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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> open seat this saturday
Message Subject: open seat this saturday
Don Pfeiffer
Posted 10/5/2006 10:20 PM (#212946)
Subject: open seat this saturday

Posts: 929

Location: Rhinelander.
Will be probably be on 3 lakes chain this sat but might go to twin. Anyone interested in drop me a note. I might use suckers so if you don't approve of that its your call. The rigs I use are all very quick strike rigs that I make myself. The fish hits and you set the waiting.

TJ DeVoe
Posted 10/5/2006 10:40 PM (#212950 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI

You have a PM.
Posted 10/6/2006 11:07 AM (#213006 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 8797

It is pretty sad when you offer up an open seat on your boat and you feel like you need to warn everyone that you're using suckers and clarify what sort of sucker rigs you use...

Posted 10/6/2006 11:43 AM (#213012 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Location: Northern Wisconsin
why EA?
Posted 10/6/2006 11:57 AM (#213020 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 8797

Here's this guy, generous enough to offer up a seat in his boat to somebody he might not even know...

You shouldn't have to worry about whether or not you guest is going to be upset because you have a sucker out or clarify what sort of sucker rigs you use.

As long as whatever you're doing is legal you shouldn't have to answer to anyone about it, especially not in your own boat when you offered to take them out.

What's next, "I release all my fish, I use a Frabill Big Kahuna, I only take one picture, I water release everything under 40, I make sure not to use vertical holds, and I wash my hands in musky-safe detergent soap before I touch the fish, and just to make sure the fish isn't emotionally damaged I kiss it on the forehead and apologize to it before I release it"??

Don, I'm not making fun of you or anything -- I'm glad you're using quickstrike rigs. But when you feel like you have to put that out there when you offer up a seat, that makes me wonder about how some of the pro C&R stuff really comes across.

Anybody else get what I'm trying to say?

Posted 10/6/2006 12:45 PM (#213040 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 109

I thought it was a nice thing for him to mention it. I do NOT fish with them and would not want to be in a boat that did... but I think it was very honorable for him to mention it. He's a good guy to bring it up now rather then later! Good luck fishing!
Rainman JD
Posted 10/6/2006 1:06 PM (#213049 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 260

Location: Lockport, IL
I am with EA on this one. If a person is generous enough to offer an open seat on their boat, they should not have to feel obligated to let everyone know the means in which they will be fishing by. Now having said that, if you are a person who is going to be going along on one of these trips, I certainly imagine that you will have a much more in-depth discussion once you have notified the fisherman with the open seat that you are interested in coming along. At that time I am sure you will cover the game plan and decide if you want to take part for sure or not.
Top H2O
Posted 10/6/2006 1:32 PM (#213060 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 4080

Location: Elko - Lake Vermilion

EA is right . No one should have to worry about being poll. correct when offering such a generious offer. but I guess Don was making sure that there won't be any tention in his boat over draging live bait. Good luck Don, wish I could go.

Posted 10/6/2006 1:48 PM (#213063 - in reply to #213060)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 5874

MO, so if you accepted an offer to fish with somone, and once on the water, he pulls out a couple suckers, you would do what? Not fish? Hold your breath til he put the suckers back in the livewell? Insist he return you to the dock? I think you might have a long swim back from a lot of boats.

And since when is fishing with suckers politically incorrect? I guess we should also mention that we may use more than one line per person, too? Or trolling?

Posted 10/6/2006 2:39 PM (#213072 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Location: Northern Wisconsin
sorry i misunderstood you EA. thought you were saying something else.
Posted 10/6/2006 5:35 PM (#213100 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Hey i love them filled!!!!!!!!
Don Pfeiffer
Posted 10/6/2006 8:31 PM (#213127 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 929

Location: Rhinelander.
The seat is filled and and I mentioned that I may use a sucker so the party that was going to be with me would know it. Some people don't care to use suckers and I did not want them to be surprised if I decided to. I also want to tell you that the way I fish suckers I WON"T HAVE 1 GUT HOOKED FISH!!!!!!!!! I make my own sucker rigs and fish them differently then any of you do. I have never had a musky hooked deep with this rig. I've explained this rig here on this forum in the past. Sorry if you missed it> I'm not going to through it again. I'm sure I'll have the open seat again this fall as its when I really get out on the water often.

Don Pfeiffer
Posted 10/7/2006 8:29 PM (#213254 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 929

Location: Rhinelander.
T.J. had 3 skies today all on the manta, nothing big but nice. I had 1 6lb walleye and a pike, Nothing on the suckers.
TJ DeVoe
Posted 10/7/2006 8:53 PM (#213258 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 2323

Location: Stevens Point, WI

Thank you very much for the great time on the water today. Even though the fish weren't big, it sure made for a good day to be out and was lucky enough to get slimed a little! I think that walleye was the highlight of the day though!
Don Pfeiffer
Posted 10/7/2006 10:47 PM (#213279 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 929

Location: Rhinelander.
your welcome and look forward to getting together again....That was the biggest walleye I've got on the 3 lakes chain ever.

Posted 10/7/2006 11:53 PM (#213292 - in reply to #212946)
Subject: RE: open seat this saturday

Posts: 2361

I think Don offered pertinent and useful information. Some people might be offended by sucker fishing, and some people if they are into casting and pounding, don't want to sit and wait while suckers are tended. I think the information he offered is as pertinent as whether he fishes all day or just a few hours, or whether he fishes out of a big or small boat, it is something people might need to know before going.

I usually tell people that I may fish 10-14 hours straight if I am in the mood(and do on a fairly regular basis), and that if things look right I might not quit until and hour or two after dark. I also try and remember to tell them that I don't quit for lunch but just eat it between spots. Some people actually take their boat out and go get lunch when they are in the middle of a fishing day. It is all pertinent information, and they might not want to fish with me, or I might get stuck making adjustments I am uncomfortable with and don't want to mess with.
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