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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> It's starting again
Message Subject: It's starting again
Posted 5/24/2009 1:02 PM (#380133)
Subject: It's starting again

How much shouild a husband and father of 3 kids- 2yrs. 4, and 6. be able to go fishing by himself? I have a 12' boat so muskie fishing can only really be done out of it by myself. I know there are lots of variables to this question and my family always comes first. I usually go for a half day on saturdays with an occasional all day saturday with a friend. I take the kids out fishing once or twice a week aswell.
We all know how much of an obsession muskie fishing can be but fishing gets to be a negative subject around the house sometimes.I don't know if I shouldn't be posting this but was wondering if any others have similar situations.
Thanks for any suggestions,
Posted 5/24/2009 1:21 PM (#380136 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

I used to have that trouble also when my girls were younger ,they are now 12 and 9 years old and it's much easier now . I ended all the trouble with having appointed fishing days for myself . I have every Wednesday after work and every Sunday morning untill around noon . The wife knows I'll be fishing those days so she can make other plans with her and the kids . On wed. evenings I fish as late as I want and theres no worries about when Daddys coming home or if Daddy's tucking me in tonight they all know Dads fishing tonight and they're cool with that . On Sundays I get up very early before light and start my fishing so I can get the most out of that too . If I take the girls out other days during the week it's just bonus fishing time for me and the girls love hanging with Dad on the boat . Let's just hope I can keep that going as there turning into teenagers !! I don't know if someting like that will work for you but it has worked very well for my family . Good Luck

Lance McFeely
Posted 5/24/2009 1:37 PM (#380140 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

get a bigger boat and take your kids with you ...
Posted 5/24/2009 3:42 PM (#380152 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 717

Location: Grand Rapids, MI
I have a similar situation. I have 3 kids - 4,3,1 1/2 years old. I usually go fishing 2 or 3 times per week. I always catch some crap if I go that 3rd day. This past week, I went Monday after work, Friday after work, Sat. morning (to the local pond with the kids for gills), then muskie fishing again Sat. night. We have somewhat of an understanding that as long as I'm still productive around the house, she doesn't mind a 1/2 day every Sat. I love my kids, and there are some days where I decide to stay home, just because I miss them. There are some days where my work schedule calls for me to work from 5am-10pm, so sometimes I won't even see them that day.
Posted 5/24/2009 10:02 PM (#380179 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Well, Jim...only you can really make the call on that one, as your situation is completely unique from anyone elses. But I can tell you this from experience, as a guy who has "been there". My kids are grown up now, and I wish I had spent more time with them than I did when they were only your kid's age. Make being a good Dad as your number one priority, and the fishing dilemma will work itself out for you, i think.
Posted 5/25/2009 7:29 AM (#380211 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 2361

The muskies will remain muskies, and available, but the kids won't remain kids.
Posted 5/25/2009 10:31 AM (#380225 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 32892

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Jay, that is a fact.

I fished League with my son Keith last night. He has provided me with two grandsons, and we talk all the time about the memories we have created in the field and on the water.
Posted 5/25/2009 12:17 PM (#380230 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 1504

Location: Oregon
A guy needs time with family and time with friends. I would suggest you try to agree ahead of time on some days for you and some free days for her. Then when it comes time to go fishing there should be no hard feelings.
muskie nutt
Posted 5/25/2009 1:25 PM (#380233 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Posts: 99

Location: Hartford, Iowa
I have 3 children also, 2 girls 6 & 9, and my son who is 21 months.I know it is hard to fish as much as you want. Between work and family that doesn't leave alot of time for muskie fishing. You just have to make the best of every chance you get. Plus if you are really lucky you can pass it on to your kids.
Posted 5/25/2009 5:56 PM (#380265 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Thanks everyone for all your help. We all know at this time of year things start to get exciting in the muskie world but I guess the big man upstairs has the final call on everything and I think he would want me to relax and enjoy life and take care of my family and everything else will fall into place.

Thanks again,
Top H2O
Posted 5/25/2009 7:16 PM (#380275 - in reply to #380265)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion
Trust in the l Lord with ALL your heart, and HE will direct your paths.

Family should always be top priorty....... Just take them fishing more often.
I travel a lot, so when I get home its all about the kids.... Golf,go carts,movies, Church stuff, Boating/tubing, Ball games,Hanging out ...And.. muskie fishing with the kids ... They love to go to Vermilion and FISH !

Oh, I have 7 kids,... 6 boys and one Tom boy...... with the same wife.... Sooo, enjoy those brats while you can.


Steve Van Lieshout
Posted 5/25/2009 7:33 PM (#380278 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 1916

Location: Greenfield, WI
Starting when the kids were 4 years old, we brought snacks and or supper in the boat and did the tour of swimming rafts on Pewaukee Lake to slip bobber fish for panfish. For a break in the action we threw them over the side, in life vests of course, and gave them intravenous Koolaid. While the kids ate, I muskie fished. Both my son and my daughter say that those are some of their best memories of their early years.
Missouri Wayne
Posted 5/26/2009 8:23 AM (#380348 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Spend as much time as you can with your kids. It is to your benefit and theirs and the time spent together is the time they will remember in the future.

I would pick two or three weekends in prime time and schedule a muskie trip. Make sure you are on good water and fish yourself silly for two to three days. Let the family know what weekends they are and I think they will all understand the need for you to muskie fish in these limited time periods.
Posted 5/26/2009 12:05 PM (#380392 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 132

I feel your pain Jim. There was a time when I had a 2 year old and new born twins! You are in that similar situation now and there is no answer. When the kids are as small as yours, you can't really take them along. In two years, you will have three good fishing buddies.

For right now, take what you can get. Fish close to home. Go really early and be done by 9-10am. Come home when you say you will be home (thats worth a lot!) and be ready to resume "Daddy duties" the minute you get home. Don't ever show signs of being tired from getting on the water at 4am (LOL). Arrange some free-time for your wife to do some things without the kids. She will be more understanding to give you some time on the water when she knows that you will "comp" her some free time too. One hand washes the other!

I don't want to sound like "Dear Abby", but I have lived this exact situation and all this worked. What I learned from those days when the kids were small and fishing time was scarce is to appreciate every minute on the water more than ever.

Oh, and it looks like you have about two years to save a few bucks and get a bigger boat. Your little ones are going to be all asking to go fishing with you before you know it.

Hang in there. They get big fast. You think this is bad, wait till they get bigger and all need to be at a different activity every night and weekend. You will wish they were all 6 again!
Posted 5/26/2009 12:26 PM (#380395 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 1456

Location: Kronenwetter, WI
When you are older looking back and your kids are grown and gone, which regret might you have..."I wish I had fished more"....or..."I wish I had spent more time with my kids".....

Like I should talk....but I DO try to keep that in mind.
Posted 5/27/2009 12:39 AM (#380546 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 83

Great advice on the quality kid time ... but it is also very important to also have regular quality spouse time as well. This is a key to any successful marrage IMO, I've pushed this and was fortunate to fix it in time. I was lucky, 26 great years and counting.

If your wife is a full time homemaker, definitely make sure your schedule allows for her to have quality time away from the kids. It will really help her maintain her sanity and easier to live with (especially with 3 little ones)

If she/he also enjoys fishing then your blessed with a lucky bonus!!
Posted 5/27/2009 8:51 AM (#380579 - in reply to #380211)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 175

What firstsixfeet said. Mine are out of the house and I think of them all the time. No one ever says "I wish I hadn't spent so much time with my family".
Posted 5/27/2009 3:10 PM (#380658 - in reply to #380179)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Posts: 1169

Location: New Hope MN
Hawkeye - 5/24/2009 10:02 PM

Well, Jim...only you can really make the call on that one, as your situation is completely unique from anyone elses. But I can tell you this from experience, as a guy who has "been there". My kids are grown up now, and I wish I had spent more time with them than I did when they were only your kid's age. Make being a good Dad as your number one priority, and the fishing dilemma will work itself out for you, i think.

Posted 5/27/2009 3:38 PM (#380665 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Posts: 1536

Location: God's Country......USA..... Western Wisconsin
About all I can add is that I am now 58 years old and I still remember those times with my dad when I was a kid. Fishing or not, we spent a lot of time together. I only wish it could have been more. God bless you dad, you always had time for me.
Posted 5/27/2009 3:51 PM (#380671 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

i'm proud to be considered reliably unreliable and predictably unpredictable ... because i'm a dad of 4 kids and they determine which way the wind blows. you see, i can identify with the first question and especially the one that suggests your wife be the top priority. if that changes there is a thing called divorce which is expensive, sometimes worth every dime and sometimes not. the common thread though is that the kids with or without a pair of parents should drive your every activity. i have some pretty good friends and love to fish but can't think of anything more worthwhile or that i'd rather be doing than parenting my kids. i asked them over the weekend if they could remember 1. when the first got in a boat and 2. when they started playing golf ... they couldn't answer because they just simply thought they'd always been doing it ... which, in-part is true.

mine are now 14, 13, 11 and 10 and more fun and capable than you could imagine ... sure, some like to do some things more than others and often-times we're running to a wrestling tournament instead of ice fishing or hitting buckets of balls instead of musky fishing, but to leave them behind .. no way.

musky fishing is fun ... but it's musky fishing for crying out loud. let's say you spend all the time in the world out there on the water (been there and done that) .... you get all these great results. now ... answer me this one simple question.

who really gives a crap? besides you?
Steve Jonesi
Posted 5/27/2009 4:01 PM (#380676 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Posts: 2089

Fishing with kids and fishing with friends are 2 different deals. Spend time with the kiddies(fishing or not) and DO NOT let your obsession with the stupid green fish(muskies) ruin your marriage or family. You think muskie gear is expensive.....try a divorce with kids involved. Welcome to the poor house. For a fish??? No way. Fishing or family??? Pretty easy choice. A no brainer.
Posted 5/27/2009 4:22 PM (#380685 - in reply to #380676)
Subject: Re: It's starting again

Steve Jonesi - 5/27/2009 4:01 PM
You think muskie gear is expensive.....try a divorce with kids involved. .

lol ... substitute for crying

drills down to what's really important in a hurry eh stevie-j? ... lol

stop over for a gov't cheese sandwich sometime! i could buy a new ranger a year for what it costs.

marry wise or don't marry at all young grasshopper. the best thing that comes out of marriage is children ... you're best to pay attention to them early and often, then they will be there for you when you are old.
Johnny Coverall
Posted 5/28/2009 8:43 AM (#380836 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Steve,You hit the nail right on the head! It's a no brainer!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted 5/28/2009 10:16 PM (#381015 - in reply to #380133)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Posts: 169

Location: Houlton, WI
its good that your taking your kids out fishing
Posted 5/29/2009 11:04 AM (#381110 - in reply to #380671)
Subject: RE: It's starting again

Posts: 8789

sled - 5/27/2009 3:51 PM


musky fishing is fun ... but it's musky fishing for crying out loud. let's say you spend all the time in the world out there on the water (been there and done that) .... you get all these great results. now ... answer me this one simple question.

who really gives a crap? besides you?

Wisdom... for those of you who might have missed it

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