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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> "T"-ing hooks yes or no
"T"-ing hooks yes or no
Yes T the hooks
No leave them as they are

Message Subject: "T"-ing hooks yes or no
Posted 11/23/2009 1:07 PM (#409584)
Subject: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 185

Location: On the water
Do you like to T your hooks and why?
Posted 11/23/2009 1:41 PM (#409586 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 8797

I'll T the hooks on certain baits, mainly wooden gliders. Why? Once the hook rash gets deep enough, the hooks will often swing up and stick in the back. I suppose it improves hookups too.
Deeply Hooked
Posted 11/24/2009 5:01 PM (#409698 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 303

I "T"....better hook ups!
Dirt Esox
Posted 11/24/2009 5:09 PM (#409699 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 457

Location: Minneconia
I don't think it helps hooking or hook rash, just moves the rash marks
Posted 11/24/2009 6:47 PM (#409708 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
I started T'ing mine like Kingfisher does on his Talonz lures. He doesn't just T them, he also bends them down. It cut down on my rash significantly. Look here:
Posted 11/24/2009 7:25 PM (#409714 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 443

Location: Indiana
If you are T'ing them correctly there will be no hook rash.
Posted 11/24/2009 7:55 PM (#409716 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: RE: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 20231

Location: oswego, il
I t them and bend the t-ed hook points down. I will say though on certain very erratic baits it makes them foul on the leader alot more.
Dirt Esox
Posted 11/24/2009 8:07 PM (#409717 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 457

Location: Minneconia
Wow that's an awful lot of bending on that the fish some definite leverage bending the middle point past parallel with the shank of the hook. Interesting.
Posted 11/24/2009 10:31 PM (#409726 - in reply to #409714)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

mseybert - 11/24/2009 7:25 PM

If you are T'ing them correctly there will be no hook rash.

are you serious?
Posted 11/24/2009 11:16 PM (#409729 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 8797

If you cut the hooks off your baits, you can eliminate hook rash completely AND eliminate hooks fouling in the leader.
Posted 11/24/2009 11:30 PM (#409731 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: RE: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

I don't t my hooks. I agree it cuts down on hook rash. However, I think t-ing hooks also hurts your hooking percentages. Why does it cut down on hook rash??? Because, 2 of the 3 evenly spaced hook-points have been bent away from their original position and those 2 points are no longer contacting the lure. I guess what I am saying is...You have 3 points on a treble hook evenly spaced 360 degrees around the shaft. When you bend or "t" 2 of the 3 hook points so that all three hook points are spaced evenly in only 180 degrees around the shaft mathematically you have just cut your "hookpoint coverage" by 50%. Do I think you'll only hook 50% as many fish this way? Probably not.

Let's take a reef hawg for example with three treble hooks. The first hookpoint pattern below is without the hooks "t"-d and the second is with the hooks "t"-d. I think by this illustration you can see how "t"-ing your hooks cuts down on "hookpoint coverage." I guess maybe it's comparable to a shotgun spread. Is it easier to hit your target (muskies mouth) with a wide spread or a tight spread? I guess the bottom line is I am willing to sacrifice lures for better hookups. There are NO "t"-d hooks aloud in my boat!

Non-"t"-d hookpoint pattern:

o o o o o

o o o o

"T"-d hookpoint pattern:

. . . . .
. . . .
Posted 11/24/2009 11:40 PM (#409733 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: RE: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Sorry. I messed up. That first diagram didn't translate over very well. Here is another attempt with the "o's" being the hookpoints.

Non-"T"-d hookpoint pattern


"T"-d hookpoint pattern

J Nail
Posted 11/25/2009 2:26 PM (#409785 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 162

Location: Bemidji, MN
Ok, food for thought after looking at the talon bait. Why not salt water double hooks instead?

I pretty much only T my hooks on Beleivers or jackpot/weagle type baits
Posted 11/25/2009 2:59 PM (#409788 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
I think the rounder the bait, the higher your hooking % will be if you 'T'. Just take a Weagle or Wabull and lay the hooks flush up against it. They sit up tight on the body. If you 'T' the 2 points, there will be a gap between the hooks and body. I guess it doesn't make AS much difference on a Jake or Granny, since they are flat-sided. There is a gap no matter what.

Edited by JimtenHaaf 11/25/2009 3:49 PM
Posted 11/25/2009 3:17 PM (#409790 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 8797

In my opinion you've got a much better chance of hooking a fish on a T'd hook than you do one that is not T'd that has swung up and stuck in the bare wood on the back of the lure.
Posted 11/25/2009 3:33 PM (#409792 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: RE: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Your hooking percentages go up when you let them take it just a little longer. Wait 30 seconds after the srtike to set. (More muskies for this guy then)
Posted 11/25/2009 8:54 PM (#409822 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 1887

Location: syracuse indiana
well when guys started using t'd hooks along time ago . it was on bobbie's and suick's.. becouse if you didnt the 2 front hook's were hidden from the bait bodies. and the fish would be able to pin the hook up and have hooking leverage on you. and them guy's seen that when you t'd the hooks on most bodie style baits it did help stop some of the hook rash.. t'ing hooks isnt a new trick. they have been doing it for years...bill
Posted 11/27/2009 10:55 AM (#409994 - in reply to #409584)
Subject: Re: "T"-ing hooks yes or no

Posts: 469

Location: Downers Grove, IL
Lures with "T"ed hooks are a pain in the butt to hang in a lakewood box!!
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