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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Mosquitos?
Message Subject: Mosquitos?
The Wanderer
Posted 9/5/2007 5:40 PM (#273438)
Subject: Mosquitos?

Posts: 158

Location: Burlington, WI
How bad are the mosquitos where everybody is fishing? Down here in southeastern WI the mosquitos have gone crazy with all of this wet whether. I'm heading to Vilas county in two weeks and I'm wondering if I'll be able to sleep in the bed of the truck or have to sleep in the cab.

The Wanderer
Posted 9/5/2007 5:55 PM (#273444 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

bad in northern illinois.
Posted 9/5/2007 6:38 PM (#273453 - in reply to #273444)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 1764

Location: Ogden, Ut
Practically nonexistent here. I don't believe I've been bitten all year while fishing. Kinda odd now that I think about it. I guess there are a few advantages to living in a desert.
Posted 9/5/2007 8:32 PM (#273470 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 367

Location: Chicago
They will be fine the week of Oct. 21.............
Posted 9/5/2007 9:27 PM (#273478 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 561

Location: Monee, Illinois
Bad bad bad....West Nile is a given
Smokin Joe
Posted 9/5/2007 9:39 PM (#273480 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 311

You will be in the cab.......................good luck..........
Posted 9/5/2007 10:12 PM (#273485 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 127

Location: Brookfield
I just got back from 3 lakes. The only mosquitoes I had around was right at sunset and they were gone in about an hour. Nothing like se wi right now. I am not looking forward to bow hunting, I cant even imagine what they are like in the swamp I hunt. I might as well sit on Pewaukee and fish instead.
Posted 9/6/2007 6:07 AM (#273510 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 2091

Location: Stevens Point, WI
I was in Vilas County this weekend and they were almost non existent at dark even. There not bad here in Point either.
Vince Weirick
Posted 9/6/2007 6:59 AM (#273514 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 1060

Location: Palm Coast, FL
They are horrible here in Northern Indiana. Got off the lake last night and was heading home...sounded like rain on the windshield with all the bugs.
Posted 9/6/2007 7:53 AM (#273528 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 785

Was out scouting some goose hunting areas in northern Iowa and it was horrible, I more or less ran from pond to pond to prevent passing out from blood loss...

...instead I about passed out from being out of shape lol.
Grunt Lures
Posted 9/6/2007 11:02 AM (#273560 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 786

Location: Minnesota
CRAZY in Iowa!!! My son go bit up bad two days ago! 20-30 bites on his head and arms just playing in the yard. Can't imagine what it is like on the water!
Posted 9/6/2007 1:13 PM (#273602 - in reply to #273560)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 186

Location: West Chicago, IL
In Northern Illinois, they are absolutely the WORST I have ever seen!
Posted 9/6/2007 2:09 PM (#273612 - in reply to #273602)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 2865

Location: Brookfield, WI
I went through a house today on a wooded bluff site with Lake Michigan frontage. As I was measuring the outside of the house I suffered the most ferocious mosquito assault I think I have ever experienced in eighteen years as an appraiser.

I fear I may have contracted malaria, yellow fever, and West Nile Virus in the course of approximately eight minutes. Man that sucked. As I and a cloud of the vicious creatures got into the car, I felt like the Elephant Man from the bumps rising in numerous places on my face and skull. The little monsters even bit my head through my recently cut hair.

I have to end this post and do some scratching.


Ooooh, that feels good.
Posted 9/6/2007 4:23 PM (#273632 - in reply to #273612)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 1769

Location: Algonquin, ILL
N.ILL is the worst I have ever seen it, Fishing in my pond last night the little vampires seemed to be lining up to hit an unprotected area as soon as one left
( or got squished ) a new one moved in, kind of like fishing a good reef on Vermillion one boat leaves and a new one moves in with others waiting thier turn in line

Hot & sweaty mosquito bitten but still caught some nice Bass

Posted 9/6/2007 4:40 PM (#273634 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 317

N. Illinois:
last night the mosquitos were so bad, one grabbed the bug spray bottle right out of my hand, chugged it, then threw the crumpled bottle at my head and flew away! We left right after that.

I swear, i seen them dive bomb right through the water and come up with fish and fly away, like you see on National Geographic with sea birds! No joke!
Posted 9/6/2007 4:43 PM (#273635 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

Posts: 65

Location: De Pere Wisconsin
In two weeks in Vilas I think you would have to find the last remaining swamp and hang around naked and bleeding to attract a mosquito. I am a magnet and have had seriously like two bites this summer. Last year on Sept 18th I saw snow flakes driving to the lake one morning and fished in full duck hunting gear - I would worry more about being cold than the bugs real soon ( as I write this it is oppressively hot here in Green Bay!)
Posted 9/6/2007 7:19 PM (#273652 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 171

Just this past weekend they came out in droves. I was fishing at lunch several days a week with no problem at all until Tuesday......I took 3 casts and gave up. (That's north central Ohio.....)
Posted 9/7/2007 10:40 AM (#273767 - in reply to #273652)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 199

Location: Nebraska
Have any of you ever used a Thermacell? I just bought one for next week's trip. They are supposed to be the cat's hiney, plus no mess.
Wood Tick
Posted 9/7/2007 1:16 PM (#273788 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 29

Put up a tree stand in world record time last night in SE WI. THe clouds of mosquitos were unreal. I had my 7 year-old along and when he got home he told his mom, "there were a billion mosquitos out there no, there were more than anyone in the world can count!" Opening weekend (bow hunting the 15th) could be rough to sit through. The lakes are almost as bad.
semper esox
Posted 9/7/2007 4:44 PM (#273814 - in reply to #273788)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 217

Location: ladysmith, wi
Spent last night wacking geese on the flambeau river here in ladysmith, little bloodsuckers were out in numbers also had first case of west nile here in town this week
Posted 9/7/2007 4:46 PM (#273815 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Horrible in Northern Ontario, as well as good old Chicago
Posted 9/7/2007 5:09 PM (#273817 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

A while back Esox Angler did a story on using B-1 Vitamins to ward off Mosquitos. Supposedly if you started taking a 100 miligram pill everyday a couple months before the Mosquito season, you were not bit nearly as much. Anyone here ever try it?
Posted 9/9/2007 3:29 AM (#273956 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: Re: Mosquitos?

Posts: 3876

Bad bad bad. Gazillions of the smaller beeeatches. Don't let the bug spray get on your gear or fish finder.
Jim L
Posted 9/9/2007 6:22 AM (#273961 - in reply to #273438)
Subject: RE: Mosquitos?

I spent almost 4 weeks in Vilas county this summer and I honestly think I saw about 6 mosquitos. I fished til evening , went frog hunting in the bogs with my sons and we stayed on the water every trip so there was ample opportunity.
I live near Lake Winnebago and it had been dry in the area for a long time and the flooding rains have allowed all of the dormant mosquito eggs to hatch. I went scouting for the youth duck hunt Sat. AM and noticed they weren't too bad in the cool shade in the morning but once you got in the sun they swarmed you. My son has welts covering his arms and legs from bites during recess in the middle of the day which is unusual. An article in the Milwaukee paper they could be around for several more weeks in S. WI.
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