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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!
Message Subject: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!
Posted 7/17/2005 3:48 PM (#153768)
Subject: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
WOW!!! A trip to Lake of the Woods to remember for my daughter and I. My 11 year old daughter Brooke caught and released her FIRST musky of her young career. Just a 47" and roughly 30lb fish. Second day of the trip, in the evening, white pearl blade-black/white tail Mepps Musky Marabou, boatside on a figure 8.

Hopefully this picture will not be too large to post to give you an idea of exactly how big it was. She has stated that her favorite fish to go after is the mighty musky.

Still Smiling,

Posted 7/17/2005 4:10 PM (#153770 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
working on getting pics on
Posted 7/17/2005 4:36 PM (#153775 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 1764

Location: Ogden, Ut
Temporary lack of pics not withstanding, 47" is a heck of a fish! Give her my congrats.
Posted 7/17/2005 4:45 PM (#153776 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
Hopefully this comes through now.

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Click to expand / contract the width of this image
(Brookes 47.jpg)

Attachments Brookes 47.jpg (43KB - 136 downloads)
Posted 7/17/2005 5:23 PM (#153779 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 1504

Location: Oregon
That's awesome! Congratulations to both of you.

Jed V.
Bikini Bait Co.
Posted 7/17/2005 6:17 PM (#153784 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Watch out for her Chuck, very nice catch!
Rockin' SV
Posted 7/17/2005 7:43 PM (#153787 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 425

Location: Elkhart, IN
Wow what an awesome catch. I bet you sure are one proud papa. Keep it up.
Posted 7/17/2005 7:46 PM (#153788 - in reply to #153787)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
I'll be in this week to personally congratulate that young lady!! Great fish, sir, and a cool picture.
Pike Master
Posted 7/17/2005 7:52 PM (#153789 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 294

Location: Sakatchewan,Canada
Awesome fish Brooke!!
Posted 7/17/2005 7:58 PM (#153790 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 459

Location: New Baden IL
I cant wait till my 3 year old little girl can come along on a trip like that one!
Way to go!
joe m
Posted 7/17/2005 8:37 PM (#153797 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 330

Location: Pittsburgh, pa
Posted 7/17/2005 10:02 PM (#153803 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Great job Brooke, good thing you did blow that net job Dad! We hate pulling out we you guys were coming in figuring fishing would probably pick up.

Posted 7/17/2005 10:16 PM (#153804 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
A big thanks to all that have responded. You would not believe how great it feels to be outfished, size wise anyway. That smile on her face in the pic is still not gone. When you see her this week Steve, I am sure that smile will still be there, now and for a long long time. That was her only musky in the boat for the week. No need to hear what I did as this one is all for her.

A little more info on the trip about her. She chose to throw a Lac Seul Turbo in the frog pattern over a large cabbage bed. On her first cast, about half way back to the boat, a mid 40"er tried to eat the bait. She froze on that one and said "That was cool!". I barked to keep the bait going and in a split second it was on its way again. About 3' from the boat, it tried to eat it again. This time she kept reeling and went straight into a perfect figure 8. One more swing and a miss from the fish and we could not get it back up. She had an absolute blast with that fish, even though it never made it into the boat.

She lost a few other smaller musky that she hooked up on boat side moves, but they shook free. She also had several other follows from low 30" fish to the low to mid 40" class.

I have got to be one of the proudest dads around right now. This fish that she got had a HUGE girth and really thick tail. There is a lot of growth potential for this fish, that is for sure. I have very large hands and was not even close to being able to hold onto the tail. She grabbed it with both hands and turned it on its side like a pro to see if it was ready to go. Unfortunately, the fish was ready to go before I could get back for release pics. She said that it felt great to feel, release and see a fish like that swim out of her hands.

Only time before she pops another good one.

Good Fishing,

Posted 7/17/2005 10:21 PM (#153806 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 216

Location: Belleville, WI
Great fish, and a great story too!!!
Posted 7/18/2005 7:20 AM (#153821 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Location: Athens, Ohio
That smile says it all, what a great memory for you both. m
Mark H.
Posted 7/18/2005 7:26 AM (#153825 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 1936

Location: Eau Claire, WI
Very nice Chuck... life long memories for sure
Posted 7/18/2005 7:28 AM (#153826 - in reply to #153803)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 1245

Location: Madtown, WI
Posted 7/18/2005 7:32 AM (#153827 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 3242

Location: Racine, Wi
That is an AWESOME fish, and a great story Chuck! Congrats to both of you, and tell Brooke to keep at it.

Look out Lucky Libby.

Edited by tuffy1 7/18/2005 7:33 AM
Posted 7/18/2005 7:34 AM (#153828 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 743

BROOKE! BROOKE! BROOKE! BROOKE! (can you hear the chant?)

BRooke Brooke Brooke!

Wow..well, now you know how to gauge the rest of the year Nelson! can you catch one bigger than your daughter?? WOW BROOKE! congradulations. she must be going into the 2nd grade this fall? wow! THanks for posting Chuck, tell your daughter even guys a few states away are really proud of her! great story, great picture, even better daughter! may both of ya'll be smiling the rest of the summer!
Posted 7/18/2005 7:40 AM (#153829 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 56

Awesome!! I have to believe Dad is/was more excited over the whole experience. The catch, the photo, the release and getting to tell everyone how good his daughter did.. <smiling> Congrats, to BOTH of you! I assume Brooke wants to go back to Canada next, yes?

Posted 7/18/2005 7:55 AM (#153833 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 686

Location: Tomahawk, Wisconsin
That is what it is all about, beautiful fish Brooke!! We are proud and happy for you:) Way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you this week!! Dave
Steve Jonesi
Posted 7/18/2005 8:12 AM (#153836 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 2089

Way to go girl!!!!!Beautiful fish!Congrats to you both.The place is pure magic. Steve
Posted 7/18/2005 8:23 AM (#153838 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Location: The Yahara Chain
Congrats Brooke!! I will show the picture to my daughter, she is also 11. She doesn't go fishing with me anymore, it became uncool to fish when she turned 10.

Tomcat maybe you have a lot of 11 year olds in second grade in Indiana but I think she is probably entering 6th grade.
Big Perc
Posted 7/18/2005 9:28 AM (#153856 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 1188

Location: Iowa
Congrats on the fish...

Big Perc
Posted 7/18/2005 10:00 AM (#153858 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 743

oops Bytor, i thought she was 7 years old..not 11. yea, i cant read...or type! or catch, what can i do?

i'm happy i humored you last week about the Keebler joke! thanks for appeasing my comic relief!
Posted 7/18/2005 11:30 AM (#153878 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
Yes Bytor, she loves fishing. I read her your response and she could not believe that it was "uncool" to go fishing. Hopefully your daughter will have a change of heart and will hit the water with you again in the very near future.

Tomcat, she is going into 6th grade. One of the only kids in her class that fish on a regular basis. A couple of the boys do, but the girls think that it is gross. She handles leaches, night crawlers, worms, minnows, wigglers, waxies, spikes and suckers. She helps her mom out at the store with all of these.

She not only loves to musky fish, but also walleye, bass, pike, trout/salmon on Lake Michigan and also just bullhead fishing. She has been taught that northerns are also known as "Snot Rockets" because of where many like to live, "Hammer Handles" because of their size here in Wisconsin, "Goat Fish" because they seem like they will eat virtually anything and just plain old "Nortens".

She is unique in the fact that the first big fish she caught (reeled in) was a 7lb coho salmon when she was 2. She was casting a closed face reel when she was 2, spinning reel when she was 3 and a bait caster when she was 5. She started to cast for musky with me when she was 7 and fished her first musky tournament when she was 9. She can look at a bait and tell you what it will do and what kind of water to fish it in, whether it will be stained or clear water and sunny or overcast. She can tell you pretty much what kind of weeds are what and which ones to fish. She has interest in learning to clean and repair baitcasting reels as well.

Now, my 8 year old son is unique as well. He can cast both left and right handed. Roll cast both forehand and backhand with both his left and right hand. He uses both closed face and spinning reels. Loves to make lures. He wanted to make his own plastics, so for his birthday last year he got all of the components to make tails and worms from Jans Net Craft. Has assembled his own bass style spinners and sold out of them in my wifes store in no time flat. He desires to carve musky baits out of wood and make crankbaits as well for musky; this is a project that we will be working on.

The kids were not forced into fishing, but they desired to get into it heavely on their own. My daughter is a free style figure skater and my son loves to do about anything, as long as he is moving. I could not ask for better kids with great interests.

I think that everyone should take a kid fishing. I know that it kept me out of trouble when I was a kid. Between fishing and sports, I did not have time to get into trouble.

Good Fishing,


Edited by C_Nelson 7/18/2005 11:48 AM
Posted 7/18/2005 11:35 AM (#153880 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 734

Location: Watertown, MN

Tomcat, is from the southern region, and he was 14 when he finished 3rd grade, so 11 and second grade from him is a compliment. JK!! Tomcat spent a week with your friend Ben on LOW, when you heading up here.

ESOX Maniac
Posted 7/18/2005 2:29 PM (#153902 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 2753

Location: Mauston, Wisconsin
Brooke- Awesome first muskie! All of us old fart's are jealous of what you young ladies are doing. But then we also love to see you kid's catching fish. I've got a 10 year old grandaughter-(Jazzy) she loves to fish too and she got her first muskie this year also. I'll bet your dad's grin was bigger than your's and his chest grow's 6 inches in diameter when he tells his buddies about your great catch.

Chuck- Keep up the good work, sounds like the whole family is into a great sport thanks to you and your wife. Those PMTT anglers better watch out!

Have fun!
Posted 7/18/2005 2:54 PM (#153909 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 2378

Posted 7/18/2005 7:41 PM (#153941 - in reply to #153768)
Subject: RE: ONE PROUD PAPA!!!!

Posts: 578

Location: Sheboygan Falls, WI
Hey Steve (MuskyKat),

You are darn tootin' that I was going nuts. I knew it was a decent fish, but in a Big Kahuna it is a little deceiving. I first knew it was decent sized when my hand disappeared by its head. Then, pulling it out of the net, it just kept coming and coming and finally the tail hit the top of the gunnell. I then realized exactly how big it was.

Yes, I am proud of her. She also is talking about going back. I have made reservations already and she knows it. Not sure if she will go back next year or if I will take 3 guys with. That has to be decided yet.

I would like to go up and just pound it hard for musky for a whole week. She could not handle day in and day out 14+ hours a day. She managed a 14 hour day and a 12+ hour day, which I am very proud of her for doing.

Have a good one Steve,

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