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Muskie Fishing -> General Discussion -> waves make the wind blow
Message Subject: waves make the wind blow
Posted 2/23/2005 1:40 PM (#136256)
Subject: waves make the wind blow

Posts: 39

Thanks for a sleepless night Steve. Everytime I hear you speak it gets me to thinking about the sport. You did a great job. After 5 minutes you had the audience in the palm of your hand. I am sure that I am not the only one who is still asking questions. I do wonder on the topic of sound how much more is emitted from a buldging bucktail? Also what does an algae bloom do to color underwater. If on a clear day a fish sees one thing but add the bloom and does it than become more or less night time to a muskie? Thanks again for a great talk.


muskie! nut
Posted 2/23/2005 2:51 PM (#136270 - in reply to #136256)
Subject: RE: waves make the wind blow

Posts: 2894

Location: Yahara River Chain
I saw the title and though what's sworrall writing now?????

I remember this kind of talk from the mid-80s from Mr Worrall. And it still hold true today.

Wisdumb - ain't it great?????
Posted 2/23/2005 4:24 PM (#136282 - in reply to #136256)
Subject: RE: waves make the wind blow

Posts: 39

I saw it quite a few times also, and every time I hear it, it rings true. Steve is a great educator if you are willing to listen and be open mi nded.

Posted 2/23/2005 5:49 PM (#136296 - in reply to #136256)
Subject: RE: waves make the wind blow

Posts: 600

Location: West Bend, WI
Ok,spill the beans..Lets here it!
Posted 2/23/2005 6:13 PM (#136302 - in reply to #136296)
Subject: RE: waves make the wind blow

Posts: 32902

Location: Rhinelander, Wisconsin
Waves on the water make the wind blow. It's a fact. Everytime I'm in big waves, the wind is blowing like the bustle from a group of retired ladies headed into the after Christmas clearance sale at Sam's Wholesale. If I'm in calm water where there are no waves, there is no wind. Therefore, waves on the water make the wind blow. What about the wind blowing across the open land? Most of the Earth's surface is water, and much of it Ocean. Big waves out there pulling the wind from afar, OF COURSE the wind will be pulled across land from such big waves. Waves on the water make the wind blow.

Muskies are smart. if you want to CATCH a big muskie, one must THINK like a big muskie. They condition easily after capture and run like mad if a boat approaches them ever again. Yup, smart critters, those muskies,some just figure the whole deal out BECAUSE they are so smart and go off sulking in the ultra deep water so's folks don't bother them anymore with a bucktail.

Baits have to immitate something in nature, must look natural, act natural, and 'fool' that smart old muskie. Yup,best to make the lure look like a wounded minnow, that'll trick 'em, cause that smart old muskie to eat that lure just near immediately! Gotta be always smart, one step ahaead of that smart old fish, or success will evade even the most pure at heart.

Did I tell you waves on the water make the wind blow yet?
Posted 2/23/2005 6:18 PM (#136303 - in reply to #136256)
Subject: RE: waves make the wind blow

Posts: 600

Location: West Bend, WI
Thx,Steve..Know I'm really confused! lol
Posted 2/23/2005 10:57 PM (#136337 - in reply to #136303)
Subject: RE: waves make the wind blow

Having seen a presentation from you before and then seeing your post. I get the "waves on the water" thing now. Good point. dumb as stumps, rocks, bottle caps. etc
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