| Do you perfer to run and gun for hot fish..or break apart structure to get them to eat? |
| I like to take my time and fish each spot well, depending on the situation I may go over it twice before moving onto the next spot. Sometimes when fishing a large weedbed it may be nessecery to do multiple passes to cover the structure well. I have very few spots that I can cast and blast.
P.S. Your lures spend more time in the water this way you can't catch fish while your motoring around. [:sun:] |
| I rely heavily on both. I run and gun to as many spots as I can hit to look for active fish. Once I find some big ones, I spend plenty of time in that area really picking it apart - especially during peak moon phases. As the season gets into full swing, I hope to have a good milk run of big fish spots. |
| I totally agree with Scott, staying in one area or spot waiting for them to turn on wont put many fish in the net through out the season, but once you locate a active fish then disect the area but DON'T camp on it, I believe a big mistake that is made by alot of muskie fisherman is they over-preasure fish and in my opinion this more times than not turns them off. Work the fish for a while then give it a break and go back later, how long I work a fish or how long I give it a break is determined by how active or agressive I think the fish is. |
| Ok, I am not a pro, but I do both. When its really calm I like to fish certain areas and spend at least 20 minutes in each spot just sitting there pretty much. When its windy I like to cast all over the place or troll. Always though I cover the whole lake run and gun to start the day. Near the end of the day I'm always fishing the best spots. |
| I do both. For me run/gun is usually for water I have not been on in a while and I want a sense of where fish are holding. Once that is found I spend more time. As a rule, I'm not a big believer in the run/gun mentality, but it does have its place. If I'm big fish hunting I may only fish small spots in big areas, but I'm doing it slowly and meticulously. It looks like run/gun, but is not. |