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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Gloves for unhooking
Message Subject: Gloves for unhooking

Posted 7/13/2002 6:08 PM (#7447)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

Hi everyone,
A guy once told me that he uses extremely heavy leather gloves to actually grab the lure when the fish is in the net so he can unhook it and remove the hook from the net. He claimed that even if the fish would shake its head, the hooks could not penetrate the gloves. I was wondering if anybody knew of such gloves.
I have seen the new Lindy gloves (orange one) but it seems that the protection does not cover your entire hand, only the front, not on the sides. I don't expect to use this glove when lifting the fish, only when removing hooks.

Any ideas or information would be greatly appreciated.
Musky Guy

Let 'em go, let 'em grow!!

Posted 7/13/2002 6:35 PM (#38207)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

I tend to stay away from gloves as they can be more dangerous then anything else.

Can you imagine not only having a 5/0 hook in your hand but going through a leather glove first. [:0]

You also lose to much feeling on your grip of the fish, once you have a gill hold on a fish you can sence it everytime before it thrashes.

One using gloves need to make sure they are puncture proof and no hooks can make it through them or else you may regret it later.

I just net all my fish and take my time making sure when I grab them I don't grab a lure or hook. I hand landed my first 200 muskies and got hooked only once and that was my stupid mistake of grabing a small muskie by the back of the head like one would a pike.

You definatly have to be carefull as those hooks can do some major damage.

As for grabbing a lure and not getting hooked, the guy better hope it's a small fish as a 20 pounders can turn your arm out of socket.

Posted 7/13/2002 6:40 PM (#38208)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

I agree with TM on that one, the gloves that I heard work really well are the Lindy Gloves. They are orange in color and are supposed to be great. We use heavy neoprene gloves that we picked up from the Musky Hunter store and they work really well for us. But don't get crazy and start just grabbing at the fish!

Posted 7/13/2002 8:11 PM (#38209)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

You guys pretty much told me what I expected to hear. I thought the idea of it sounded odd but if it worked, I was willing to try it. LIke I said, I have seen the Lindy glove but I noticed that the stiff protective material did not extend over the outer side of the hand which made me a little uneasy.

Thanks again,
Musky Guy

Let 'em go, let 'em grow!!

Posted 7/13/2002 9:05 PM (#38210)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

For $3 at a hardware store you can get tan leather gloves are not 100% puncture proof, but I have put my hand in a fishes mouth to remove hooks and its no big deal, even if it does get a hook through it, it takes so much its very unlikely that a barb will get in your finger. As far as holding a fish, I always take gloves off before doing so, I just use the gloves during hook removal, when the hooks are all out of the net or in the boat I will take the gloves off to take a picture and release the fish.

Posted 7/14/2002 1:15 AM (#38211)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

First off I do not have a vested interest in this product. I make $0.00 on it.

Lindy/Little Joe tackle co. of Brainerd Mn. has come out with new fish handling gloves. They are pricy at around $20.00 for 1 glove so a set is around $40. They are made with a new fabric that is used by doctors in surgery to prevent scalpel cuts to the doctors hands. I have seen them in ads in the major muskie magazines.

I bought a pair. I haven't had a chance to use them yet as the fish have declined my many invitations into my boat. But I have tried to put a hook through them on my own. I sharpen my hooks till they draw blood and it is almost impossible to get a hook to go through these gloves. A hook could go through but I would think that if it did it would be the execption rather than the norm. It is very difficult to put a hook through one of these gloves. I'm sure a tooth couldn't go through it. I think that they are worth the money and I can't wait to use them on Ms. Pig!

Check them out and see what you think of them. For me I think that they add a great deal of safty for both me and the fish as I probadly wont have to kill a thrashing fish that I might get hooked to.

Posted 7/14/2002 12:30 PM (#38212)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

I just bought a pair of fireplace gloves for $9 at the trusty hardware store. Thick and long so they cover my wrists, too. Used them last night, they worked pretty good.

Posted 7/14/2002 1:16 PM (#38213)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

I actually made a serious inquiry into comming up with something..I got a hold of the University of Minnesota prostetics {artificial Limbs} lab and had a long chat with a engineer who fishes northerns about comming up with some type of metal glove,limb you could slip over your hands and would protect you up to the elbow yet be flexible kind of like a knights armmor but I should pursue it more..Also I tried calling the police Bomb Squad with the idea that they must have some very protective gloves but could never get through to anybody,,someone should try to get hold of their local bomb squad there might be a good sset of gloves to be had

Posted 7/14/2002 7:00 PM (#38214)
Subject: Gloves for unhooking

If you go to the fishing minnesota webpage, second photo down on the right is a guy lipping a muskie with one of the new Lindy gloves...

They are pretty spendy, but the material is actually fairly thin, and you would definitely have much better dexterity with one of those gloves when compared to heavy leather gloves...

--John B
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