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More Muskie Fishing -> Basement Baits and Custom Lure Painting -> e-tex coverage
Message Subject: e-tex coverage
Posted 6/17/2013 7:48 PM (#647038)
Subject: e-tex coverage

Posts: 55

Location: Arena WI
If you mix .5 oz of each, how many 6" baits will this cover? I don't want to waste but want to have enough.
Posted 6/18/2013 9:05 AM (#647136 - in reply to #647038)
Subject: RE: e-tex coverage

Posts: 1106

Location: Muskegon Michigan
That is hard to say. It depends on how fat the lures are. Are they flat sided? round? etc. I mix in drams using medical cups. I can do like 6 to 8 six inch slashers with 6 drams of etex. Im brushing it on so it goes a lot further than pouring it. They way to find out is mix an amount and see how many it will cover leaving a brush or two left in the pot. What you dont want to do is get half way through coating a lure and run out. Mike
Posted 6/18/2013 1:12 PM (#647228 - in reply to #647038)
Subject: RE: e-tex coverage

Posts: 994

Location: Minnesota: where it's tough to be a sportsfan!
I don't even measure I count as I pour If I had 8 on the epoxy I do 7 on the hardner. Works out great.... If you line up all that you want to epoxy and then have extras ready to chip away at you will use it up every time.
Posted 6/20/2013 7:12 PM (#647705 - in reply to #647038)
Subject: RE: e-tex coverage

Posts: 55

Location: Arena WI
Thanks for the imfo giving my first try this weekend, doing 1 oz each and 10 lures to start and very nervious about it.
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