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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> To All Pro's- A Leader Question
Message Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

Posted 8/9/2001 2:26 PM (#1415)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

Do you use the cross-lock snaps to attach to your lures or do you cut them off and use split rings? Have you ever had a cross-lock fail on you? I have started cutting off the cross-locks and attaching heavy duty split rings for attaching with. Am I wasting my time or is it a good preventative measure for that once in a lifetime super fish? I am especially interested in you trollers. I do a lot of trolling and feel that it is a good idea with the force involved in some of the strikes.
What do you think? Jason and Steve, I would appreciate your input too.

Jim McCullough

Posted 8/9/2001 4:01 PM (#10238)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

Jim, I use Rosco Coastlocks and never had a problem. I have used crosslocks and had them fail. I have heard that problem is cured but haven't found out for myself. [;)]

As far as split rings, I might get there someday but it will take a few snap failures for me to do so. I've got confidence in my snaps.


Posted 8/9/2001 5:29 PM (#10241)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

I have to TOTALY agree with jono, I make all of my own leaders Jim and when it comes to the snap, Rosco coast-locks are I.M.H.O. the best. I to have had problems with the cross-lock snaps. Remember, ALL SNAPS will weaken after alot of use, so I change mine every 30 or 40 fishing days, it's not worth me taking a chance, I learned my lesson in 93, with the loss of what I would guess at least a 50lber. As far as the slit ring, I think they would hold up longer and take alot more abuse but as I said if you frequently change your snaps and use high quality you shouldn't have a problem. I'm real interested in what Rich and Marc have to say about using split rings or if they just use snaps, The preasure those two put on their termanal tackle by trolling and the stress put on by those BIG GIRLS up north must be tremendous.
Chuck Altamore

Posted 8/10/2001 6:26 AM (#10240)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

Jim,I use both.
My leaders are made with wire or fluro and have a sleeve in the bend of the leader to slow down the wear process on the snaps to the leader.I use split rings also on my baits.The combination of the sleeve and snaps with split rings on the bait give it a more free swinging action.Not all lures need a split ring.My goal in all presentations is to give a natural effect as close as I can get it.
take care

Posted 8/10/2001 11:54 AM (#10239)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

I also agree with Jono, I use Rosco coast lock snaps and I have never had a problem with them. I did spend some time this spring with split rings, but I found it to be overkill. If I was to pitch one certain bait for a long period of time that might be fine. But I always lost my split ring pliers in my boat, so that made me frustrated.

I make my own leaders and replace them often. I use a leader for about a month, they replace the snap. The ball bearing can be used over and over again. I believe that if you keep your equiptment up to par and you dont preasure a fish, your hardware will hold up.

Posted 8/11/2001 9:05 PM (#10237)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

I also use Coastlock snaps for trolling. Mine are BIG - they are actually very light downrigger snaps and are about 225 pounds test when new. They are also black in colour. This is neat, because, as they are begin to wear and "soften", the bottom corner of the wire at the bend will start to get a brassy look to it. That is a good indication it is time to change the snap.

I don't like split rings, because if you tend to experiment with different lures or colours, the split ring is a nuisance to deal with - a snap is much faster.

Steve Wickens

Posted 12/26/2002 1:33 PM (#10242)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

BTTT for some further info.

Posted 12/27/2002 10:42 AM (#10243)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

Hi All,
I have been using snaps for going
on 30 years now, without a single failure.
I use split rings on almost every lure I have to keep leverage to a minimum.
It's very easy to avoid problems if you replace the snaps, before they get to worn out. [:p]

Posted 12/27/2002 5:09 PM (#10244)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

Just my two cents here...I use cross-locks when I throw for muskies...however when I trol on rock I use split rings..I feel they are a little more fail proof..I have brought lures back and the cross-lock was open or bent up...In regards to changing lures alot..I used two lures during one week


Posted 12/29/2002 1:45 PM (#10245)
Subject: To All Pro's- A Leader Question

I guess I am a little different here.

I no longer use snaps because of too many failures with any kind of snap I tried. Did I ever loose a fish, no, but every snap I tried opened up on me at some point in time. Fortunately for me I always noticed the open snap before disaster struck.

I now attach all of my lures directly to a home-made wire leader with Bucher Split Rings. It is a little more time consuming at first but after one day on the water I can change a lure just as quick as someone that is using a snap.

A side benefit that I noticed this fall was, you can change a lure with a split ring pliers while wearing gloves. That is pretty hard to do if you are using snaps.[;)] Good luck and God bless.
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