Guest - 3/13/2012 10:24 PM I was recommended to get the offshore boards and change to the OR-18 clip and a staylock snap on the other. The snap will keep the board on the line and you are not always chasing it down. I don't know about church boards, but I would suspect they would work okay. If you already have them there's no harm in trying. The biggest issue I had with in-line boards was having them slip down the line with larger lures. As far as the offshore with the RO-18 clip and snap, this seems odd. I've used the yellow birds quite a bit with the snap and a HD red clip (the one with the pin). I suppose the offshore with a snap would work but could also could see where the board might be prone to slip down the line occasionally too. I'm surprised to hear that the guest has chased down boards with an RO-18, and that's the reason for the snap. I honestly don't see how the RO-18 could release if the clip is adjusted correctly. Slip yes, release no.
We always use the HD small red clips with the RO-18 on the offshore boards, this locks the board to the line without slippage (with proper RO-18 tension), and must be manually removed to bring in the bait, or net a fish. These boards stay locked on with these 2 clips, even with board dunker fish we've never had one release.