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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Editing Lowrance GPS ".USR" files???
Message Subject: Editing Lowrance GPS ".USR" files???
Posted 8/31/2012 9:10 PM (#581986)
Subject: Editing Lowrance GPS ".USR" files???

I have spent too much time trying to do this, I need some help!

I know how to save my Lowrance GPS waypoint and icon coordinates to an SD card as a ".USR" file. What I would like to do next is split them up into files for each lake and while doing so possibly edit and rename some of the waypoints. That way I can load just the lake data I need, whether it be on my machine or when sharing my chip with a fishing buddy.

I've tried converting with GPSBabel and editing in MS Excel, but I'm not having much luck and making the task way too complicated.  Can anyone share any simple methods with me? Thanks! - Kevin

Posted 8/31/2012 9:46 PM (#581990 - in reply to #581986)
Subject: RE: Editing Lowrance GPS ".USR" files???

Posts: 86

Three years ago I used a program called GPS Data Manager which I was able to download for free. I dont remember exactly how i did it but it took me about 30 minutes to figure it out and about an 1.5 hours later, I had about 900 waypoints classified into 12 different "regions". Now I just upload whatever "region" I'm fishing and save it as the updated file when I'm done. (Did this with the LCX 27) There may be better programs out there now, but back then, that's what worked for me.
Posted 9/1/2012 1:20 AM (#582016 - in reply to #581990)
Subject: RE: Editing Lowrance GPS ".USR" files???

Posts: 95

Great tip, thanks, but apparently my file formats were not compatible. However it got me searching again and I found a free program tonight which worked easily at:
I made a new file containing only Lake of the Woods data; will test it tomorrow in my
GPS unit in the boat.
Posted 9/1/2012 9:50 AM (#582029 - in reply to #582016)
Subject: RE: Editing Lowrance GPS ".USR" files - success!

Posts: 95

My test with EasyGPS worked perfectly. I now have all my LOTW waypoints in a unique file and will do the same for the other lakes I fish the most. I was nearing capacity on my 2 older Lowrance units. Looks like the software will work for a number of GPS formats including Lowrance, Eagle, & Garmin.

- Kevin

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