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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> RCL Championship results, Live Leaderboard
Message Subject: RCL Championship results, Live Leaderboard
Posted 10/5/2002 4:47 PM (#295)
Subject: RCL Championship results, Live Leaderboard

Go to, click on the Live Leaderboard for the RCL Pros, and see how Bruce Samson kicked tail to take the huge payout and Championship trophy home!

Zach wil have a special report on WalleyeFIRST sometime tonight or tomorrow. He was attending the weigh-in, so he should have some great information.

Shep, you going Pro next year? It would be great to see a MuskieFIRST regular with a $400,000 check in his hands...[:bigsmile:] (for catching WALLEYES, no less!!)

Posted 10/5/2002 5:48 PM (#46648)
Subject: RCL Championship results, Live Leaderboard


You offering sponsorship? hehehe[;)] I did wear my MuskieFirst hat all week long. Maybe I should have had a WalleyeFirst Hat?

I don't think it's in the cards for me to go pro. I got a real education on how hard some of these pro's work. And I wouldn't be getting a check for $400K as I can't run a Yammy or a 'Rude. Gotta be a black motor for me!

I think I'll stick as a co in a few tourney's next year, and maybe get a little luckier in my 1st day pro draws. Am thinking real hard on competing in the RCL qualifier on Devil's Lake next year. Awesome body of water.

Congrats to Bruce on a great catch on the final day.

Tight Lines,

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