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Muskie Fishing -> Muskie Boats and Motors -> on-board chargers
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Message Subject: on-board chargers

Posted 11/3/2002 12:40 PM (#6023)
Subject: on-board chargers

I'm looking into having a 3 bank charging system installed on my boat. The boat now has a 2 bank, but it sucks having to use a seperate charger for my crainking battery. Any idea on how much I can expect to pay to have the 3 bank installed? Thanks

Posted 11/4/2002 10:04 PM (#49614)
Subject: on-board chargers


CSI makes a good unit, typically used as OEM by most of the big brand boat manufacturers. Guest also makes a good unit. Here's a link to the Pro Series units from CSI. They have list prices there. There a many places that will sell on-line much cheaper then you see here. Make sure you get a unit that runs max amp per hour to be sure you get a full charge on those short nights when you are fishing consequtive days on long trips.

ps. You can wire this up yourself.

Posted 11/6/2002 12:01 PM (#49615)
Subject: on-board chargers

If you've got the room, add a single on-board. Splice the wires from each charger together into one plug, and you're set! Guest makes a good on-board. If you need a price on either a single, or a 3-bank, let me know. I can get them through one of my reps. Ask C.Painter. I got him one. I think he got a good unit and a good price.

Posted 11/18/2002 7:32 PM (#49616)
Subject: on-board chargers

Do you guys leave your onboard chargers plugged in all winter?

Posted 11/19/2002 1:57 PM (#49617)
Subject: on-board chargers

Just got done with the first season using my Guest 3 bank and had no problems. I think I paid right around $230 to $250 but don't remember exactly.

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