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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> MN Pike need help from MN anglers
Message Subject: MN Pike need help from MN anglers
Posted 4/12/2011 8:44 PM (#492590)
Subject: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

MN Residents, please take a few minutes to help keep our Pike slot lakes intact, this legislation will turn back 30+ years of your license dollars investment in Pike management and handcuff the MN DNR's ability to manage Pike; just click the take action button at the bottom.
Thank You

Edited by Muskiefool 4/12/2011 8:45 PM
Posted 4/12/2011 10:59 PM (#492617 - in reply to #492590)
Subject: RE: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 114

emails sent...just fyi there is a typo in the main body of the currently reads "I want t express"
Posted 4/13/2011 12:50 AM (#492624 - in reply to #492617)
Subject: RE: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Thanks Gator, many people don't understand the value of quality Pike to the fishery; especially when it comes to stocking our most expensive fish, the advanced Walleye fingerling's. In many cases we are feeding hammer handle Pike our lic. dollars without much consideration because the DNR is locked at 125 lakes Max. Now with this bill to reduce it to 60 the DNR will have no options but to let it go.
We need our DNR to be able to protect and regulate our fishery, the claims that they have over-managed the fishery are ridicules. currently there are 3,351 Northern pike waters and 111 under special or experimental regulation.
Pike are an important segue fish for young anglers as well.
Posted 4/13/2011 8:30 AM (#492646 - in reply to #492624)
Subject: RE: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 642

Location: Richfield, MN
Muskiefool thanks once again for taking up the cause for helping to save our fisheries. Cannot believe people are that naive to want to screw things up all the time!1

Email has been sent

I was impressed with the last issue I actually got true responses from 3 people. Otheres were just your typical auto reply from the senators

Posted 4/13/2011 8:56 AM (#492654 - in reply to #492590)
Subject: Re: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 53

Location: Mn
It is great to see Pike get the respect they also deserve as a top(or next to the top) predator because this state and some others have true trophy potential and when they dont cohabitate I'm comfortable chasing them with muskie tackle untill that game begins.Over the last 5 years I have 7 fish over 41" in Mn in this early season before they move deeper.
Posted 4/13/2011 10:02 AM (#492669 - in reply to #492590)
Subject: Re: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 829

Location: Maple Grove, MN
Pike were my first love and I have been fishing for them since I was 5. Catching big Pike is one reason I use spinner baits so much. I have found that the largest Pike often hang out with the largest Muskies and catching both is a lot of fun.

In my book, a 40 inch Pike gives a great fight and are every bit as much a game fish as a Muskie.
Posted 4/13/2011 10:38 AM (#492673 - in reply to #492646)
Subject: RE: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 642

Location: Richfield, MN
I actually got a return e-mail that is not premade. Rep Rick Hansen sent the following message along with the link to read about changes within the fisheries and hunting changes.

here is his response.


Thank you for your email. I was one of only 4 people who voted against the bill on a roll call vote in committee on last Tuesday. Here is a link to the story in the nonpartisan Session Daily:

Here you can listen to an audio of the meeting:


Rick Hansen
State Representative
247 State Office Building
(651) 296-6828

Feel free to sign up for my weekly updates:

Mark Daytins response was just a atuomated version that everyone must get that sends something to him.

Nice to see someone take the time to respond in person verses a automated response. At least I think it is not automated

Posted 4/13/2011 10:51 AM (#492676 - in reply to #492673)
Subject: RE: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 291

Location: Minneapolis
Is there a way to edit the message before it is sent? I would like to correct a few typos and add a more specific comment about Cass Lake.

Thanks for all your efforts on this.
Posted 4/13/2011 2:58 PM (#492745 - in reply to #492673)
Subject: RE: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 5

Pike is one of my favorite fish to target! And was my favorite until I caught the musky bug... Its great to see that others feel the same way and are taking actaion.

Muddy41 -- I sent the email out yesterday and got the same response from Rick, I too thought it was a personal message.... Anyhow it is nice to know that it is more personalaized then a simple 'thank you for writing' you get from most of the reps.

Muddy41 - 4/13/2011 10:38 AM

I actually got a return e-mail that is not premade. Rep Rick Hansen sent the following message along with the link to read about changes within the fisheries and hunting changes.

here is his response.


Thank you for your email. I was one of only 4 people who voted against the bill on a roll call vote in committee on last Tuesday. Here is a link to the story in the nonpartisan Session Daily:

Here you can listen to an audio of the meeting:


Rick Hansen
State Representative
247 State Office Building
(651) 296-6828

Feel free to sign up for my weekly updates:

Mark Daytins response was just a atuomated version that everyone must get that sends something to him.

Nice to see someone take the time to respond in person verses a automated response. At least I think it is not automated

Posted 4/13/2011 5:51 PM (#492781 - in reply to #492590)
Subject: Re: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 313

Location: Bemidji, Lake Vermilion
Posted 4/14/2011 11:08 PM (#493051 - in reply to #492781)
Subject: Re: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

rpike; Thanks for the help with the letter, its very appreciated. Keep the letters going guys.
Thank You
Posted 4/15/2011 10:39 AM (#493105 - in reply to #492624)
Subject: RE: MN Pike need help from MN anglers

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
John, just wanted to say that the e-mail that was written to the politicians was very well written as clearly indicated by the number of response's from both House & Senate members. Even the Governor's office responded!
Great Job & thanks
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