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Jump to page : 1 Now viewing page 1 [30 messages per page] Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Hi Seas for Tying Floro Leaders |
Message Subject: Hi Seas for Tying Floro Leaders | |||
tuffy1![]() |
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Posts: 3242 Location: Racine, Wi | So I'm looking to get a new supply of floro for making some leaders. I currently use Seagar, but see there are a few other brands out there. What are some thoughts on the other brands in the 100-150# test? Anyone out there use the Hi Seas or the Hi Seas quatro that they have at Rollie and Helens? Just curious. I have a gift certificate for their and may get some new floro, but if it's not good, I'll stick with the Seagar and order it elsewhere. | ||
cast10K![]() |
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Posts: 432 Location: Eagan, MN | I've made a few recently w/ Hi Seas 130lb. I've used other people's flouro leaders before, but this is my first time making them myself. So, the only observation I can make is that it seems to hold the shape of the coil more than I expected. It straightens out a little with use, and doesn't seem to affect the action of any of the lures I used last weekend. Hi Seas costs quite a bit less than Seaguar... how is Seaguar as far as flexibility and straightness? | ||
tuffy1![]() |
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Posts: 3242 Location: Racine, Wi | I think all floro will coil somewhat when you cut it to length, so no worries there as it's just memory and will relax a bit after while (you can always run warm water on it to get it to lose the memory). My main concern is durability. I'm definitely confident with Seagar's durability, but just happen to have a gift certificate for R&H and I don't see that they have Seagar for floro. If the Hi Seas isn't comperable in durability, I'll just get the musky cribbage board. ![]() | ||
MuskyLureFreak![]() |
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Posts: 323 | R&H carries seaguar.. | ||
catchandrelease![]() |
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I think Stealth is making some of their leaders with Hi Seas. Not positive on that, but I think that's what I heard. | |||
tuffy1![]() |
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Posts: 3242 Location: Racine, Wi | MuskyLureFreak - 5/31/2012 3:18 PM R&H carries seaguar.. Sweet! I didn't see it on their website, so maybe they don't have it on there, or I'm looking in the wrong spot. If that's the case, I'll stick with seaguar (thanks for the correct spelling too). | ||
MuskyLureFreak![]() |
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Posts: 323 | tuffy1 - 5/31/2012 3:29 PM MuskyLureFreak - 5/31/2012 3:18 PM R&H carries seaguar.. Sweet! I didn't see it on their website, so maybe they don't have it on there, or I'm looking in the wrong spot. If that's the case, I'll stick with seaguar (thanks for the correct spelling too). just type seaguar in the search box on there site.. | ||
cast10K![]() |
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Posts: 432 Location: Eagan, MN | I can't speak to the abrasion resistance as I haven't used them enough, but I did test a few by hanging an old deep cycle battery on the end and bouncing it up and down. I never did get the flouro or crimps (double crimped) to fail, although I did break/straighten out a few snaps, and broke the rope that was attached to the battery. | ||
Peter Stoltman![]() |
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Posts: 218 | Here's my take on the two brands. Seaguar is a bit more flexible and "softer" so it's a bit easier to tie. Hi Seas is a little stiffer and thus takes a bit more effort to tie but can be done. I usually use the DuBro nail knotter tool and can do either brand without much effort. I typically use the 100lb. My perception is that the Hi Seas may have an edge as far as the durability but that's just my feelings not cut in stone. Seaguar is more expensive and I suspect that is just due to the product being manufactured in Portugal. So, they're both good products and I wouldn't hesitate to use either one. Here's where you can find the Seaguar on the Musky Shop site: | ||
tuffy1![]() |
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Posts: 3242 Location: Racine, Wi | Thanks guys. I may have to try the Hi Seas to see how it works out. I don't tie them anymore, only crimps, and at this point, haven't had any issues, so the tie-ability isn't too big of a concern. I searched right after you mentioned they had it, and found it (who would have thought the search function would be so handy lol). We'll see you up there on Wednesday Pete. Guys long weekend up nort, so we'll be stopping by to drop some coin. ![]() | ||
Peter Stoltman![]() |
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Posts: 218 | Ok Joel, sounds good. We've got the crimp sleeves too if you need some of those. Don't worry I'll make sure we point you in the right direction. | ||
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