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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> logging catches
Message Subject: logging catches

Posted 11/18/2002 9:01 PM (#4677)
Subject: logging catches

do the pros use fishing logs and any advise on the best way to put one together? chris

Posted 11/20/2002 11:23 AM (#50968)
Subject: logging catches

Yes, I have a log of every fish that either I or a client has ever caught.

Easiest way is to build your own using M.S. Excel. You can define the fields you want, the field widths, and formatting. You can always add new fields, and and you can have fields that are formula driven such as weight, a count, or whether a fish is a "legal". You can summarize data for a given year in terms of the number fish caught and total inches. You can sort data easily, and the ability to cut and paste sure helps you input data quickly. Doing reports is easy, you can select whatever you want, and present it however you want it. Essentially it is your data... you can set things up as simple or as complicated as you want. You can even password protect your file to keep prying eyes out (although forgetting your password in Excel is a REALLY bad thing.)

If you aren't computer literate, then bribe a friend to set up what you want. A case of brewskies is a great motivator!

Steve Wickens

Posted 11/28/2002 9:20 AM (#50969)
Subject: logging catches

which fields do you add to the excell file? I use weather conditions (temp, wind speed and direction, sunny/cloudy and changes during the day), place where I caught it, date, length, fish species, bait I used and how I fished it, number of follows and lost fish, any particularities that I encountered during the day like seeing a fox, condition of the water (dark, clear, waves, ...)

Posted 12/3/2002 11:21 AM (#50970)
Subject: logging catches

Here is my current length of input fields:

Date, Who (Client, Friend, Family, Me, etc.), Length, Girth, Lake, Location, Wind Direction, Wind Intensity, Time, Surface Temp., Weather, Moon Phase, Bottom Content, Casting/Trolling, Downriggers or Planers, Trolling Speed, Depth, Lure (Size, Make & Model), Colour

Here are my calculated fields:

Weight, Legal (Y/N), Fish Counts (Legal & Non-Legal)

Hope this helps,

Steve Wickens
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