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Muskie Fishing -> Lures,Tackle, and Equipment -> New Super Ds - Wow!
Message Subject: New Super Ds - Wow!
Posted 7/13/2009 12:32 PM (#388363)
Subject: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 2687

Location: Hayward, WI
I just got a handful of new Super Ds shipped to me today. I'm totally impressed after handling them.

The rubber on these things feels TOUGH! I would say it might even be harder than Curly Sues. Probably pretty close to the same actually. Harder than the new Bulldawgs for sure, and even the new Bulldawgs have been holding up pretty well for me, so I think these new Super Ds will take A LOT of abuse. The split rings are really beefed up too from the previous baits. New harness, and everything looks great.

I was most interested in the baits having new, harder rubber. I can't believe how durable this stuff feels. Also, the new MEGA Ds are BIG. For reference, starting from the top is a Pounder, a MEGA D, and a Mag Super D. That 8 oz. Super D looks pretty small in comparison. The tail on the Mega D is pretty long, and that might just make the overall length of the Mega D slightly longer than a Pounder.

I think I might have some time tonight to toss these around for an hour or two. Can't wait to see how they work!

By the way. I ordered these through MTO. Aaron didn't have all the colors I wanted in stock, but since my entire order was Tackle Industried Products, he sent James my order, and it was shipped to me directly from James. I still got the prices and free shipping from MTO too. I also had the order finally settled and placed later on Friday afternoon, and the baits made it to me TODAY. Not sure how they got shipped out that fast, but what awesome service. Aaron at MTO and James at Tackle Industries are two great people to do business with.

Thanks guys.


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Posted 7/13/2009 1:32 PM (#388375 - in reply to #388363)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - WOW!!!!

Location: Illinois

Edited by muskellunged 7/13/2009 1:45 PM
Posted 7/13/2009 1:43 PM (#388381 - in reply to #388363)
Subject: RE: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 1316

Location: Lebanon,Mo
Cool,indeed.James is the man.Would like a couple of these for my first Canadian trip,but I leave out Thursday night,Oh'well.
Tackle Industries
Posted 7/13/2009 8:49 PM (#388469 - in reply to #388363)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
Fred!!! Moving a lot closer to you in 3 weeks! You can just pick them up on the way through next time to Canada. I think I will be about 20 minutes off your normal path through Des Moines.
Posted 7/13/2009 10:33 PM (#388484 - in reply to #388469)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - Wow!

Location: Des Moines IA
Tackle Industries - 7/13/2009 8:49 PM

Fred!!! Moving a lot closer to you in 3 weeks! You can just pick them up on the way through next time to Canada. I think I will be about 20 minutes off your normal path through Des Moines. ;)

Nice to see great tackle so close to home!!!
Tackle Industries
Posted 7/13/2009 10:36 PM (#388485 - in reply to #388363)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
FYI-for the new generation 3 SuperDs all of the MegaDs are Gen3 and all the 4oz shallow regular are Gen3 and any lure over color #24 is gen3. If you want any regular or mag gen3 under color #24 just email me as I have a mix of what I call gen 2.5 and gen3 lures and can let you know what I have that is true gen3. Sorry, I was hoping to get the full Monty of lures but had a slight set back in my inventory when about 70% was taken out in a mud flood. Getting those cleaned up now and they will also be out at the end of the year as not new but only "wet" once priced Don't worry, even the gen 2.5 lures are the same ones that made the SuperDs known for durability (coil harness, short harness nub, triple split rings, etc). The main difference is that the gen3 have the slightly harder plastisol used to make them.
Posted 7/13/2009 10:47 PM (#388489 - in reply to #388363)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 402

Location: Eagle River, WI
Hey James if you want to send me some of those muddy lures so I can try and cast 'em clean just let me know. I'm here to help.
Posted 7/13/2009 11:04 PM (#388493 - in reply to #388469)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 203

Location: Minnesota
Tackle Industries - 7/13/2009 8:49 PM Fred!!! Moving a lot closer to you in 3 weeks! You can just pick them up on the way through next time to Canada. I think I will be about 20 minutes off your normal path through Des Moines. ;)

You're moving to Iowa???
Posted 7/13/2009 11:11 PM (#388496 - in reply to #388363)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 1243

Location: Musky Tackle Online, MN
Rebel, he needs more room for all the baits. Lots of open fields in Iowa!

Tackle Industries
Posted 7/14/2009 8:49 AM (#388528 - in reply to #388493)
Subject: Re: New Super Ds - Wow!

Posts: 4053

Location: Land of the Musky
Yep, to Iowa the family goes. In short, got laid off 3 months ago and thought the lure biz would carry us but the economy told me a different story on my budgeting so got a new job but its in Iowa. Good for us though as it gets my kids close to the grandparents and they can see them a lot more. Both my wife and I are Iowa born and raised so its nice to go back. Just hate the heat and humidity Farmed for 18 years with my dad and I did not have the extra few inches I have now on me now so it will be a real sweaty treat... ha ha Will also be good to get back into pheasant and deer hunting too. Miss the hunting and I have about 10,000+ acres within 40 miles I can hunt from family and friends vs 0 acres up here in MN.

PS-Good news for the Minnesota buyers, no more sales tax for you guys
Sorry Iowa buyers, sales/use tax coming soon ;(

Edited by Tackle Industries 7/14/2009 8:50 AM
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