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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> river fishing question
Message Subject: river fishing question

Posted 7/2/2002 8:34 PM (#6723)
Subject: river fishing question

i have only fished lakes and am looking for some info on fishing the river in my town.
the mississippi looks like someone drank a bottle of prune juice and went to the bathroom. i meen the water is brown as brown can get and vey high.
what type of lures and what colors would you recomend.
thanks for any help
happy hunting

Posted 7/2/2002 10:36 PM (#37493)
Subject: river fishing question

First of all, I'm no pro. But I fish rivers alot, and deal with the chocolate milk all the time. I've been told top waters work well in these conditions, but they don' least for me. My go to lure is a believer/swim whizz if the water is real muddy. If it's muddy with some clarity, spinner baits work well. Best colors are white, and orange.
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