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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Most important thing forgotten
Message Subject: Most important thing forgotten
Posted 10/3/2006 11:11 AM (#212250)
Subject: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 106

Location: Des Plaines, IL
What is the most important thing you forgot on a trip and when did you remember it??
Posted 10/3/2006 11:23 AM (#212252 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 1083

There was a trip that consisted of me, my cousin and his dad (my uncle) up to our cabin in northern Michigan, which is a good 5 or 6 hours away from their hometown which is South Bend, IN.

We took two trucks and two boats and a ton of gear to not only fish while we were up there, but to work on our cabin, so a lot of tools, etc, we even packed a lawn mower.

We got up everything uncle forgot ALL of his clothes. Left his entire suitcase, which was packed and ready to go, laying on his bed at home in South Bend! DOH!

Clothes are pretty important.

Nearest town to our cabin was 1/2 - 45 minute drive away to run to the nearest Walmart/K-mart type of store to buy what he needed for the week.
Posted 10/3/2006 11:24 AM (#212253 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 469

Location: Downers Grove, IL
the boat. Halfway between Pewaukee and Oconomowoc.

Posted 10/3/2006 11:26 AM (#212254 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 33

Location: Prior Lake, Minnesota
Keys for the rod locker!

I relized I forgot my boat keys when I got to the access but I carry an extra key on my car key set. The problem occurred when I got to the first spot to fish and relized my rod locker was locked also. DUH!! Talk about a big mistake. That trip was over real fast.
At least it was only half hour drive and not a big weekend trip or else my boat would have sustained some damage.
Posted 10/3/2006 11:29 AM (#212257 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

and i was having such a good day up until now...

Posted 10/3/2006 11:53 AM (#212267 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 723

forgot the net once or twice, for some odd reason, didnt boat a fish either time. but, usually, if I forget something, I remember it half way to where Im going, making it a tought decision to turn back.
Atleast I never forgot my camera!!!!!! just had to rub that in, sorry.
Posted 10/3/2006 12:01 PM (#212270 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 214

Location: Central Iowa
boat keys after driving an hour to a lake, and I didn't know I forgot them until I got everything unstraped and ready to go.
Posted 10/3/2006 12:08 PM (#212271 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 16632

Location: The desert
Went up to Pelican one weekend and once I was just about up there I had this feeling like I was missing my tackle box. Unloaded the truck when I got there.....sure enough, no tackle box. Did a little bobber fishing that weekend LOL!

Pete Stoltman
Posted 10/3/2006 12:13 PM (#212273 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 663

One of my buddies who will remain nameless in this post forgot to pack his undies on a trip to LOTW. Fortunately for him the resort owner was heading to town the next day and agreed to pick up some Fruit of the Looms for him.
Posted 10/3/2006 12:33 PM (#212285 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 2865

Location: Brookfield, WI
I left my brain in a bottle of Hiram Walker's Special Old one night up at Eagle. That ruined the next day, so I'm avoiding that going forward.


Back to the original Plan.
Posted 10/3/2006 12:47 PM (#212288 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 382

Posted 10/3/2006 12:57 PM (#212295 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Gas for the boat.... Didn't realize it until the boat was already in the water. An hour round trip and I was back at it.
Posted 10/3/2006 1:03 PM (#212296 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 8797

Along the lines of Kevin's experience...

I forgot that one cannot sit in the bar until 1:00 am after a day on the water, drink 6 Bombay Saphire (94 proof) martini's, and expect to be worth anythting when the guide picks you up at 6:30 the next morning.

The Yeti
Posted 10/3/2006 2:24 PM (#212320 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

in the summer..the water

on occasion, the cameras

rarely, the net or something. but im switching over to a powerdrive this weekend, so i'm sure i'll forget the motor or pedal once or twice.
Posted 10/3/2006 4:01 PM (#212347 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 106

Location: Des Plaines, IL
My biggest one was the gas line for the motor, a lot of trolling motor action that day. Boy is it slow going when all you have is the trolling motor.

Posted 10/3/2006 4:13 PM (#212352 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Location: Northern Wisconsin
left some tackle boxes behind.

Edited by fish4musky1 10/3/2006 4:47 PM
Posted 10/3/2006 4:23 PM (#212356 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 921

Location: Apollo, PA
The boat plug......

I think you guys know when i noticed it.
Steve Jonesi
Posted 10/3/2006 5:58 PM (#212374 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 2089

Posted 10/3/2006 6:20 PM (#212380 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 536

Location: Brainerd Area
Left all my rods on my bed cover and rememberd 1/2 hr later. Never found them.
Posted 10/3/2006 9:28 PM (#212429 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Location: Hartford Wi
once the plug (dope!!!) found out when the carpet started to seep with water lol not good and another forgot the boat keys.....and also locked the keys in the truck in madison that was also great lol
Posted 10/3/2006 9:47 PM (#212431 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 2112

Location: The Sportsman, home, or out on the water
Went fishing with K-bob, and I forgot the rods and the tackle boxes. K was nice enough to loan me stuff, but it felt like I was peeing with someone else's equipment.
Posted 10/3/2006 11:01 PM (#212441 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Camera, just recently in IN, good thing we went back for it before my big gal

I always forget hats when packing for some reason, sometimes the cell phone, sometimes some special lures, always something
Posted 10/3/2006 11:20 PM (#212446 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 1462

Location: Davenport, IA
Tackle box a few times. Plug once (I have no bilge pump...)
Posted 10/4/2006 9:45 AM (#212519 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 69

Last year the hook retriever pole in Canada.That cost us a a nice chunk of change on lures.Plus the pole works well on keeping my fiberglass boat out of the rocks at times.
Posted 10/4/2006 9:59 AM (#212523 - in reply to #212250)
Subject: RE: Most important thing forgotten

Posts: 691

Location: nationwide
Boat seats . . . .not that big of a deal . . . .life jackets attached to the boat seats . . . BIG DEAL. Had to drive back an hour to get them. DOH!!!!!!!!

Corey Meyer
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