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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> No Purists in Muskie Fishing!
Message Subject: No Purists in Muskie Fishing!
Posted 10/9/2006 9:05 AM (#213480 - in reply to #213432)
Subject: RE: No Purists in Muskie Fishing!

Posts: 5874

Yup, but they're flyfishermen, so who cares! Just kidding.

I don't believe ethical is the proper term to apply here. Trolling vs non trolling? Disagreement on a presentaion method, but certainly not an ethical delemma.

My point in bringing up the topic was there are certain attitudes in our sport, that we seem to push upon others, because we are either very passionate about, or perhaps we are too narrow minded, to accept, or respect, the attitude of others. I guess wht got it going was the debate on Don's mentioning he may be using suckers, and why he felt he needed to do so. This is just one example, I mentioned a few others, and was looking for even more ideas. Few of the examples actually raised any ethical consderations.

To me, an ethical instance would be fishing with suckers after the season is closed on muskies, and using the excuse you are fishing for pike. Or targetting

As for the fish caught out of season, I am merely stating my opinion that these fish shouldn't count. None of the recording organizations would allow these fish to count. Not MI, not your local club, not the FFHOF, not IGFA, not even the C&R musky Club. Yup they are great big fish, and I'm excited they exist. No doubt it took some skill, and a lot of luck, to land them. No doubt the anglers were quite excited. All that aside, I stand by my opinion.
Posted 10/9/2006 3:42 PM (#213566 - in reply to #213074)
Subject: RE: No Purists in Muskie Fishing!

It cracks me up how guys lable other "purists" or "elitists" when they don't agree with them.

Isn't saying a fish doesn't count (whatever that means) if you caught it accidently or out of season pretty elitist ?

A friend of mine fishes one way, with 8 lb. mono and jigs with twister tails.

He usually is targeting walleyes, but knows full well he can catch anything with this method, and is fishing for whatever he can hook.

I watched him catch 3 muskies in one day doing that on Elk Lake, including a 48"er on 8 lb. mono.

It was hooked right in the corner, perfect !

You telling me that doesn't count? It was in season, he did something most people couldn't do.

He caught a 48" muskie, period. He knew they were in the lake, and that sooner or later if he fished there often enough, he'd catch some jigging, but he is never out just to catch muskies.

Posted 10/9/2006 4:02 PM (#213573 - in reply to #213566)
Subject: RE: No Purists in Muskie Fishing!

Posts: 5874

IN Season. That is the difference. In my book, that counts. And I would offer congrats.

I didn't intend for this thread to rehash the out of season debate. What I mean by doesn't count, is that when a fish is caught out of season, by accident, that we shouldn't celebrate or promote this as anything more than what it was. An OOS fish, caught by accident. Youth or adult. Simple as that.

Maybe the purist in the tilte is wrong, or could be worded better. Point is, we all have differing views on muskies fishing. You are against judge boat tourneys. I think they are fine. I won't make you fish them, so don't stop me from fishing them. You have your opinion, I respect it, but also disagree with it.

I fish walleyes alot, and alot of those guys think we are a bit elitist. Mostly because of how some can be so obnoxious if a legal fish is kept. I get ribbed all the time about our passion for this fish. Much like I get ribbed on here as a walleye guy.
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