| Im looking for a reel for rubber but would want to exceed 300$. Any suggestions? Thanks. |
Posts: 537
Location: Gilberts IL/Rhinelander WI | Shimano 400TE. Why does it have to exceed $300? Just wondering. |
| Sorry, wouldn't want it to exceed |
Posts: 1184
Location: Iowa Great Lakes | Been using a Calcutta B I got used for the last 2 years, so far held up great... all it gets used for is ripping rubber and pulling 13's.... |
| Saltist 20 |
Posts: 4080
Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion | Just what I use everyday for Pounders and MagDawgs............... A Saltist 30 and also a Revo 60 winch for under $200-$250.00
A Calcutta would be nice for sure. Can you say SMOOOOTHHHH........ |
Posts: 283
| I have used and still use a Saltist 20 for ripping rubber. Although it works well, I have gone through two reels as it just doesn't hold up to the abuse. My advice would be to get either a Calcutta 700 or a Tranx HS. Yes, it is more money but if you rip rubber why not pay a bit extra for a reel that is more solid in the long run. |
Posts: 36
| OR put your finger on the spool as you rip and don't let the reel do all the work. I pull all day with a luna and have no problems on pounders or 13's. |
Posts: 661
Location: Sussex, NJ | Okuma Isis 400 |