through quite a bit about it here. Is there something that could have been done to get those fish to eat or should I just chalk it up to a bad day and keep trying the same thing? |
Posts: 383
Location: SE Wisc and Vilas County | In my experience once they start busting the surface the fish have already ate.
Edited by honkermusky 7/4/2013 8:23 PM
Posts: 613
Location: Michigan | I usually have very few follows when I fish open water, but that is normal. The fish are out there for one thing (to eat) so usually you get bites or you get nothing. |
Posts: 315
| It could be any type of fish feeding on those bait fish. Do not spend to much time working one area, find another area with a lot of bait that is acting in the same manor and continue to do the same thing. You should eventually find a big pod of bait that has a number of fish working them. |