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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?
Message Subject: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?
Posted 6/30/2005 10:28 AM (#152307)
Subject: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?

Posts: 5874

When is this book going to be available?

Is this going to be refferred to as the Bible of Muskie Trolling? If it is half as informative as the Precision Trolling for Eyes, it will be great!
Posted 6/30/2005 10:33 AM (#152308 - in reply to #152307)
Subject: RE: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?

Location: Contrarian Island
I was just thinking to myself today after looking at my trolling depth spreadsheet that is not even close to being completed that someone should take the time to put out a book with diving depths of all the top musky baits guys troll with...I know this spring I was out and my buddy had a trolling book with like EVERY walleye crank known to man and all the depths they hit with different amounts of line out...Now WHY don't we have one for muskies yet? is it because alot of guys don't troll? I bet it would sell very well...
Posted 6/30/2005 11:39 AM (#152316 - in reply to #152307)
Subject: RE: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?

Posts: 140

Thanks for the vote of confidence guys. Actually I'm looking to have it available to guys in Aug so they can figure out how to use it in time for fall. Basically it's a listing of baitc from a Bagley Monster shad up to a Legend Plow covering running depths for 65#, 80# brain, 30# 7-strand wire and 30# mono. There will be a conversion table to model several other line weights to cover what people are using. It was really amazing to see that what at least I thought it took to get a bait down to a certain depth. was often times way underestimating what I needed to get there.

All running depths were confirmed with a diver in the water to make sure it was accurate and that the baits were running in tune. It's on the same type of paper as the Fishing Hotspots maps so it's writable with pen/Sharpie yet waterproof. Cost is $20.

Checkout the website as I don't want to make people angry here for a shameless commercial.

Posted 6/30/2005 2:20 PM (#152356 - in reply to #152307)
Subject: RE: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?

What is the website? I looked for a bit in the forum but could not find it.

Posted 6/30/2005 2:24 PM (#152357 - in reply to #152307)
Subject: RE: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?

Posts: 3242

Location: Racine, Wi
Posted 7/13/2005 7:51 AM (#153348 - in reply to #152307)
Subject: RE: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?

Posts: 167

Location: Fonda IA
Anybody getting an answer at the phone number giving to pre order this book.I've tried different times and days and never get a answer.I want to order (3) copies of this book.I realize it's not finished but they say in there ads that they are taken pre orders. Thanks Dennis
Posted 7/13/2005 7:59 AM (#153349 - in reply to #153348)
Subject: RE: Trolling Secrets Book.... MuskieMike?

Posts: 140


I'm having huge issues with the telephone number and hope to get it straightened out soon. You can email me at [email protected] or give me a call on my cell at 636-485-9236.

Thanks to weveryone so far for their support.

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