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Message Subject: Vierkandt and Piantek Win MCTC™ Memorial Weekend
Posted 5/31/2012 6:08 AM (#562655)
Subject: Vierkandt and Piantek Win MCTC™ Memorial Weekend

Posts: 122
History was made during the 2012 during the Memorial Day Weekend at the WORLD MUSKIE TOURNAMENT SERIES™ (WMT Series™) one-day back to back weekend of tournaments for the Muskie Country Tournament Circuit™ (MCTC™) at Lac Vieux Desert and North/South Twin Lakes qualifying tournaments. For the first time in eighty eight (88) tournaments, or forty tour weekends of one-day tournaments back to back on the same weekend, the team of Tony Piantek and Bill Vierkandt won both events. The WMT Series™ first started hosting back to back one-day qualifying events in 2004 and many teams have come very close to winning the weekend but have fallen short but not for Tony and Bill this year. Unfortunately for the duo they won the weekend of tournaments in the first year, in several years, that the WMT Series™ didn't offer the MUSKIE DOUBLE HEADER™ bonus that offered $20,000.00 extra for the teams who won back to back events on the same weekend. Winning any muskie tournament is a great accomplishment for any team and for Tony and Bill to win two on the same weekend is monumental. Congrats to the two fine muskie sticks during a very tough bite.

The MCTC™ Lac Vieux Desert event would see only two muskies registered for the day. The first muskie to be registered for the tourney would come from the team of Bill Vierkandt and Tony Piantek with the largest to be measured at 42.50 inches at 11:15 am. The final muskie during a day of tough fishing would be tallied shortly after at 11:35am by Benji Wood and Rob Rottier and scored 34.50 inches.

The MUSKIE COUNTRY TOURNAMENT CIRCUIT™ Lac Vieux Desert tournament top two places were:
1st – Tony Piantek/Bill Vierkandt
2nd – Benji Wood/Rob Rottier

On Memorial Day Monday the 28th, conditions for the MCTC™ North/South Twin Lakes tourney would inprove a little but the muskies were as about as receptive to the competitors offerings as they were at the previous Saturdays event with only three muskies being scored. The first team to tally a fish would be Ross Korpela and Chad Peterson at 6:49am with a 38.75 incher. At 10:09am, Matt Raley and Jeff VanRemortel would register a 37” muskie. The final muskie of the contest and the biggest fish would be tallied by Tony Piantek and Bill Vierkandt at 10:58am that measured 44 inches.

The MUSKIE COUNTRY TOURNAMENT CIRCUIT™ North/South Twin tournament top three finishers were:
1st – Bill Vierkandt/Tony Piantek
2nd – Ross Korpela/Chad Peterson
3rd – Matt Raley/Jeff VanRemortel

The next tournaments for the MUSKIE COUNTRY TOURNAMENT CIRCUIT™ are Pike/Round & Squirrel Lake Saturday June 2nd, and Butternut Lake & Phillips Chain the following Sunday the 3rd. Both tournaments still have some open spots left. If you are interested in fishing one or both, you can sign up for them the Friday before the events, June 1st at the Moose Jaw Resort on the west shores of Round Lake of the Pike/Round Chain or on Shady Knoll Drive if you're traveling by road, at 5:30pm until 7:30pm. If you plan on fishing only the Butternut/Phillips event on Sunday, you can sign up for the event Saturday from 6:00pm to 6:30pm at Northern Pines Resort.

The WMT Series™ events are open to the public. If you are interested in expanding your muskie knowledge and enjoying the competition with others who share your interest, log on to web site or for info and an entry form or you can call 715-277-4411.

Sponsors of the 2012 WMT Series™ are: Tooth Tamer Rods, Fittante Taxidermy, Tackle Industries Super D's, Dream Catcher Bucktails & Tackle, T's Tackle, Suick, Yakima Bait Company, Worden's Lures, Poe's, , Trophy Hunter Accessories – Glittertail, River Run Tackle, Super Slayer Tackle Company, Optimum Bait Company, Figure 8 Lures, Lucky Craft Lures, and Salmo Performance Fishing Lures.

Edited by WMT 5/31/2012 6:09 AM
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