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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> Pink or Purple.....or both.
Message Subject: Pink or Purple.....or both.
Posted 10/27/2009 8:20 PM (#406711)
Subject: Pink or Purple.....or both.

As I think about color patterns, I was wondering what musky anglers think about pink and purple based color patterns.  I myself have found little application for these colors.  However, not throwing these colors a great deal, I don't believe I'm in a position to pass jugement.  In what situations do you find pink a useful color?   AND   In what situation do you find purple a useful color?  I ask because of the three-four [coincidental] conversations I've had concerning these colors in the last week.
Posted 10/27/2009 8:32 PM (#406713 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: RE: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 315

yeah dont use either color they dont catch fish
Posted 10/27/2009 8:37 PM (#406714 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 157

Although a touch bit femmy I have had some success on one hot pink bait, puple on the other hand not so much. It's not for lack of trying though. I threw a purple bucktail for the better part of a summer because it was the "hot" bait. Perhaps for someone else it was the "hot" bait, but for me it really sucked.
muskie! nut
Posted 10/27/2009 8:50 PM (#406716 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 2894

Location: Yahara River Chain
I never use pink cause I am such a macho man. However, I am a big fan of bubblegum
Posted 10/27/2009 9:08 PM (#406718 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 8797

All kidding aside? I feel the same way. I've had limited success on pink in soupy green water, and purple hasn't served me well at all. Because of that, they are the last two colors I'll bring along, much less actually clip them on and throw them for any length of time.

I don't doubt that for some people they work, or in certain places or conditions. But for me? Not so much. Am I missing something? Perhaps. I pay more attention to things like forage, the color and clarity of the water, and providing contrast when choosing a lure color/pattern. I just don't often run into a compelling reason to choose pink or purple.

Edited by esoxaddict 10/27/2009 9:13 PM
Posted 10/27/2009 9:16 PM (#406719 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: RE: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 2865

Location: Brookfield, WI
Try green and gold. Avoid purple.


Sunday 3:15.
Posted 10/27/2009 9:23 PM (#406722 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 1462

Location: Davenport, IA
I have caught fish on pink. Purple has done well for other species...but I haven't really tried it much for muskies. I think we will see in a few days that purple is superior to green and gold.
Posted 10/27/2009 9:29 PM (#406723 - in reply to #406719)
Subject: RE: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 1184

Location: Iowa Great Lakes
June, 3 guys boat 12 fish in a short 3 days, and lost several others. 1 came on black/gold 1 on walleye, 1 on cisco,the rest on some variation of purple.

Friday evening 2 of us, I'm throwing a purple/gold Glittertail, we only have about 2 1/2 hours to fish. I lost 2 got 1 in the net, partner saw nothing ( wasn't thowing purple) Fish in the net was 39"

Saturday my 2 partners boat 6 lost/missed several. 1 was throwing a purple pro mag dawg the other wasn't, pro purple took 5 of the 6. 39",45,45,46,47.5,49.5

Sunday 3 in the net between the 3 of us,Lost 1 on the purple glittertail that hit boatside. . 39,( cisco),50, 43 on the black/gold Dawg

Monday morning my partners again 2 in the net, 1 on the purple pro, 45" 45 on the walleye

Nope Purple don't work

We had lots of company in the area 11 of the 12 were caught, between the 5-6 other boats 4 other fish were landed, can't comment on what colors they were using, but they were Blades and we were ripping Dawgs for the most part.

Best part is this was in IOWA.

Edited by shaley 10/27/2009 9:31 PM
Posted 10/27/2009 9:29 PM (#406724 - in reply to #406722)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 315

all kidding aside, purple was my go to color this year for bucktails. i had a purple bucktail that would not stop catching fish it was insane. caught my first fish of the season on it then my first 50" and probably ended up getting close to 15 fish on it this year alone
Posted 10/27/2009 9:31 PM (#406725 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 670

Location: Otsego, MN
I have had a lot of luck on all pink baits at night, especially with a big bright moon.
Medford Fisher
Posted 10/27/2009 9:35 PM (#406727 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 1060

Location: Medford, WI
Success with Pink and variations of pink...not a whole lot with purple. We'll talk about this next time I see you.
Posted 10/27/2009 9:47 PM (#406728 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Location: Ohio
Hot pinks and purples have been good to me on heavly fished waters because like most of you guy not alot of fisherman fishing with these colors and it gives the fish something new in a color schemes
Posted 10/27/2009 10:09 PM (#406730 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 731

Location: martinsburg wv
i hook three on a pink and chart bucktail this year
Posted 10/27/2009 10:29 PM (#406734 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 616

Location: Michigan
Posted 10/27/2009 10:42 PM (#406735 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 32901

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Had me a purple Wabull for a couple years, did very well on it.
Posted 10/27/2009 10:43 PM (#406737 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: RE: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 95

Location: LOTW every chance I get
Though I am not a Vikings fan, I have had good luck with a purple and gold Supermodel on LOTW.
Silver Scale
Posted 10/28/2009 8:35 AM (#406765 - in reply to #406737)
Subject: RE: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 198

Purple over pink on very clear water systems. Pure purple at very very low light conditions. Never had much luck on pure pink however red / bubblegum can be hot...
Posted 10/28/2009 1:23 PM (#406802 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 529

Location: Not Where I Want To Be
Purple Smuttley Dog for me. Haven't had much luck with Pink. (But my Wife thinks it cool when i throw that Color)
Posted 10/28/2009 4:38 PM (#406824 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: RE: Pink or Purple.....or both.

The majority of the time I'm on the water, Pink is in the water. It's hard NOT to throw my "Prom Date"
Posted 10/29/2009 12:16 PM (#406936 - in reply to #406824)
Subject: RE: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Location: MN
They don't work.

Edited by Mak51 10/29/2009 12:31 PM

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Posted 10/29/2009 9:37 PM (#407031 - in reply to #406711)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 71

Location: Loves Park, IL
I have had tons of luck with purple bucktails, but only bucktails.....I have not had any luck with anything else purple in my tacklebox. My purple bucktails are my go to baits and usually don't fail me. Now for pink, that's a different story....I threw pink all summer and only had a couple curious lookers.
Posted 10/29/2009 9:56 PM (#407036 - in reply to #407031)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 619

Location: Verona, WI
Pink lures are terrible. Don't use them.....ever.

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Posted 11/6/2009 2:36 PM (#407954 - in reply to #407036)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

I have the bucktails hanging from a ledge in our place for the guests to choose from. Your post made me think of the wifes comment about the growing number of purple, white & pink tails that have been tied over the last four years. She said they make the display look trashy. I told her I like my baits a little on the trashy side. About five years ago pink was the ticket for a couple lakes. Reason why????
Posted 11/6/2009 4:34 PM (#407966 - in reply to #407954)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 8797

Jake - 11/6/2009 2:36 PM

[...] About five years ago pink was the ticket for a couple lakes. Reason why????

Because a certain well known guide did very well on that color, talked about it in every one of his seminars, magizine articles, etc. And then the great unwashed masses gobbled it up like candy, and everyone bought pink EVERYTHING that year. The next season, as you would expect, everyone was throwing pink, and therefore a pretty substantial aamount of fish were caught on it.

I am not saying color never matters, or that there aren't times where for whatever reason a certain color will outperform other colors by a great margin. But if pink worked 5 years ago, it will still work. Muskies haven't changed.
Posted 11/6/2009 4:39 PM (#407967 - in reply to #407966)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 619

Location: Verona, WI
EA has it exactly right.
Posted 11/7/2009 6:05 PM (#408063 - in reply to #407967)
Subject: Re: Pink or Purple.....or both.

Posts: 275

Building on Kevin's comments:
Purple with number 4 hooks are doing real well in Minnesota. I guess that is what you get when you have a good leader.
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