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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> DNR Rules
Message Subject: DNR Rules
Posted 11/4/2007 6:54 AM (#282799)
Subject: DNR Rules

Posts: 389

Location: Presque Isle Wisconsin
The new live bait rules are typical ,politically based thinking on part of a Bureacracy. In order to keep sellers of live bait in business it enacts some totally unenforceable new rules that only a small percentage of boaters will ever even try to comply with-The key word there is TRY,because it is virtually impossible to move a vessel DRY from one body of water to another even if you TRY really hard. For example Water in bunk carpeting below live well drains etc etc etc. Add to this the folly of tossing literally hundreds of pounds of dead bait at boat landings and you have a complete nightmare. If the problem is as severe as they state the answer is simple- You have to ban live bait fishing- Although I love fish this way in fall Id certainly give it up for future generations if it would keep our lakes safe. Would it be a hardship for lots of people including my own business? Yes definately,but thats the only realistic way to combat what they percieve as a major problem- Cut the nonsensical B.S. and just do it.
Transfer by wildlife and other methods will still go on however and in my opinion VHS will be virtually impossible to stop.Delayed perhaps but not stopped.
Posted 11/4/2007 7:33 AM (#282805 - in reply to #282799)
Subject: RE: DNR Rules

Posts: 341

Hit it on the nose Howie.
I agree protecting waters for future generations and prevent is better then reacting when it's too late.
However, if there's only one lake open late November and anglers are working it 4 days in a row, transfers bait to a bucket and drains all compartments in boat, are they bad people?
With more demand for suckers won't prices go up or will there be more players in the bait business?
I might set up a sucker stand on every boat launch reselling bait back to anglers working the same body of water the next day.
Refurbished Sucker Stand Library
Posted 11/4/2007 7:36 AM (#282806 - in reply to #282799)
Subject: Re: DNR Rules

Posts: 32890

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
That just may work...

VHS is going to travel. Viruses do that, unfortunately. HOLY CRAP< IT"S SNOWING OUT...
Posted 11/4/2007 10:51 PM (#282914 - in reply to #282805)
Subject: RE: DNR Rules

Posts: 103

Location: Miller time Wisconsin.
muskycore - 11/4/2007 7:33 AM

I might set up a sucker stand on every boat launch reselling bait back to anglers working the same body of water the next day.
Refurbished Sucker Stand Library

You may be onto something there. At the very least, guys putting in will be chatting with guys pulling out seeking to snag some free, or at least cheap bait.

It doesnt really bother me to toss a dozen minnows out, but a couple of suckers is different.

This has got to be a mini nightmare for the guides who run and gun 4 lakes in a day, trying to put clients on fish. I guess they'll be hitting four baitshops, one for every lake they fish.
Posted 11/5/2007 5:38 AM (#282923 - in reply to #282799)
Subject: RE: DNR Rules

Instead of complaining about it, lets get to the real problem. Lets take the country back from these feel good, do nothing right politicians. What we need to do is storm the state capital to start with and put the fear of the Loard into them.. the Great Lakes are done, the invasive species are here because they will not fix the foreign vessels from dumping their crap in our waters.. sure its a federal problem but the states have to clean up the mess...get out the rail...
don't talk about do something, make it uncomfortable for these idiots that are controlling our lives!!

Oh well wishful thinking, by the people for the people...

Posted 11/5/2007 5:48 AM (#282924 - in reply to #282799)
Subject: RE: DNR Rules

Here is another thought, why was this done at this time of year, so late in the season??

Also how about ice fishing, can't save your minnows, right?

ESOX Maniac
Posted 11/5/2007 9:34 AM (#282969 - in reply to #282806)
Subject: Re: DNR Rules

Posts: 2753

Location: Mauston, Wisconsin
Howie- Exactly my point's in my post's on another thread. Yes, banning live bait altogether is the only way to stop live bait transfer of the virus. As you also say, that also means a big revenue hit on the economy and unfortunately a lot of small local bait shops are going to be out of business, i.e., that's their bread & butter. Actually the big artificial bait retailers like Gander Mountain and Cabela's will be winner's.

If live bait is not banned. It's for certain going to be a dog's paridise at the launches, lot's of stinky dead bait to roll around in. Plus all the kid's & wive's will be going-> Yeewhhhhhhhh!, what's that smell?

What about the lake shore property owners that keep their own bait? What about harvesting your own live bait? By harvesting I'm thinking about not just suckers & minnow's. What about salmon eggs from the VHS water's. I know there are folks who harvest those eggs and use them for trout & steelhead fishing? What about those who use frozen dead smelt as bait for pike etc? Where are those smelt coming from?

That still leaves the water in the boat/jetski issue. I checked my boat & motor yesterday to see how much water I transported from Presque Isle. I removed the transom saver (I loaded the boat with the motor trimmed up on Clear on Saturday), and trimmed the motor full down. I had about 1 cup of water come out of the motor. Then I put the ears on and started the engine (after replacing the Amsoil with regular Johnson/Evinrude 2 cycle oil). Let it run for ~ 10 minutes at ~ 3k RPM. Shut it down, and it took ~ 2-3 minutes for water to stop draining out. Tilted the motor back up & got about a cup of water. Put transom saver back on. Next, turned on bildge pump - no water. Next, unhooked the boat from truck and tilted the boat full up, i.e., until the skeg guard hit the concrete. I got about a gallon of water out of the boat through the drain plug hole (I had removed the drain plug at the Clear launch.. after the boat was loaded). Put the boat back down, and checked the bildge- still ~ 1 cup of water in there that I removed with my shopvac.

I'll say it again. the new DNR Board rule is not going to stop VHS. It would take extrodinary effort on everyone's part and some huge sacrifices on the part of live bait fisherman. How many weekend boaters, jetskier's, fisherman just don't care?

Testing of WI waters, creating/maintaining the VHS zone and education about transfer from the VHS zone followed up with strict enforcement is the most pratical way to slow this thing down and give the DNR fisheries biologist's a chance to try and find a solution. However, like all virus's, it's probably unstoppable. I think the best we can hope for is to slow it down. If you plan on fishing another body of water and you are on a VHS zone water, you need to seriously make an effort to comply. Even then there's probably a significant quanity of water in your boat that no one can see. I had ~ 1 gallon + ~1 cup in the boat and ~ 1 cup in the motor, and that was after over a week out of the water. There actually may be more in there. Next, I've got to wash out/disinfect the livewell. Was I on VHS water? I don't think so, I fished Clear and Preque Isle. I would hope that VHS never reaches the Presque Isle area or any more Wisconsin waters. That would be an absolute shame. However, the reallity of it spreading is quite high even with the current rule. Why- just because it encompasses all water's in the state and it not even close to enforceable, i.e., the WI DNR enforcement division just doesn't have this kind of staff level, i.e., enough Game Wardens. Heck from what I have read and heard, they probably would have to staff up just to enforce the rule in the existing VHS watre's/zone area for compliance.

The State of WI and the DNR Board needs to understand all the issues relevent to VHS, and not just the civic-minded political side. The first is to admit their new rule is really not going to work. Yes, the potential impact of VHS is huge and it's going to take approval and willing commitment of the user's of WI water's to slow it down. I don't see where they have even come close to gaining approval and cooperation from the public.

Yeah, I know the old adage, that the good of of many outweigh's the sacrifice of a few. In this case it's the reverse- How many fisherman in this state use live bait, versus those that don't? How many of those are fishing the VHS zone? How many exclusively fish a single body of water outside of the current VHS waters?

What about the lake shore property owners that keep their own bait at their dock's? What about harvesting your own live wild bait? By harvesting I'm thinking about not just suckers & minnow's. What about salmon eggs from the VHS water's. I know there are folks who harvest those eggs and use them for trout & steel head fishing? What about those who use frozen dead smelt as bait for pike etc?


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