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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake
Message Subject: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake
Moss back
Posted 7/4/2005 10:28 PM (#152621)
Subject: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 166

Location: Gurnee, Illinois
Hello all, happy 4th. I will be fishing the Cisco Chain next weekend, and will be staying on Thousand Island Lake. Wondering if anyone could give me some tips on muskies this time of year. I do have downriggers on my boat. Any help will be greatly appreciated, as I am taking my wife for her first trip.


Moss back
Posted 7/6/2005 5:54 AM (#152759 - in reply to #152621)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 166

Location: Gurnee, Illinois
51 views and no replies???? Anyone???? There's a lot of water on this chain, just trying to shorten the learning curve a bit. PM me if you don't want to post.

Thanks again.


Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/6/2005 8:38 AM (#152766 - in reply to #152621)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
1) There's no need to leave Thousand Island lake, I've seen fish in there that would easily beat the current Michigan state record. You have to fish the suspended bite in order to see the fat ones. Follow bait fish schools and fish the edges of them this time of year.

2) Be very very careful running between lakes ....there's very very shallow water and some dangerous Rock hazzards.......Ghoti and I found an unmarked rock pile last November on Lindsay I believe! I didn't need a prop after Novermeber 22nd anyways....hahahahaaa
Posted 7/6/2005 9:52 AM (#152775 - in reply to #152621)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 1281

Location: Stevens Point, Wi.
John., the best part was you found the same pile twice.
Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/6/2005 1:04 PM (#152801 - in reply to #152775)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
HAHAHHAHA.....OMG, that's right....I smacked it on the way in and then on the way out I trimmed my motor almost all the way up and still managed to ting a boulder...... Momma said I'd be a fast learner.
Posted 7/6/2005 2:48 PM (#152809 - in reply to #152621)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 1281

Location: Stevens Point, Wi.
There's something to be said about consistency, just not sure what.
Moss back
Posted 7/7/2005 5:50 AM (#152865 - in reply to #152766)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 166

Location: Gurnee, Illinois
Thanks John.

Posted 7/8/2005 3:43 AM (#152981 - in reply to #152621)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 233

Location: Des Plaines, IL
I've fished it many times...the best action is by far off the "rock bar".
You'll know it when you see it. Work the deep edges, it's on the MI side so trolling IS allowed. Early am I would toss some top water up on the bar...later in the day(especially if it's hot/sunny) troll the deeper edge of the bar..if you're a caster...throw a bulldawg and jerk the sh%t out of it! Bloom can be kinda funky this time of year...if it's murky...Firetiger will do the trick....other wise stick to walleye/perch colors and you should do ok! Crank baits or bulldawgs!!
My buddy Vito nailed a 53" off that bar.....banana bait!!
Hook'em Hard,
Moss back
Posted 7/11/2005 10:21 AM (#153154 - in reply to #152621)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 166

Location: Gurnee, Illinois
Thanks Karen, I left before I read your message. I found the rock bar, and it is a great looking spot. Threw topwater, a big Jake, some swimbaits, and couldn't get anything going. Did manage a 32" and a couple of pike out of Mamie. Thanks again for the info.

Gander Mt Guide
Posted 7/11/2005 2:38 PM (#153196 - in reply to #152621)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 2515

Location: Waukesha & Land O Lakes, WI
Did you get a chance to fish any other Wisconsin waters on the chain?
Moss back
Posted 7/12/2005 7:49 AM (#153246 - in reply to #153196)
Subject: RE: Cisco Chain, any tips or pointers - Thousand Island Lake

Posts: 166

Location: Gurnee, Illinois
No John, after my morning on Mamie, I went to my usual area of Presque Isle, and fished Big Horsehead in the afternoon and Presque Isle lake in the evening. Lost one on Big horsehead, saw 7 or 8 fish. Nothing on P.I.


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