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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Anyone upgrade their round Abu Garcias?
Message Subject: Anyone upgrade their round Abu Garcias?
Posted 2/5/2012 11:46 PM (#536971)
Subject: Anyone upgrade their round Abu Garcias?

Posts: 555

Location: Tennessee
I've heard alot about that my 5600C4 will die soon if I pull double 10s alot and I need a Winch. Given the cost of the Winch models, are there any people that could upgrade the common fail parts in the C4 for possibly less money and then have a custom reel?
Posted 2/6/2012 5:14 AM (#536982 - in reply to #536971)
Subject: RE: Anyone upgrade their round Abu Garcias?

Location: Latitude 41.3016 Longitude 88.6160
Wood_Duck - 2/5/2012 11:46 PM

I've heard alot about that my 5600C4 will die soon if I pull double 10s alot and I need a Winch. Given the cost of the Winch models, are there any people that could upgrade the common fail parts in the C4 for possibly less money and then have a custom reel?

The C4 has 6.3:1 gears, the pinion gear is so small in that reel that if you try to reel DC10 all day long the pinion will fail. You can replace them with 5.3:1 gears that will help but they will fail also if you use it for DC10 alot during a season. You need a Toro Winch or a Calcutta B or TE, save your $$$$ for one or sell your C4. Good Luck
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